Implementation of a system for monitoring energy consumption (electricity, thermal energy, compressed air) at the level of Sortilemn SA (Q3098706): Difference between revisions

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47°1'43.57"N, 23°54'27.86"E
Property / coordinate location: 47°1'43.57"N, 23°54'27.86"E / rank
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Revision as of 10:22, 8 October 2021

Project Q3098706 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of a system for monitoring energy consumption (electricity, thermal energy, compressed air) at the level of Sortilemn SA
Project Q3098706 in Romania


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    756,075.0025 Romanian Leu
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    151,215.0005 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    983,929.32 Romanian Leu
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    196,785.864 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    76.84 percent
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    21 December 2017
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    20 December 2018
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    47°1'43.57"N, 23°54'27.86"E
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    Acțiunea selectată pentru finanțare este: “Implementarea unui număr de sisteme de monitorizare a consumurilor de energie la consumatorii industriali”. Obiectivul general al proiectului propus spre finantare este cresterea eficientei energetice a companiei SC Sortilemn SA prin reducerea consumurilor energetice existente si viitoare, ca urmare a implementarii unui sistem performant de monitorizare a acestora in decurs de 12 luni de la momentul semnarii contractului de finantare. In mod direct, proiectul vizeaza reducerea consumurilor la nivel national si in cadrul industriei de profil. Prin obiectivul asumat, investiţia propusă spre implementare este in concordantă cu obiectivul general al POC 2014-2020, precum şi cu obiectivele specifice ale axei prioritare si ale domeniului major de intervenţie în care se încadrează, intrucat contribuie la creșterea durabila prin promovarea unei economii bazate pe consum redus de carbon, prin măsuri de eficienţă energetică şi promovare a energiei verzi. Obiectivul este concordanta cu Strategia Uniunii pentru o creştere inteligentă, durabilă şi favorabilă incluziunii, intrucat raspunde la 1 din cele 11 obiective tematice din Regulamentul nr. 1303/2013, respectiv OT4, privind măsurile de eficienţă energetică si introducerea tehnologiilor de tip smart. Directiva 27/2012 privind eficienţa energetică prevede ca economiile de energie realizate prin implementarea măsurilor de eficienţă energetică să fie calculate, monitorizate, controlate şi publicate anual. Sistemul propus este capabil să stabilească modul optim de acţiune în vederea eficientizării consumului de energie. Legea nr. 121/2014 privind eficienţa energetică prevede obligaţia pentru cei cca. 600 consumatori de energie de peste 1.000 tep să întocmească programe de îmbunătățire a eficienței energetice pe baza auditurilor energetice, acesta fiind obtinut de compania noastra inca din luna iulie 2015. Deţinerea unui sistem de măsură, evidenţă şi monitorizare a consumurilor de energie va permite ca auditurile energetice viitoare să fie mai precise şi fiabile, îmbunătăţind calitatea măsurilor de eficienţă energetică prevăzute prin aceste audituri. (Romanian)
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    The action selected for funding is: “Implementation of a number of systems to monitor energy consumption by industrial consumers”. The general objective of the project proposed for financing is to increase the energy efficiency of SC Sortilemn SA by reducing existing and future energy consumption, as a result of implementing an efficient monitoring system within 12 months of signing the financing contract. Directly, the project aims to reduce consumption at national level and within the industry. Through the stated objective, the investment proposed for implementation is consistent with the general objective of the 2014-2020 COP, as well as with the specific objectives of the priority axis and of the major area of intervention in which it falls, as it contributes to sustainable growth by promoting a low-carbon economy, energy efficiency measures and the promotion of green energy. The objective is consistent with the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, as it responds to 1 of the 11 thematic objectives of Regulation No 1303/2013, namely TO4, on energy efficiency measures and the introduction of smart technologies. Directive 27/2012 on energy efficiency requires energy savings achieved through the implementation of energy efficiency measures to be calculated, monitored, controlled and published annually. The proposed system is able to determine how best to act in order to make energy consumption more efficient. Law no. 121/2014 on energy efficiency foresees the obligation for those about. 600 energy consumers over 1,000 toe to draw up energy efficiency improvement programs based on energy audits, which has been obtained by our company since July 2015. Having a system of measuring, recording and monitoring energy consumption will allow future energy audits to be more accurate and reliable, improving the quality of the energy efficiency measures provided for in these audits. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Gherla, Romania
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