“Acquisition of equipment in the field of technology – it mobile, namely tablets, equipment and devices necessary for teaching activities for pupils and teachers in pre-university education, Tintesti Commune, Buzau County” (Q3100043): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 21:22, 9 October 2021

Project Q3100043 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
“Acquisition of equipment in the field of technology – it mobile, namely tablets, equipment and devices necessary for teaching activities for pupils and teachers in pre-university education, Tintesti Commune, Buzau County”
Project Q3100043 in Romania


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    599,240.62 Romanian Leu
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    119,848.12400000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    704,988.96 Romanian Leu
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    140,997.792 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    19 July 2021
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    18 March 2022
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    45°4'31.69"N, 26°52'50.09"E
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    Scopul proiectului propus de noi este in deplina concordanta cu scopul prezentului program si cu prevederile ORDONANEI DE URGENĂ nr. 144 din 24 august 2020 privind unele măsuri pentru alocarea de fonduri externe nerambursabile necesare desfăşurării în condiţii de prevenţie a activităţilor didactice aferente anului şcolar 2020/2021 în contextul riscului de infecţie cu coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 si vizează interesul strategic naţional, acela de a asigura în bune condiţii desfăşurarea activităţilor didactice în anul şcolar 2020-2021, respectiv de a asigura desfăşurarea în bune condiţii a serviciului public de educaţie prin dotarea elevilor din unităţile de învăţământ preuniversitar de stat din ciclul gimnazial cu echipamente mobile IT de tipul tabletelor pentru uz şcolar şi a altor echipamente/dispozitive electronice necesare desfăşurării activităţii didactice în mediu online astfel încât orele de pregătire din timpul activităţilor didactice să se poată desfăşura on-line in conditii optime pentru a evita contactul direct al elevilor cu profesorii şi cu ceilalţi elevi, precum şi pentru a preveni riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-Cov-2 fapt care ar pune în pericol desfăşurarea în condiţii normale a tuturor activităţilor didactice necesare procesului de învăţământ. Tehnologia digitala ce se va achizitiona in cadrul acestui proiect, adica tablete pentru elevi pe de o parte si echipamente IT conform specificatiilor din ghidul soliciantului ce vor dota clasele vor facilita în bună măsură continuarea activităţilor didactice la distanţă, în perioada suspendării cursurilor. Prin implementarea acestui proiect se va asigura o infrastructura tehnologica decenta la nivelul cadrelor didactice, dar mai ales la nivelul elevilor, ce vor dobandi abilitare consistentă în zona competenţelor digitale, cu acces la platforme online dedicate, de tipul Virtual Learning Environment sau Virtual Classroom, cu resurse didactice digitale şi multimedia optime. Experienţele, pozitive sau negative, dobândite în acest răstimp reprezintă resurse valoroase pentru cei direct implicaţi în activitate. Prin implementarea proiectului pe care il vom descrie in cele ce urmeaza vom face posibila desfăşurarea activităţii didactice în comunităţi dezavantajate în care cadrele didactice şi elevii au acces limitat la tehnologie. In primul rand din cauza lipsei sursei de finantare. In concluzie dotarea elevilor cu echipamente mobile din domeniul tehnologiei informaţiei de tipul tabletelor şcolare precum şi a altor echipamente/dispozitive electronice necesare desfăşurării activităţii didactice în mediu on-line va asigura în bune condiţii desfăşurarea activităţilor didactice în anul şcolar 2020-2021. (Romanian)
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    The purpose of the project proposed by us is fully consistent with the purpose of this program and with the provisions of the Emergency Ordinance no. 144 of 24 August 2020 on some measures for the allocation of non-reimbursable external funds necessary for the preventive conduct of the teaching activities for the school year 2020/2021 in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection risk and concerns the national strategic interest, that is to ensure in good conditions the performance of teaching activities in the school year 2020-2021, and to ensure the proper conduct of the public education service for the normal educational activities by equipping students in the state pre-university educational establishments in the secondary school with the optimal IT mobile equipment such as teachers for school use and other equipment, such as the carrying out of the normal education service by equipping students from the state pre-university educational establishments in the secondary school with the optimal IT mobile equipment such as teachers for school use and other equipment such that the teaching activities can be carried out in good conditions for the students in order to carry out the normal educational activities in order to equip students in the state pre-university educational establishments with the optimal IT mobile equipment such as tablets for school use and other equipment such as teachers‘activities in order to carry out the necessary teaching activities in order to carry out the normal teaching activities in order to provide the students in the state pre-university education units in the secondary school with the optimal IT equipment such as teachers for school use and other equipment for carrying out the necessary teaching activities in order to carry out the normal teaching activities in order to the students in the state pre-university education in the secondary school cycle with mobile IT equipments such as teachers for school use and other equipments in order to carry out on-line teaching activities in order to carry out the normal education services in order to the students in the state pre-university education units in the secondary school cycle with the optimal IT mobile equipment of the teachers for school use and of other equipments/devices in order to carry out on-line teaching activities in order to carry out the necessary teaching activities in the state pre-university educational establishments in the secondary school cycle with the optimal IT mobile equipment such as teachers for school use and other equipment for carrying out the teaching activities in order to carry out the public education service in order to carry out the normal teaching activities in the state pre-university educational establishments in the secondary school with the optimal IT mobile equipment such as teachers for school use and other equipment such that the students can carry out the necessary online teaching activities in order to carry out the normal teaching activities in order to the students in the state pre-university education in the secondary school with mobile IT equipment such as teachers for school use and other equipment such that the students can carry out the necessary online teaching activities in order to carry out the necessary time in the teaching environment for the students in the state pre-university educational establishments in the secondary school with the optimal IT mobile equipment such as tablets for school use and other equipment such as teachers’ activities in order to carry out the online activities in order to carry out the necessary teaching activities in the field of the students in the state pre-universities school in the secondary school with mobile IT equipment such as tablets for school use and other equipment such that the students are able to carry out the The digital technology that will be purchased within this project, i.e. tablets for students on the one hand and IT equipment according to the specifications of the applicant’s guide that will equip the classes, will greatly facilitate the continuation of the teaching activities at a distance, during the suspension of the courses. The implementation of this project will ensure a decent technological infrastructure at the level of teachers, but especially at the level of students, which will acquire consistent empowerment in the area of digital competences, with access to dedicated online platforms such as Virtual Learning Environment or Virtual Classroom, with optimal digital and multimedia learning resources. Positive or negative experiences gained during this time represent valuable resources for those directly involved in the activity. By implementing the project that we will describe in the following we will make it possible to carry out the teaching activity in disadvantaged communities where teachers and students have limited access to technology. First of all, because of the lack of funding. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Ţinteşti, Romania
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