Integrated activities and measures of educational assistance, professional counselling and mentoring, i.e. financial support for increasing participation in tertiary education in the South-Muntenia region in conditions of non-discrimination and social fairness (ACTIVE PRO-UPIT) (Q3097582): Difference between revisions
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Project Q3097582 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Integrated activities and measures of educational assistance, professional counselling and mentoring, i.e. financial support for increasing participation in tertiary education in the South-Muntenia region in conditions of non-discrimination and social fairness (ACTIVE PRO-UPIT) |
Project Q3097582 in Romania |
4,099,311.28 Romanian Leu
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4,822,719.03 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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2 March 2020
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1 March 2022
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OG al proiectului este: Dezvoltarea si implementarea de activitati integrate care sa conduca la cresterea accesului si participarii la invatamantul tertiar universitar in Regiunea Sud-Muntenia prin dezvoltarea competentelor si abilitatilor didactice necesare educatiei antreprenoriale ale personalului didactic universitar,prin asistenta educationala, consiliere antreprenoriala si sprijin financiar pentru studenti, prin mentorat in alegerea unui traseu educational si a unei oferte educationale pentru elevi, respectiv prin dezvoltarea ofertei educationale universitare in concordanta cu cerintele pietei muncii in cadrul programelor de studii din domeniile prioritare ale Strategiei Nationale de Competitivitate (SNC) 2014-2020, respectiv in domeniile de specializare inteligenta, prevazute in Strategia Nationala de Cercetare, Dezvoltare si Inovare (SNCDI) 2014-2020. Obiectivul general al proiectului se inscrie in obiectivul major al Programul Operational Capital Uman (POCU) 2014-2020, contribuind la dezvoltarea resurselor umane din regiunea Sud-Muntenia si Regiunile Sud – Vest Oltenia (Olt,Dolj,Gorj,Valcea) și Regiunea Centru (Brasov,Sibiu) prin formarea competentelor si abilitatilor didactice necesare educatiei antreprenoriale pentru un numar de 75 cadre didactice universitare si a competentelor antreprenoriale pentru un numar de 400 de studenti inmatriculati la 20 programe de studii de licenta in cadrul universitatii solicitante care au fost selectate conform domeniilor prioritare ale Strategiei Nationale de Competitivitate (SNC) 2014-2020, respectiv in concordanta cu domeniile de specializare inteligenta, prevazute in Strategia Nationala de Cercetare, Dezvoltare si Inovare (SNCDI) 2014-2020. In acest fel, obiectivul general al proiectului raspunde obiectivelor specifice definite pentru Axa prioritara nr. 6 - Educatie si competente, precum si Prioritatii de investitii – 10.ii. Imbunatatirea calitatii, eficientei si accesul la invatamantul tertiar si a celui echivalent in vederea cresterii participarii si a nivelului de educatie, in special pentru grupurile defavorizate. Prin dezvoltarea competentelor pentru fiecare categorie de grup tinta se urmareste scaderea abandonului scolar mai ales in randul studentilor care provin din grupurile vulnerabile, care sunt expusi abandonului scolar, dar si o insertie rapida a acestora pe piata muncii. Conform Aliantei Nationale a Organizatiilor Studentesti din Romania (ANOSR) media abandonului scolar pentru programele de studii cu o durata de 3 sau 4 ani, este de 35,68%. Una dintre principalele cauze ale abandonului scolar se afla in ciclul anterior, la liceu, unde elevii nu au acces la consiliere si orientare de specialitate pentru alegerea unei traseu educational in concordanta cu interesele, aptitudinile si abilitatile personale. Pe de alta parte, o cauza importanta a abandonului scolar la nivelul studiilor universitare este generata de problemele materiale cu care unii studentii se confrunta. Conform Ra (Romanian)
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The GO of the project is: Development and implementation of integrated activities leading to increased access to and participation in third-party university education in the South-Muntenia Region by developing the competences and teaching skills needed for the entrepreneurial education of university teaching staff, through educational assistance, entrepreneurial counseling and financial support for students, through mentoring in choosing an educational path and educational offer for students, respectively by developing the university educational offer in accordance with the requirements of the labor market within the study programs in the priority areas of the National Competitiveness Strategy (NCS) 2014-2020, that is, in the fields of intelligent specialisation, set out in the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation (SNCDI) 2014-2020. The general objective of the project is part of the main objective of the Human Capital Operational Programme (POCU) 2014-2020, contributing to the development of human resources in the South-Muntenia region and the regions South – West Oltenia (Olt, Dolj, Gorj, Valcea) and the Center Region (Brasov, Sibiu) by training the competences and teaching abilities needed for the entrepreneurial education for a number of 75 academic staff and entrepreneurial competences for a number of 400 students registered at 20 bachelor studies programs within the applicant university that were selected according to the priority areas of the National Competitiveness Strategy (SNC) 2014-2020, that is, in accordance with the fields of intelligent specialisation, set out in the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation (SNCDI) 2014-2020. In this way, the general objective of the project responds to the specific objectives defined for Priority Axis no. 6 – Education and Competences, as well as Investment Priority – 10.ii. Improving quality, efficiency and access to third and equivalent education in order to increase participation and level of education, especially for disadvantaged groups. By developing the skills for each target group category, the aim is to decrease the school dropout, especially among students coming from vulnerable groups, who are exposed to school abandonment, but also a quick insertion of them into the labour market. According to the National Alliance of Student Organisations in Romania (ANOSR) the average school dropout for study programs with a duration of 3 or 4 years is 35.68 %. One of the main causes of school dropout is in the previous cycle, in high school, where students do not have access to specialised counseling and guidance for choosing an educational path in accordance with their interests, skills and personal abilities. On the other hand, an important cause of school drop-out at university level is generated by the material problems that some students face. According to Ra (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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Judeţul Vâlcea, Romania
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Judeţul Olt, Romania
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Judeţul Gorj, Romania
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Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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