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47°10'35.36"N, 23°4'15.85"E
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Revision as of 07:34, 8 October 2021
Project Q3096993 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q3096993 in Romania |
1,754,511.594 Romanian Leu
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2,172,770.02 Romanian Leu
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80.75 percent
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18 July 2018
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17 July 2020
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OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului este facilitarea insertiei pe piata muncii si dezvoltarea aptitudinilor de munca a elevilor si a studentilor prin crearea unui parteneriat intre unitati de invatamant si mediul de afaceri. Pe termen lung, se vor crea astfel oportunitati sporite de integrare in munca a tinerilor care urmeaza studii universitare si liceale, prin formarea si dezvoltarea de competente profesionale si transversale. Astfel, proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului general al POCU. Proiectul genereaza un efect pozitiv pe termen lung, prin armonizarea studiilor teoretice cu cerintele pietei muncii, contribuind astfel la cresterea sanselor de incadrare pe piata muncii a viitorilor absolventi. Prin obiectivul general al proiectului se urmareste ca 20 de studenti sa beneficieze de sprijin pentru tranzitia de la scoala la viata activa si 342 de elevi sa beneficieze de sprijin pentru participarea la programe de educatie/FP. Ideea de baza a proiectului este: „Dacă vrei să construieşti un vapor, să nu începi prin a-i trimite pe oameni după lemne, cuie, unelte, sfori şi alte materiale. Învaţă-i întâi să tânjească după marea îndepărtată, nesfârşită.” Prin obiectivul general, proiectul contribuie la realizarea OBIECTIVULUI SPECIFIC MAJOR AL PROGRAMULUI ″dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin cresterea accesului la un sistem de educatie si formare profesionala de calitate, stimularea ocuparii, cu precadere pentru tineri, reducerea saraciei si a excluziunii sociale prin facilitarea accesului de servicii sociale si de sanatate″ si OBIECTIVULUI TEMATIC NR. 10, din cadrul axei prioritare nr. 6, POCU 2014 -2020. Totodata, proiectul de fata se incadreaza in cadrul apelului de proiecte "NR 11, finantat prin Axa prioritara 6; Obiectivul tematic 10; Prioritatea de investitii 10.iv; Obiectivul specific 6.13 si 6.14. CONTRIBUTIA PROIECTULUI LA REALIZAREA OBIECTIVULUI SPECIFIC AL POCU 2014-2020: Prin obiectivul sau general, proiectul raspunde prioritatilor de investitii, obiectivelor si actiunilor asumate de catre Romania in cadrul POCU, respectiv valorizarea capitalului uman, ca resursa pentru o dezvoltare sustenabila in viitor. Prin masurile sale integrate, proiectul genereaza oportunitati de imbunatatire a competentelor si intarirea capabilitatilor ELEVILOR SI STUDENTILOR si promoveaza un model de dezvoltare sociala bazat pe incluziune, sanse egale, solidaritate si responsabilitate sociala care contribuie in acelasi timp la competitivitate si la dezvoltarea capitalului uman, in concordanta cu prioritatile strategiei POCU. Activitatile proiectului aduc o contributie la asigurarea conditiilor asumate de Romania si sustin atingerea obiectivelor stabilite in cadrul altor provocari de dezvoltare (competitivitate economica). Complementaritatea activitatilor desfasurate in cadrul proiectului a fost gandita sa sprijine indeplinirea indicatorilor de program stabiliti prin POCU, dar si pentru a sprijini implementarea altor documente strategice nationale s (Romanian)
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The GENERAL objective of the project is to facilitate the insertion into the labour market and to develop the work skills of students and students by creating a partnership between educational units and the business environment. In the long term, there will be increased opportunities for integration into work of young people who pursue university and high school studies, through the training and development of professional and transversal skills. Thus, the project contributes to the overall objective of POCU. The project generates a long-term positive effect, by harmonising theoretical studies with labour market requirements, thus contributing to increasing the chances of future graduates in the labour market. The general objective of the project aims to ensure that 20 students benefit from support for the transition from school to active life and 342 students to receive support for participation in education/FP programs. The basic idea of the project is: “If you want to build a ship, don't start by sending people for wood, nails, tools, strings and other materials. Through the general objective, the project contributes to achieving the MAJOR SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF THE PROGRAMME ″development of human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion by facilitating access to social and health services and TEMATIC OBJECTIVE No 10, under Priority Axis no. 6, POCU 2014-2020. At the same time, this project falls within the call for projects "NR 11, financed by Priority Axis 6; Thematic objective 10; Investment priority 10.iv; Specific objective 6.13 and 6.14. CONTRIBUTION OF THE PROJECT TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF POCU 2014-2020: Through its general objective, the project responds to the investment priorities, objectives and actions assumed by Romania within POCU, namely the valorisation of human capital, as a resource for sustainable development in the future. Through its integrated measures, the project generates opportunities to improve skills and strengthen the capabilities of ELEVIES AND STUDENTS and promotes a social development model based on inclusion, equal chances, solidarity and social responsibility that at the same time contribute to competitiveness and human capital development, in accordance with the priorities of the POCU strategy. The project activities contribute to ensuring the conditions assumed by Romania and support the achievement of the objectives set in other development challenges (economic competitiveness). The complementarity of the activities carried out within the project was designed to support the fulfilment of the programme indicators established by POCU, but also to support the implementation of other national strategic documents. (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Zalău, Romania
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