Be an entrepreneur in your community in the Center Region (Q3098318): Difference between revisions

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Project Q3098318 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Be an entrepreneur in your community in the Center Region
Project Q3098318 in Romania


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    7,381,735.555 Romanian Leu
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    1,476,347.111 Euro
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    8,715,467.17 Romanian Leu
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    46°4'7.46"N, 23°34'13.58"E
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    Obiectivul general al pr este cresterea gradului de ocupare prin crearea si ocuparea a 76 de noi locuri de mc in urma infiint a 38 de noi intrep cu profil nonagricol in zonele urbane aferente judetelor din Reg Centru (Alba(AB), BV (BV), Covasna (CV), Harghita (HR), MS (MS) si Sibiu (SB)). Proiectul propune o abordare integrata si direct orientata spre nevoile comunitatii prin incurajarea antreprenului si a ocuparii pe cont propriu prin sustinerea infiint de intrep cu profil nonagricol in zona urbana de catre perslor fizice (de ex., someri, pers inactive, pers care au un loc de mc si infiinteaza o afacere in scopul crearii de noi locuri de munca) asigurand dobandirea de abilitati antrepren si resursele financiare necesare inceperii afacerii. Pornind de la Obiectivul specific al prezentului apel – 3.7. Cresterea ocuparii prin sustinerea intreplor cu profil nonagricol din zona urbana, obiectivul general al pr este concentrat asupra infiint de microintrep cu profil nonagricol in zona urbana, premiza de baza pt dezva durabila a reg . Reg Centru a fost selectata pt implem pr pornind de la Planul de dezv rega a Reg Centru pt perioada 2014-2020 (disponibil pe site-ul, in care analiza SWOT efectuata a furnizat informatia cf careia in aceasta regiune a crescut proportia perslor ocupate care au absolvit institutii de invatamant superior, niv veniturilor este cu putin peste niv nat, ceea ce poate favoriza interesul viitorilor antreprenori in a-si deschide afaceri in aceasta regiune. Totodata, din analiza realizata de solicitant, pe baza inf din sondajul efectuat efectuat online, in perioada 28.09 – 27.10.2016, sondaj realizat pe un esantion de 669 pers, a reiesit ca 98,8 % din pers care au raspuns, vor sa-si deschida o afacere. Peste 78% dintre cei care au raspuns vor sa angajeze mai mult de doua pers in cadrul afacerilor pe care le vor deschide in unul din urm domenii: prestari serv (18.1%), comert (16.4%), alimentatie publica (12.4%), industrii creative (10.4%), IT (7.6%), turism (6.9%), sanatate (6.4%), industrie (5.7%) etc.In principal, profilul celor care au raspuns este urmatorul: angajati (56%), pers inactive (14,3%), someri (5,5%), cu varsta intre 25-40 de ani (53,5%) si 41- 55 ani (27,1%), avand studii universitare (37.6%), posuniversitare (17,3%) si liceale (28,6%). Obiectivul general al pr contribuie la indeplinirea Obiectivul tematic 8: Promovarea unor locuri de mc durabile si de calitate si sprijinirea mobilitatii lucratorilor, a Prioritatii de investitii 8. iii Activitati independente, antreprenoriat si infiintare de intrep, inclusiv a unor microintrep si a unor intrep mici si mijlocii inovatoare, generand efecte pozitive pe termen lung, care se pot cuantifica pe 3 nivele: 1) La niv GT: · Somerii/pers inactive se vor reintegra pe piata muncii, vor deveni in timp independente financiar, aducatoare de venituri la bugetul de stat, cu o stima de sine crescuta; · costurile individuale, precum pierderea sursei de (Romanian)
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    The general objective is to increase the employment rate by creating and occupying 76 new places of cubic meters following the establishment of 38 new non-agricultural participants in urban areas related to the counties of Reg Centru (Alba(AB), BV (BV), Covasna (CV), Harghita (HR), MS (MS) and Sibiu (SB)). The project proposes an integrated and directly oriented approach to the needs of the community by encouraging entrepreneurs and self-employment by supporting the establishment of non-agricultural staff in the urban area by physical persons (e.g. unemployed, inactive, pers. who have a place of work and set up a business in order to create new jobs) ensuring the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills and the financial resources needed to start the business. Starting from the specific objective of this call – 3.7. Increasing the occupation by supporting the non-agricultural groups in the urban area, the general objective of the project is focused on the establishment of non-agricultural micro inners in the urban area, the basic premise for the sustainable disclosure of the regulation. Reg Centru was selected for the implemm pr starting from the Reg Centre’s plan for 2014-2020 (available on the website, in which the SWOT analysis provided the information that in this region has increased the proportion of occupied persons who have graduated from higher education institutions, income is slightly above the niv, which can foster the interest of future entrepreneurs in opening their businesses in this region. At the same time, from the analysis carried out by the applicant, based on inf from the survey carried out online, between 28.09 and 27.10.2016, survey carried