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Revision as of 01:14, 9 October 2021

Project Q3096743 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3096743 in Romania


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    9,582,655.877 Romanian Leu
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    1,916,531.1754 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    11,273,712.82 Romanian Leu
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    2,254,742.5640000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    11 December 2017
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    11 November 2020
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    44°19'8.47"N, 23°47'47.62"E
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    44°37'32.81"N, 22°39'11.52"E
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    45°6'11.41"N, 24°21'52.99"E
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    44°25'48.00"N, 24°21'47.45"E
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    45°2'32.24"N, 23°16'22.12"E
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    44°1'23.12"N, 23°20'42.04"E
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    43°59'39.48"N, 22°56'1.32"E
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    43°47'3.52"N, 23°57'26.78"E
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    43°48'2.88"N, 24°5'32.64"E
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    45°0'0.29"N, 22°48'37.58"E
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    44°37'22.94"N, 23°11'44.70"E
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    44°25'30.11"N, 22°52'16.57"E
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    44°48'3.96"N, 22°58'4.37"E
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    45°10'45.91"N, 23°22'47.14"E
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    45°10'20.75"N, 23°39'49.50"E
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    44°53'52.33"N, 23°9'47.27"E
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    44°53'0.67"N, 23°23'36.96"E
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    44°57'37.87"N, 23°30'36.79"E
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    44°40'52.54"N, 23°22'17.29"E
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    44°6'44.39"N, 24°20'46.72"E
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    44°21'2.09"N, 24°6'0.11"E
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    43°47'45.60"N, 24°28'34.64"E
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    44°10'6.49"N, 24°31'19.09"E
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    44°22'8.62"N, 24°15'32.08"E
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    44°28'28.27"N, 24°37'52.00"E
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    44°36'3.42"N, 24°32'34.48"E
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    44°31'24.78"N, 22°39'49.93"E
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    44°39'33.12"N, 24°15'51.62"E
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    45°14'12.01"N, 24°10'2.96"E
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    44°37'1.27"N, 23°56'20.22"E
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    45°20'35.77"N, 24°14'39.26"E
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    45°5'18.46"N, 24°17'47.98"E
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    44°43'24.49"N, 22°23'53.81"E
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    44°33'13.79"N, 23°31'14.02"E
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    44°5'34.98"N, 23°44'48.80"E
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    45°8'44.23"N, 23°59'26.16"E
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    44°58'31.22"N, 24°14'4.45"E
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    45°4'58.87"N, 24°10'42.85"E
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    44°59'19.93"N, 23°52'7.07"E
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    45°14'24.54"N, 24°20'28.54"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este atat sustinerea, sprijinirea, incurajarea si dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului, prin imbunatatirea si certificarea competentelor si aptitudinilor antreprenoriale a participantilor, cat si cresterea gradului de ocupare in randul a cel putin 300 de persoane (someri, persoane inactive, persoane care au un loc de munca si vor sa infiinteze o afacere in scopul crearii de noi locuri de munca), prin sustinerea infiintarii, demararii, implementarii, sprijinirii si monitorizarii unui numar de 46 de afaceri cu profil nonagricol, in zonele urbane din Regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia, prin care se vor asigura crearea unui numar minim de 92 noi locuri de munca sustenabile. Acest proiect va genera un efect pozitiv atat pe termen scurt, dar mai ales pe termen lung, atat la nivelul grupului tinta, cat si la nivel regional, in cadrul regiunii de dezvoltare Sud-Vest Oltenia, dar si la nivel local, in cadrul fiecarui judet din prezenta regiune de implementare (Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Valcea), deoarece va asigura sprijinirea, infiintarea, mentinerea si dezvoltarea a cel putin 2 afaceri in fiecare judet din regiune, inregistrand implicatii si efecte pozitive pe termen lung, chiar si la nivel national. Primul efect pozitiv, scontat si generat pe termen lung, il reprezinta cresterea gradului de imbunatatire a competentelor si aptitudinilor pentru cel putin 300 de persoane din regiunea de dezvoltare Sud-Vest Oltenia prin stimularea, sprijinirea, dobandirea notiunilor teoretice si practice antreprenoriale, precum si certificarea acestora, contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea personala si profesionala a fortei de munca la nivel local si regional, cresterea gradului de performanta, competenta si concurenta a persoanelor antreprenoare prin imbunatatirea competitivitatii si adaptabilitatii potentialilor antreprenori, in scopul cresterii competitivitatii economice si a unei dezvoltari durabile la nivel local si regional. Toate aceste efecte pozitive vor avea implicatii pozitive si asupra mediului macroeconomic. Un alt efect pozitiv pe termen lung se va inregistra in cresterea numarului de persoane specializate, cu un grad superior de competente si aptitudini antreprenoriale dobandite, din cadrul pietei muncii, generand o forta de munca bine pregatita si calificata, fiind transpus si intr-un exemplu de bune practici demn de urmat, putand fi ulterior, multiplicat cu usurinta astfel incat poate fi previzionata o crestere a dorintei persoanelor de a se indrepta catre dezvoltarea si certificarea unor competente si aptitudini