Leader in social services (Q3098561): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||
45°47'50.60"N, 24°9'6.91"E
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Property / coordinate location: 45°47'50.60"N, 24°9'6.91"E / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 10:20, 8 October 2021
Project Q3098561 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Leader in social services |
Project Q3098561 in Romania |
4,593,280.31 Romanian Leu
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4,835,031.87 Romanian Leu
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95.0 percent
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21 March 2021
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28 December 2023
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OBIECTIV GENERAL: facilitarea accesului la servicii integrate a persoanelor aflate in risc de saracie sau excluziune sociala de pe teritoriul GAL-ului Tara Secaselor; Prin intermediul acestui proiect, prin ACTIVITATILE PROIECTATE SI REZULTATELE ESTIMATE contribuim la atingerea OS 5.2 al POCU care isi propune sa abordeze în mod integrat dificultățile majore cu care se confruntă persoanele aflate în risc de sărăcie sau excluziune socială din teritoriile vizate de Strategiile de Dezvoltare Locală (GAL Tara Secaselor) selectate prin Măsura 19 din PNDR 2014-2020. Proiectul nostru va aborda în mod integrat dificultățile majore cu care se confruntă cel putin 260 persoanele aflate în risc de sărăcie sau excluziune socială din teritoril GAL Tara Secaselor Alba-Sibiu; Pe termen lung, dupa finalizarea implementarii proiectului, in teritoriul deservit vor ramane structurile si facilitatile care pot oferi servicii in continuare, atat in domeniul socio-medical, dar si antreprenorial, pentru a putea oferi in continuare servicii specifice si oportunitati de ocupare pentru locuitorii din zona deservita; Obiectivele proiectului propun activitati prin intermediul carora sa scadem gradul de marginalizare a beneficiailor, adica vor fi activitati realizate pentru, si impreuna cu membrii comunitatilor deservite, astfel incat sa abordam personalizat nevoile acestora (sociale, medicale, educationale, legale, locative, etc), sa crestem gradul de coeziune sociala al comunitatii, sa initiem activitati de dezvoltare comunitara care, pe termen lung sa duca la identificarea de solutii la problemele comunitatii; Alaturi de celelate proiecte finantate in cadrul acestui apel, proiectul nostru va contribui inclusiv la atingerea obiectivelor POCU, contribuind, totodata si la atingerea obiectivului general al Acordului de Parteneriat (AP 2014/2020) si implicit al Fondurilor Europene Structurale si de Investitii din România, si anume, de a reduce disparitatile de dezvoltare economica si sociala dintre România si Statele Membre ale UE. Proiectul valorifica infrastructura sociala finantata prin proiectul PNDR Leader submasura 19.2 "CONSTRUIRE CENTRU MULTIFUNCTIONAL DE SERVICII INTEGRATE (MEDICO-SOCIALE)" contractul de finantare C1920072S112770105330/09.05.2019 beneficiar Asociatia AS 2001 Alba Iulia. (Romanian)
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GENERAL OBJECTIVE: facilitating access to integrated services for people at risk of poverty or social exclusion on the territory of the LAG Country Secaselor; Through this project, through the projected ACTIVITY AND ESTIMATE RESULTS, we contribute to achieving SO 5.2 of the POCU, which aims to address in an integrated way the major difficulties faced by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the territories covered by the Local Development Strategies (LAG Tara Secaselor) selected by Measure 19 of the 2014-2020 NRDP. Our project will address in an integrated way the major difficulties faced by at least 260 people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the territory of the LAG Tara Secaselor Alba-Sibiu; In the long term, after the completion of the project implementation, in the territory served there will remain the structures and facilities that can provide further services, both in the socio-medical field, but also in the entrepreneurial field, in order to be able to provide further specific services and employment opportunities for the inhabitants of the area served; The objectives of the project propose activities through which to reduce the marginalisation of the benefits, i.e. activities will be realised for, and together with the members of the communities served, so as to address their needs (social, medical, educational, legal, housing, etc.), to increase the social cohesion of the community, to initiate community development activities that, in the long term, lead to the identification of solutions to community problems; Together with the other projects financed under this call, our project will also contribute to the achievement of POCU objectives, contributing, at the same time, to the general objective of the Partnership Agreement (PA 2014/2020) and implicitly of the European Structural and Investment Funds in Romania, namely, to reduce the disparities in economic and social development between Romania and the EU Member States. The project capitalises on the social infrastructure financed by the project PNDR Leader sub-measure 19.2 “CONSTRURE MULTIFUNCTIONAL INFORMATION OF SERVICES INTEGRATED (MEDICO-SOCIAL)” financing contract C1920072S112770105330/09.05.2019 beneficiary AS Association 2001 Alba Iulia. (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Berghin, Romania
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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