out on a sample of 669 pers., showed that 98.8 % of the pers who responded, want to start a business. Over 78 % of those who responded want to employ more than two people in the business that they will open in one of the following areas: services (18.1 %), commerce (16.4 %), public nutrition (12.4 %), creative industries (10.4 %), IT (7.6 %), tourism (6.9 %), health (6.4 %), industry (5.7 %) etc. Mainly, the profile of those who responded is the following: employees (56 %), inactive (14.3 %), unemployed (5.5 %), aged between 25-40 years (53.5 %) and 41-55 years (27.1 %), having university studies (37.6 %), graduates (17.3 %) and high school (28.6 %). The general objective of the Member State contributes to the achievement of Thematic Objective 8: Promoting sustainable and quality places and supporting workers’ mobility, investment priority 8. iii Independent activities, entrepreneurship and start-up, including micro and innovative small and medium ranges, generating positive long-term effects, which can be quantified on 3 levels: 1) At niv GT: · Inactive unemployed/persons will re-enter the labour market, become financially independent, generating income to the state budget, with increased self-esteem; · individual costs, such as loss of source of (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Miercurea Sibiului, Romania
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    Oraş Dumbrăveni, Romania
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    Oraş Avrig, Romania
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    Oraş Agnita, Romania
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    Municipiul Sibiu, Romania
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    Municipiul Mediaş, Romania
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    Oraş Ungheni, Romania
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    Oraş Sărmaşu, Romania
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    Oraş Miercurea Nirajului, Romania
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    Oraş Luduş, Romania
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    Oraş Iernut, Romania
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    Oraş Vlăhiţa, Romania
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    Oraş Cristuru Secuiesc, Romania
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    Oraş Bălan, Romania
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    Oraş Băile Tuşnad, Romania
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    Oraş Borsec, Romania
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    Municipiul Topliţa, Romania
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    Municipiul Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania
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    Municipiul Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
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    Municipiul Gheorgheni, Romania
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    Municipiul Târnăveni, Romania
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    Municipiul Târgu Mureş, Romania
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    Municipiul Sighişoara, Romania
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    Municipiul Reghin, Romania
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    Oraş Întorsura Buzăului, Romania
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    Oraş Covasna, Romania
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    Oraş Baraolt, Romania
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    Municipiul Târgu Secuiesc, Romania
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    Municipiul Sfântul Gheorghe, Romania
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    Oraş Zărneşti, Romania
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    Oraş Victoria, Romania
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    Oraş Râşnov, Romania
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    Oraş Rupea, Romania
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    Oraş Predeal, Romania
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    Oraş Ghimbav, Romania
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    Municipiul Săcele, Romania
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    Municipiul Făgăraş, Romania
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    Municipiul Codlea, Romania
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    Municipiul Braşov, Romania
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    Oraş Zlatna, Romania
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    Oraş Teiuş, Romania
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    Oraş Ocna Mureş, Romania
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    Oraş Câmpeni, Romania
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    Oraş Cugir, Romania
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    Oraş Baia de Arieş, Romania
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    Oraş Abrud, Romania
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    Municipiul Sebeş, Romania
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    Municipiul Blaj, Romania
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    Municipiul Alba Iulia, Romania
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