you NEET education_Second-type education measures for NEETs in Bacau county (Q3098462): Difference between revisions

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46°25'34.07"N, 26°42'43.38"E
Property / coordinate location: 46°25'34.07"N, 26°42'43.38"E / rank
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Revision as of 13:45, 8 October 2021

Project Q3098462 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
you NEET education_Second-type education measures for NEETs in Bacau county
Project Q3098462 in Romania


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    4,120,257.26 Romanian Leu
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    824,051.452 Euro
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    4,847,361.46 Romanian Leu
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    969,472.292 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    24 June 2021
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    23 December 2023
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    46°25'34.07"N, 26°42'43.38"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este de imbunatatire a situatiei tinerilor din categoria NEETs prin furnizarea unui pachet integrat de servicii de inalta calitate si adecvate nevoilor acestui tip de grup tinta. Astfel, vor fi vizati tineri NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-29 de ani inregistrati la Agentia Nationala pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca care au parasit prematur sistemul de educatie, luand in mod deosebit in considerare persoanele care provin din comunitati rurale sau cetateni romani de etnie roma. Obiectivul POCU 2.4 vizeaza cresterea numarului de tineri NEETs someri care se reintorc in educatie in programe de tip a doua sansa (inclusiv in programe de formare profesionala initiala) iar proiectul contribuie la acest obiectiv prin implementarea unor masuri identificate si proiectate in baza nevoilor concrete ale acestui tip de grup tinta care au rezultat in urma unei analize de nevoi elaborate ca activitate preliminara scrierii cererii de finantare. In acest sens, se va avea in vedere o abordare multisectoriala, care sa vizeze grupul tinta din mai multe unghiuri si domenii de interventie. Pentru efecte vizibile atat la nivelul comunitatii vizate dar si la nivel societatii in general, proiectul vizeaza un grup tinta total de 420 de tineri. Obiectivul vizat va fi atins iar proiectul va fi implementat cu succes tinand cont de urmatoarele considerente: - formula de parteneriat este alcatuita din doua entitati care sunt institutii cheie in domeniul educational si care detin o vasta experienta in domeniile relevante pentru cererea de finantare; - toate activitatile proiectului au fost proiectate in baza cadrului strategic relevant dar si in baza unei detaliate analize de nevoi realizata la nivel local de catre Liderul de Parteneriat si Membrul 1, ca si activitate preliminara depunerii cererii de finantare; astfel, toate rezultatele previzionate sunt direct corelate cu provocarile cu care se confrunta tinerii NEETs la nivel local; - activitatile au fost gandite in spiritul abordarii integrate, in asa fel incat sa raspunda cat mai eficient nevoilor identificate; - proiectul prevede o serie de actiuni inovatoare care nu au mai fost implementate pana in prezent in Romania (ex.: operationalizare one-stop-shop dedicat tinerilor NEETs si familiilor acestora) si care vor duce la obtinerea si chiar maximizarea rezultatelor vizate; - resursa umana avuta in vedere in cadrul proiectului este corelata cu numarul si complexitatea activitatilor si va fi formata din specialisti cu experienta in domeniile relevante ale proiectului. Toate persoanele implicate in proiect vor beneficia de activitatile organizate. Pentru o influenta reala atat la nivel de individ dar si la nivel de comunitate, toate actiunile se vor elabora/implementa prin intermediul unei echipe multidisciplinare cu experti din partea Liderului de Parteneriat si respectiv a Membrului 1. Activitatile planificate pentru grupul tinta alcatuiesc un complex de masuri integrate (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve the situation of NEETs by providing an integrated package of high quality services and appropriate to the needs of this type of target group. Thus, young unemployed NEETs aged 16-29 registered with the National Agency for Employment who left the education system prematurely, taking into account people coming from rural communities or Romanian Roma citizens will be targeted. POCU 2.4 aims to increase the number of unemployed NEETs returning to education in second chance programs (including initial vocational training programs) and the project contributes to this objective by implementing measures identified and designed based on the concrete needs of this type of target group that resulted from a needs analysis elaborated as a preliminary activity to write the financing application. In this respect, a multisectoral approach will be considered, targeting the target group from several angles and fields of intervention. For visible effects both at the level of the targeted community but also at the level of society in general, the project targets a total target group of 420 young people. The target will be achieved and the project will be successfully implemented taking into account the following considerations: the partnership formula consists of two entities that are key institutions in the educational field and have extensive experience in the fields relevant to the financing application; — all project activities were designed on the basis of the relevant strategic framework but also on the basis of a detailed needs analysis carried out at local level by the Partnership Leader and Member 1 as a preliminary activity to submit the financing application; thus, all expected results are directly correlated with the challenges faced by NEETs at local level; — the activities were designed in the spirit of integrated approach, so as to respond as effectively as possible to the identified needs; the project foresees a number of innovative actions that have not yet been implemented in Romania (e.g.: one-stop-shop operationalisation dedicated to NEETs and their families) and which will lead to obtaining and even maximising the targeted results; the human resource envisaged in the project is correlated with the number and complexity of the activities and will be made up of specialists with experience in the relevant fields of the project. All persons involved in the project will benefit from the organised activities. For a real influence at both individual and community level, all actions will be developed/implemented through a multidisciplinary team with experts from the Partnership Leader and Member 1 respectively. The activities planned for the target group make up a complex of integrated measures (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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