antreprenoriale, favorizand dezvoltarea ocuparii pe cont propriu si a dezvoltarii mediului de afaceri local si regional, prin cultivarea si dezvoltarea unei importante si puternice culturi antreprenoriale, in randul populatiei din regiunea de dezvoltare Sud-Vest Oltenia si chiar si din restul regiunilor din intreaga tara. Proiectul, prin obiectivele, activitatile si masurile integrate propuse, implementat in Regiunea (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to support, support, encourage and develop entrepreneurship, by improving and certifying the entrepreneurial skills and competences of the participants, as well as to increase the employment rate among at least 300 people (somers, inactive persons, people who have a job and want to set up a business in order to create new jobs), by supporting the establishment, start, implement, support and monitor a number of 46 non-agricultural businesses in urban areas in the South-West Oltenia Region, which will ensure the creation of a minimum of 92 new sustainable jobs. This project will generate a positive effect both in the short term, but especially in the long term, both at the level of the target group and at regional level, within the South-West Oltenia development region, but also at the local level, within each county of the present implementation region (Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Valcea), because it will ensure the support, establishment, maintenance and development of at least 2 businesses in each county in the region, registering long-term positive implications and effects, even at national level. The first positive effect, expected and generated in the long term, is to increase the degree of improvement of competences and skills for at least 300 people in the South-West Oltenia development region by stimulating, supporting, acquiring the theoretical and practical entrepreneurial notions, as well as their certification, thus contributing to the personal and professional development of the workforce at local and regional level, increasing the degree of performance, competence and competition of entrepreneurs by improving the competitiveness and adaptability of potential entrepreneurs, in order to increase economic competitiveness and sustainable development at local and regional level. All these positive effects will also have positive implications on the macroeconomic environment. Another positive long-term effect will be recorded in increasing the number of specialised people, with a higher degree of competence and entrepreneurial skills acquired, from the labour market, generating a well-trained and qualified workforce, being translated into an example of good practices to follow, which can be easily multiplied so that an increase in people’s desire to move towards the development and certification of entrepreneurial competences and skills can be predicted, fostering the development of self-employment and the development of the local and regional business environment, through the cultivation and development of an important and strong entrepreneurial culture, among the population of the South-West Oltenia development region and even in the rest of the regions throughout the country. The project, through the proposed objectives, activities and integrated measures, implemented in the Region (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Craiova, Romania
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    Oraş Vânju Mare, Romania
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    Oraş Strehaia, Romania
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    Oraş Baia de Aramă, Romania
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    Municipiul Orşova, Romania
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    Oraş Ţicleni, Romania
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    Oraş Tîrgu Cărbuneşti, Romania
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    Oraş Turceni, Romania
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    Oraş Tismana, Romania
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    Oraş Rovinari, Romania
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    Oraş Novaci, Romania
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    Oraş Bumbeşti-Jiu, Romania
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    Municipiul Motru, Romania
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    Oraş Şegarcea, Romania
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    Oraş Filiaşi, Romania
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    Oraş Dăbuleni, Romania
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    Oraş Bechet, Romania
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    Municipiul Calafat, Romania
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    Municipiul Băileşti, Romania
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    Oraş Ocnele Mari, Romania
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    Oraş Horezu, Romania
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    Oraş Călimăneşti, Romania
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    Oraş Bălceşti, Romania
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    Oraş Băile Olăneşti, Romania
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    Oraş Băile Govora, Romania
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    Oraş Băbeni, Romania
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    Oraş Brezoi, Romania
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    Oraş Berbeşti, Romania
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    Municipiul Drăgăşani, Romania
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    Oraş Scorniceşti, Romania
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    Oraş Potcoava, Romania
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    Oraş Piatra-Olt, Romania
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    Oraş Drăgăneşti-Olt, Romania
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    Oraş Corabia, Romania
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    Oraş Balş, Romania
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    Municipiul Caracal, Romania
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    Municipiul Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
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    Municipiul Slatina, Romania
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    Municipiul Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania
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    Municipiul Târgu Jiu, Romania
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