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Revision as of 15:48, 9 October 2021
Project Q3096167 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Young people have priority on the public agenda! |
Project Q3096167 in Romania |
763,944.7042 Romanian Leu
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152,788.94084000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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928,196.68 Romanian Leu
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82.3 percent
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23 May 2018
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23 September 2019
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Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in dezvoltarea și introducerea de politici, sisteme și standarde comune alternative în administrația publică ce optimizeaza procesele decizionale din domeniul tineretului, cu accent pe ucenicie, in concordanta cu SCAP, pe o perioada de 16 luni. OG-ul proiectului vizeaza formularea de alternative cu privire la Legea Uceniciei (Legea 279/2005) Problema centrala abordata in cadrul obiectivului general se refera la capacitatea scazuta a organizatiilor si a partenerilor sociali din domeniul tineretului de a formula si promova alternative la Legea Uceniciei lipsindu-le instrumentele necesare pentru realizarea acestui lucru, putandu-se vorbi chiar de cvasi-inexistenta acestora in procesul decizional. Beneficiile durabile pentru membrii GT-ului in urma implementarii proiectului sunt urmatoarele: -oportunitatea de a se dezvolta din punct de vedere profesional si institutional, prin asigurarea conditiilor pentru dezvoltarea abilitatilor si dobandirea competentelor necesare in vederea formularii si promovarii de politici publice; -oportunitatea de a pune in practica cunostintele dobandite in cadrul proiectului prin dezvoltarea unei propuneri de politici publice alternative; -oportunitatea de a-si exprima opiniile, parererile si pozitiile in cadrul consultarilor publice; -un nivel de adaptabilitate mai crescut la provocarile si cerintele viitoare, o atitudine pozitiva privind implicarea in formularea de politici publice; -oportunitatea de a se implica in imbunatatirea cadrului legislativ, in baza experientei profesionale dobandite din domeniul lor de activitate. Corespondenta proiectului cu obiectivul specific si rezultatul asteptat si indicatorii de program Obiectivul general al proiectului contribuie la OBIECTIVUL SPECIFIC 1.1 si anume dezvoltarea si introducerea de sisteme si standarde comune in administratia publica ce optimizeaza procesele decizionale orientate catre cetateni si mediul ONG-urilor prin promovarea unui sistem de co-participare in vederea elaborarii unei politici publice alternative la Legea Uceniciei. Mai mult, OG-ul proiectului contribuie la atingerea celor 2 Rezultate asteptate ale POCA si anume: R10 si R11 prin sprijinirea unui numar de 40 de ONG-uri si 1 partener social in imbunatatirea capacitatii de a formula si promova propuneri alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern prin sesiuni de informare, instruire si campanii de advocacy si prin implicarea unui numar de 72 reprezentanti ai ONG-urilor si ai partenerilor sociali in activitati de instruire/formare. Obiectivul general al proiectului contribuie si la obiectivele tematice POCA astfel: -prin stimularea unui dialog si prin initierea de dezbateri cointeresate se urmareste imbunatatirea potentialului inovativ al administratiei publice centrale, unul dintre scopurile proiectului fiind si acela de a sprijini si sustine pentru a realiza parteneriate care sa identifice solutii inovative la problemele sociale, fiind ast (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to develop and introduce alternative common policies, systems and standards in public administration that optimise decision-making processes in the youth field, with an emphasis on apprenticeships, in accordance with SCAP, over a period of 16 months. The GO of the project aims at formulating alternatives to the Law of Apprenticeship (Law 279/2005) The central issue addressed within the general objective refers to the low capacity of organisations and social partners in the youth field to formulate and promote alternatives to the Apprenticeship Law, lacking the necessary tools to achieve this, even the almost non-existent of them in the decision-making process. The sustainable benefits for GT members following the implementation of the project are the following: opportunity to develop from a professional and institutional point of view, by providing the conditions for the development of skills and acquiring the necessary skills in order to formulate and promote public policies; — the opportunity to put the knowledge acquired within the project into practice by developing an alternative public policy proposal; opportunity to express their views, opinions and positions in public consultations; a higher level of adaptability to future challenges and requirements, a positive attitude regarding involvement in public policy formulation; — the opportunity to get involved in improving the legislative framework, based on the professional experience gained in their field of activity. The general objective of the project contributes to the SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1, namely the development and introduction of common systems and standards in the public administration that optimise the decision-making processes oriented towards citizens and the NGO environment by promoting a co-participation system in order to develop an alternative public policy to the Law on Apprenticeship. Moreover, the GO of the project contributes to achieving the 2 expected results of POCA, namely: R10 and R11 by supporting 40 NGOs and 1 social partner in improving the capacity to formulate and promote alternative proposals to public policies initiated by the Government through information sessions, training and advocacy campaigns and by involving 72 representatives of NGOs and social partners in training/training activities. The general objective of the project also contributes to POCA thematic objectives as follows: — by stimulating a dialogue and initiating co-interested debates, the aim is to improve the innovative potential of the central public administration, one of the goals of the project being to support and support to create partnerships that identify innovative solutions to social problems, being this (English)
14 September 2021
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