Slatina County Emergency Hospital – Excellence Center for training medical personnel involved in implementing priority health programs in innovative transnational context (Q3098538): Difference between revisions
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44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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Revision as of 14:08, 8 October 2021
Project Q3098538 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Slatina County Emergency Hospital – Excellence Center for training medical personnel involved in implementing priority health programs in innovative transnational context |
Project Q3098538 in Romania |
9,279,116.81 Romanian Leu
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1,855,823.3620000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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10,989,612.78 Romanian Leu
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84.44 percent
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29 January 2018
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28 January 2021
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OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului este imbunatatirea nivelului de competente pentru un numar de 900 de profesionisti implicati in domeniile prioritare de sanatate, pentru a asigura cresterea accesului la servicii accesibile, durabile si de inalta calitate in domeniul asistentei medicale. Din grupul tinta vor face parte 810 de profesionisti implicati in domeniile prioritare de sanatate din regiunile mai putin dezvoltate din Romania, cu precadere din Regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia si 90 de profesionisti implicati in domeniile prioritare de sanatate din Regiunea Bucuresti-Ilfov (reprezentand minim 10% din grupul tinta). Pe parcursul celor 3 ani de implementare, din cei 900 de profesionisti implicati in domeniile prioritare de sanatate ce apartin grupului tinta, 120 vor participa la cursuri de formare transnationale si schimburi de experienta, iar 780 vor participa cursuri de formare EMC nationale, ce vizeaza ca domeniu al formarii profesionale specifice cel putin unul dintre domeniile prioritate ale programelor prioritare de sanatate, respectiv cele aferente urmatoarelor domenii: sanatatea femeii si copilului, boli netransmisibile majore, boli transmisibile, sanatate mintala, boli rare (inclusiv genetica medicala). Astfel, se vor organiza in cadrul formarii nationale cursuri pentru 690 de participanti in anii 2-3 de proiect, urmand ca pentru 90 de persoane din grupul tinta sa se prevada decontarea cheltuielilor cu taxele de formare si examinare in cadrul anului 1. Pentru majoritatea indicatorilor de sanatate, Romania prezinta disparitati substantiale fata de media Uniunii Europene si inregistreaza performanta cea mai slaba sau aproape cea mai slaba. Mortalitatea infantila si materna sunt de pana la 3 ori peste mediile europene. O importanta deficienta o reprezinta serviciile de sanatate subdezvoltate si neadaptate nevoilor beneficiarilor. Inechitatile din sanatate sunt generate de accesul inegal la serviciile de sanatate, integrarea suboptimala a acestora si de neacoperirea cu servicii cat mai aproape de comunitate. In cadrul regiunii Sud-Vest Oltenia s-a observat o scaderea populatiei, determinata, in principal, de sporul natural negativ generat de manifestarea superioara a mortalitatii, comparativ cu natalitatea, precum si de fenomenul migrator intern si international al populatiei catre alte zone din tara si strainatate. Evolutia economica si sociala a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Sud - Vest Oltenia in perioada de tranzitie a influentat puternic starea de sanatate a populatiei si, implicit, mortalitatea acesteia. Astfel, din analiza datelor furnizate de Eurostat se constata ca in anul 2012 nivelul ratei mortalitatii infantile in Regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia este de aproape trei ori mai mare fata de nivelul mediu existent la nivel comunitar. Pe medii, mortalitatea a inregistrat o valoare mai ridicata in mediul rural si un nivel mai redus in mediul urban. Astfel. Regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia se confrunta cu un declin demografic, fenomen ce poate duce, pe termen lu (Romanian)
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The GENERAL objective of the project is to improve the level of competence for a number of 900 professionals involved in the priority areas of health, to ensure increased access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services in the field of healthcare. The target group will include 810 professionals involved in health priority areas from the less developed regions of Romania, mainly from the South-West Oltenia Region and 90 professionals involved in the priority areas of health in Bucharest-Ilfov Region (representing at least 10 % of the target group). During the 3 years of implementation, out of the 900 professionals involved in the priority areas of health belonging to the target group, 120 will participate in transnational training courses and exchange of experience, and 780 will participate national EMC training courses, targeting as field of specific professional training at least one of the priority areas of the priority health programs, respectively those related to the following fields: women’s and children’s health, major non-communicable diseases, communicable diseases, mental health, rare diseases (including medical genetics). Thus, courses will be organised within the national training for 690 participants in the 2-3 years of the project, and for 90 persons from the target group it will be foreseen to reimburse the costs of training and examination fees in year 1. For most health indicators, Romania shows substantial disparities from the European Union average and records the lowest or almost weakest performance. Infant and maternal mortality are up to 3 times above European averages. An important deficiency is health services that are underdeveloped and not adapted to the needs of beneficiaries. Health inequities are generated by unequal access to health services, their sub-optimal integration and the lack of coverage with services as close as possible to the community. Within the South-West Oltenia region, there was a decrease in the population, determined mainly by the negative natural growth generated by the higher manifestation of mortality, compared to the birth rate, as well as by the internal and international migration phenomenon of the population to other areas of the country and abroad. The economic and social evolution of the South-West Oltenia Development Region during the transition period strongly influenced the health of the population and, implicitly, its mortality. Thus, the analysis of the data provided by Eurostat shows that in 2012 the level of child mortality rate in the South-West Oltenia Region is almost three times higher than the average level at Community level. On average, mortality recorded a higher value in rural areas and a lower level in the urban environment. That’s how. The South-West Oltenia region is experiencing a demographic decline, a phenomenon that can lead to, in the run (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Bucureşti, Romania
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Municipiul Slatina, Romania
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Municipiul Caracal, Romania
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Municipiul Craiova, Romania
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Municipiul Piteşti, Romania
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