Motivation, stability and competence – perspective of the quality of human resource formation in disadvantaged schools [MSC-EDU] (Q3096928): Difference between revisions

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Project Q3096928 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Motivation, stability and competence – perspective of the quality of human resource formation in disadvantaged schools [MSC-EDU]
Project Q3096928 in Romania


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    5,642,632.67 Romanian Leu
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    1,128,526.534 Euro
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    6,638,391.26 Romanian Leu
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    1,327,678.252 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    9 May 2018
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    8 May 2021
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    44°4'48.32"N, 26°38'7.98"E
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    46°19'46.31"N, 24°16'49.48"E
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    44°39'43.27"N, 24°52'37.24"E
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    46°57'45.04"N, 22°50'51.90"E
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    46°43'49.37"N, 24°42'25.92"E
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    46°16'16.75"N, 24°22'25.10"E
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    46°34'45.66"N, 24°22'26.18"E
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    46°7'45.88"N, 25°36'34.42"E
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    46°19'14.74"N, 24°43'43.36"E
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    44°38'3.19"N, 26°55'36.70"E
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    46°34'46.27"N, 24°4'50.77"E
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    46°21'2.12"N, 24°37'5.12"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale si transversale ale personalului didactic, personalului de sprijin si managerilor scolari la nivelul judetelor Arges, Covasna si Mures, cresterea motivatiei si a stabilitatii pe post a acestora in vederea imbunatirii calitatii educatiei, prevenirii si reducerii fenomenului de parasire timpurie a scolii. Obiectivul general proiectului este in acord cu prevederile apelului de proiecte 5 Programul Operational Capital Uman, Axa prioritara 6, Prioritatea de investitii 10(i), Obiectiv Specific 6.6. Obiectivul general proiectului este operationalizat prin atingerea obiectivelor specifice ale acestuia. Obiectivul general este cuantificat si corelat cu indicatorii proiectului. Efectul pozitiv generat prin atingerea obiectivului general al proiectului consta in echiparea cadrelor didactice, a personalului de sprijin si managerilor scolari cu seturi de competente cognitive, practic-actionale si afectiv-atitudinale necesare optimizarii procesului educational si managerial astfel incat in aceste scoli sa fie atrase/mentinute cadre didactice calificate care sa asigure incluziunea scolara si sustenabilitatea interventiilor de crestere a calitatii educatiei. Eficacitatea interventiilor asupra membrilor grupului tinta formati prin proiect se va fi regasi la nivelul cresterii motivatiei profesorilor, imbunatatirii vizibile a rezultatelor elevilor, reducerii parasirii timpurii a scolii si crearii unei scoli incluzive. Proiectul se adreseaza unui grup tinta format din 400 membri, dintre care 375 personal didactic si de sprijin si 25 manageri scolari. Proiectul se implementeaza in 15 unitati scolare din regiunea Centru – judetele Covasna si Mures si din regiunea Sud-Muntenia – judetul Arges, dintre care 2 sunt unitati de invatamant special, 3 unitati - gradinite, 2 unitati - scoli si 8 unitati care cuprind si scoli si gradinite. Toate aceste unitati scolare sunt eligibile, fiind cuprinse in lista scolilor tinta in care pot fi implementate proiectele din acest apel de proiecte, sunt unitati scolare defavorizate, iar prin indeplinirea obiectivelor prevazute in proiectul propus se contribuie la atingerea obiectivului POCU axa 6, obiectivul specific 6.6: “Imbunatatirea competențelor personalului didactic din invatamantul preuniversitar in vederea promovarii unor servicii educationale de calitate orientate pe nevoile elevilor si a unei scoli incluzive”. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to develop the professional and transversal competences of teaching staff, support staff and school managers at the level of Arges, Covasna and Mures counties, increasing their motivation and stability in order to improve the quality of education, prevent and reduce the phenomenon of early school leaving. The general objective of the project is in line with the provisions of call for projects 5 Human Capital Operational Programme, Priority Axis 6, Investment Priority 10(i), Specific Objective 6.6. The general objective of the project is operationalised by achieving its specific objectives. The overall objective is quantified and correlated with the project indicators. The positive effect generated by achieving the general objective of the project consists of equipping teachers, support staff and school managers with sets of cognitive, practical-actional and emotional-attitude competences necessary to optimise the educational and managerial process so that qualified teachers are attracted/maintained in these schools to ensure school inclusion and sustainability of interventions to increase the quality of education. The effectiveness of the interventions on the members of the target group formed by the project will be found at the level of increasing teacher motivation, visible improvement of students’ results, reducing early school leaving and creating an inclusive school. The project is addressed to a target group of 400 members, of which 375 teaching and support staff and 25 school managers. The project is implemented in 15 schools in the Central region – Covasna and Mures counties and in the South-Muntenia region – Arges county, of which 2 are special educational units, 3 units – kindergartens, 2 units – schools and 8 units that include schools and kindergartens. All these school units are eligible, being included in the list of target schools in which projects from this call for projects can be implemented, are disadvantaged school units, and by achieving the objectives set out in the proposed project, it contributes to the achievement of POCU objective Axis 6, specific objective 6.6: “Improving the competences of teaching staff in pre-university education in order to promote quality educational services geared to students’ needs and an inclusive school”. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Brăduţ, Romania
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    Oraş Costeşti, Romania
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    Zagăr, Romania
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    Vânători, Romania
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    Tăureni, Romania
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    Sărăţeni, Romania
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    Petelea, Romania
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    Nadeş, Romania
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    Municipiul Târnăveni, Romania
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    Băgaciu, Romania
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    Band, Romania
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    Municipiul Sfântul Gheorghe, Romania
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    Băţani, Romania
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