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Revision as of 20:49, 9 October 2021
Project Q3098358 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Postgraduate Training Program in Health Economy [HEALTHESIS] |
Project Q3098358 in Romania |
12,214,208.4 Romanian Leu
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14,465,754.19 Romanian Leu
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84.44 percent
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[OG] OBIECTIVUL GENERAL AL PROIECTULUI este dezvoltarea in premiera in Romania a unui program postuniversitar in domeniul economiei sanatatii care sa raspunda necesitatilor prezente de formare a specialistilor si decidentilor din domeniul sanatatii, program care sa constituie baza introducerii principiilor de cost-eficienta in interventiile din domeniul sanatatii prin crearea unui sistem de indicatori de performanta pentru activitatile din sistemul medical. Implementarea prezentului proiect va conduce la imbunatatirea competentelor specialistilor din domeniul educational universitar si domeniul medical in utilizarea de tehnici moderne de evaluare economica, management si statistica aplicata in domeniul sanatatii ce sunt in prezent utilizate la scara larga in cadrul programelor postuniversitare cu specific de Health-Economics in alte state ale Uniunii Europene sau Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii. Efectele pozitive socio-economice ale realizarii proiectului sunt multiple si pot fi grupate pe urmatoarele directii: EF-1. Profesionalizarea corpului de specialisti (nemendical si medical) implicat in sistemul de sanatate in domeniul economiei sanatatii, un domeniu de interes in care astazi nu exista cursuri/ master, care va genera o noua viziune asupra strategiei de dezvoltare a sistemului de sanatate – blocata intr-un sistem de reguli care nu mai face fata cerintelor actuale. Intrucat in sectorul sanatatii, factorii de decizie se confrunta in mod regulat cu provocarea alocarii resurselor finite intr-un mod optim. Evaluarea economica (sau analiza cost-eficienta) va fi utilizata pentru a oficializa procesul de luare a deciziilor prin estimarea costurilor si beneficiilor asteptate din scenarii sau interventii alternative. Factorii de decizie vor putea utiliza dovezi din evaluarile economice pentru a face recomandari specifice pentru acoperirea, rambursarea si deciziile de stabilire a preturilor pentru o varietate de interventii in domeniul sanatatii si pentru a defini cele mai bune practici. Prin profesionalizarea specialistilor se va imbunatati astfel capacitatea de elaborare si implementare a politicilor de sanatate bazate pe dovezi si promovarea unui management mai performant al sistemului de sanatate la nivel national, cresterea capacitatii de analiza si prognoza, de planificare si management strategic in sustinerea [OS 5.1.] Intarirea capacitatiii administrative la nivel national, regional si local si comunicarea schimbarii din STRATEGIA NATIONALA DE SANATATE 2014-2020 asumata de Guvernul Romaniei. EF-2. Elaborarea unor metode de expertiza standardizate care sa permita o abordare comparativa a analizei dezvoltarii finantarii asistentei medicale, atat in teorie, cat si in practica, cu accent pe evaluarea critica a optiunilor si problemelor actuale. Pentru maximizarea beneficiilor se va acorda o atentie deosebita functiilor finantarii sanatatii, modalitatilor de colectare a veniturilor, achizitionarea de servicii, precum si pe optiunile (Romanian)
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[OG] The GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT is the first development in Romania of a postgraduate program in the field of health economy that meets the current needs of training specialists and decision-makers in the field of health, which is the basis for the introduction of cost-effective principles in health interventions by creating a system of performance indicators for the activities of the medical system. The implementation of this project will lead to the improvement of the competencies of specialists in the field of university education and medical field in the use of modern techniques of economic evaluation, management and statistics applied in the field of health that are currently widely used in the postgraduate programs with specific Health-Economics in other states of the European Union or the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The socio-economic positive effects of project implementation are multiple and can be grouped on the following directions: EF-1. Professionalisation of the body of specialists (non-mendical and medical) involved in the health system in the field of health economy, an area of interest in which there are no courses/masters today, which will generate a new vision on the health system development strategy – stuck in a system of rules that no longer meets current requirements. As in the health sector, policy makers regularly face the challenge of allocating finite resources in an optimal way. Economic evaluation (or cost-effective analysis) will be used to formalise the decision-making process by estimating the expected costs and benefits from alternative scenarios or interventions. Policy makers will be able to use evidence from economic assessments to make specific recommendations for coverage, reimbursement and pricing decisions for a variety of health interventions and to define best practices. Professionalisation of specialists will improve the capacity to develop and implement evidence-based health policies and promote a more efficient management of the health system at national level, increase the capacity for analysis and forecasting, planning and strategic management in support of [OS 5.1.] Strengthening administrative capacity at national, regional and local level and communicating the change in the NATIONAL SANATY STRATEGY 2014-2020 assumed by the Romanian Government. EF-2. Development of standardised expertise methods that allow a comparative approach to the analysis of the development of healthcare funding, both in theory and in practice, with a focus on critical assessment of current options and problems. In order to maximise benefits, special attention will be paid to the functions of financing health, ways of collecting revenue, purchasing services, as well as on options (English)
16 September 2021
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