The Academy of Auto Managers in West and North-West Regions (Q3096148): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 07:48, 9 October 2021

Project Q3096148 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
The Academy of Auto Managers in West and North-West Regions
Project Q3096148 in Romania


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    3,270,784.176 Romanian Leu
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    654,156.8352000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,050,513.21 Romanian Leu
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    810,102.642 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    80.75 percent
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    21 May 2018
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    20 June 2019
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    46°9'39.78"N, 21°16'55.13"E
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    47°39'23.62"N, 23°34'19.13"E
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    47°7'57.72"N, 24°29'47.00"E
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    46°46'9.77"N, 23°35'23.82"E
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    47°3'17.71"N, 21°55'42.67"E
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    47°47'21.05"N, 22°52'21.22"E
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    45°45'13.82"N, 21°13'32.70"E
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    47°10'35.36"N, 23°4'15.85"E
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    45°51'19.84"N, 22°55'3.68"E
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    45°17'20.44"N, 21°53'15.97"E
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    Dezvoltarea sustenabila a companiilor active in domeniul auto din regiunile Vest si Nord-Vest prin cresterea calitatii fortei de munca - generata de dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale ale antreprenorilor, managerilor si angajatilor cu responsabilitati de management si prin implementarea de sisteme inovatoare de gestiune a afacerii, pentru a face fata provocarilor celui mai dinamic domeniu economic – domeniul auto. Service-urile auto, distribuitorii de piese si componente, dar si alte tipuri de intreprinderi care desfasoara activitati conexe in domeniul auto sunt expuse in zilele noastre la o avalansa de informatii generate de evolutiile tehnologice extrem de dinamice in domeniu. Astfel, intreprinderile mici si medii care activeaza in domeniu (service-uri auto independente, puncte de vanzare de piese si componente) se confrunta cu o nevoie de formare aplicata pe domeniul auto, pentru a intelege provocarile momentului si pentru a rezista pe piata in contextul dinamicii acestei industrii. Antreprenorii, managerii si angajatii cu responsabilitati de management ai companiilor din domeniul auto vor beneficia de activitati de informare si constientizare (evenimente, focus grupuri/workshop-uri) pentru a constientiza nevoia implementarii de activitati de formare continua pentru angajati, astfel incat acestia sa isi actualizeze informatiile tehnice si sa isi dezvolte competente digitale pentru a putea utiliza instrumentele de diagnoza moderne, care sunt computerizate si au devenit indispensabile in zilele noastre. Conform prognozelor expertilor internationali in domeniu, ponderea sistemelor electronice incorporate in autovehiculele zilelor noastre va deveni din ce in ce mai mare, iar autovehiculele clasice vor fi inlocuite de cele hibrid si electrice in urmatoarele decade. Proiectul are ca efect pe termen lung dezvoltarea a minimum 200 de IMM-uri din domeniul auto care vor contribui la cresterea economica a regiunii in care se implementeaza proiectul si vor genera noi locuri de munca in regiune; Dezvoltarea culturii antreprenoriala in randul a minimum 502 manageri, ceea ce va aduce valoare adaugata IMM-urilor sprijinite in cadrul proiectului; Va contribui la dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenorilor, managerilor si angajatilor cu atributii de management, oferindu-le instrumente moderne pentru a face fata la dinamica industriei auto. Obiectivul general al proiectului este complementar cu Obiectivul Tematic 8 POCU – Prioritatea de investitii 8.v: „Adaptarea lucratorilor, intreprinderilor si antreprenorilor la schimbare” – Obiectivul Specific 3.8 al prezentului apel de propuneri proiecte: Cresterea numarului de angajati care beneficiaza de instrumente, metode, practici, etc, standard de management al resurselor umane si de conditii de lucru imbunatatite in vederea adaptarii activitatii la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potential competitiv”. (Romanian)
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    Sustainable development of companies active in the automotive sector in the West and North-West regions by increasing the quality of the workforce – generated by the development of the professional skills of entrepreneurs, managers and employees with management responsibilities and by implementing innovative business management systems, in order to cope with the challenges of the most dynamic economic field – the automotive field. Automotive services, parts and components distributors, as well as other types of enterprises that carry out related activities in the automotive field are currently exposed to an avalanance of information generated by highly dynamic technological developments in the field. Thus, small and medium enterprises operating in the field (independent auto services, parts and components sales points) are faced with a need for training applied to the automotive field, in order to understand the challenges of the moment and to resist the market in the context of the dynamics of this industry. Entrepreneurs, managers and employees with management responsibilities of automotive companies will benefit from information and awareness activities (events, focus groups/workshops) to realise the need to implement continuous training activities for employees, so that they update their technical information and develop digital skills in order to use modern diagnostic tools, which are computerised and have become indispensable nowadays. According to the forecasts of international experts in the field, the share of electronic systems incorporated in today’s vehicles will become bigger and the classic cars will be replaced by hybrid and electric vehicles in the coming decades. The project has the long-term effect of developing a minimum of 200 automotive SMEs that will contribute to the economic growth of the region where the project is implemented and will generate new jobs in the region; Developing entrepreneurial culture among at least 502 managers, which will bring added value to SMEs supported within the project; It will contribute to the development of the competencies of entrepreneurs, managers and employees with management responsibilities, providing them with modern tools to cope with the dynamics of the automotive industry. The general objective of the project is complementary to the Thematic Objective 8 POCU – Investment Priority 8.v: “Adaptation of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change” – Specific objective 3.8 of this call for proposals: Increasing the number of employees benefiting from tools, methods, practices, etc., human resources management standard and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential”. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Oradea, Romania
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    Municipiul Timişoara, Romania
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    Municipiul Deva, Romania
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    Municipiul Reşiţa, Romania
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    Municipiul Arad, Romania
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    Municipiul Zalău, Romania
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    Municipiul Satu Mare, Romania
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    Municipiul Baia Mare, Romania
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    Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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    Municipiul Bistriţa, Romania
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