Energy efficiency through rehabilitation of residential buildings in Magurele – Package IV (Q2747500): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 22:26, 7 October 2021
Project Q2747500 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Energy efficiency through rehabilitation of residential buildings in Magurele – Package IV |
Project Q2747500 in Romania |
655,133.3136 Romanian Leu
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131,026.66272000001 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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1,364,861.04 Romanian Leu
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272,972.20800000004 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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48.0 percent
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1 July 2017
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30 December 2021
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Proiectul EFICIENTIZAREA ENERGETICA PRIN REABILITAREA CLADIRILOR REZIDENTIALE DIN ORASUL MAGURELE – PACHET IV, are ca obiectiv general cresterea eficientei energetice in cladirile rezidentiale, indeosebi a celor care inregistreaza consumuri energetice mari, ca urmare a implementarii masurilor de reabilitare si modernizare energetica. Proiectul de investitiei EFICIENTIZAREA ENERGETICA PRIN REABILITAREA CLADIRILOR REZIDENTIALE DIN ORASUL MAGURELE – PACHET IV, se incadreaza in investitiile preconizate a fi implementate prin Programul Operational Regional 2014-2020, vizand in mod direct obiectivul specific al axei prioritare si al prioritatii de investitii/ operatiunii: „Cresterea eficientei energetice in cladirile rezidentiale, cladirile publice si sistemele de iluminat public, indeosebi a celor care inregistreaza consumuri energetice mari”. Asigurarea cresterii durabile printr-o utilizare mai eficienta si mai ecologica a resurselor reprezinta unul din obiectivele asumate, pe termen lung, la nivel european, prin Strategia Europa 2020, Romania in calitate de stat membru al UE fiind obligata sa-si atinga tintele nationale asumate, inclusiv pe cele care vizeaza eficienta energetica pentru care s-a propus realizarea unei economii de energie primara de 10 milioane tep la nivelul anului 2020 ceea ce reprezinta o reducere a consumului de energie primara prognozat (52,99 milioane tep) prin modelul PRIMES 2007 pentru scenariul realist de 19%. Un prim pas spre obtinerea cresterii eficientei energetice in cladirile rezidentiale este reabilitarea si modernizarea energetica. Odata reabilitate, acestea vor avea un efect multiplicaor asupra intregii economii a localitatii / regiunii / tarii. Reabilitarea cladirilor rezidentiale are la baza politica dezvoltarii durabile, cu efecte pozitive asupra relasarii economice a zonei cat si la imbunatatirea calitatii vietii. Obiectivele specifice preconizate a fi atinse prin implementarea proiectului Eficientizarea energetica prin reabilitarea cladirilor rezidentiale din Orasul Magurele – Pachet I sunt urmatoarele: • Scaderea anuala a emisiilor echivalent CO2 (kg CO2/m2/an) cu un procent mai mare de 40% fata de emisiile initiale. Acest obiectiv specific se refera la cantitatea de gaze cu efect de sera economisita intr-un an ca urmare a implementarii proiectului; • Reducerea consumului anual specific de energie(kWh/m2/an) cu un procent mai mare de 40% fata de consumul initial. Acest obiectiv specific se refera la cantitatea de energie primara economisita anual la nivelul cladirii; • Scaderea consumului anual specific de energie pentru incalzire. Acest obiectiv specific se refera la cantitatea de energie termica economisita la nivelul cladirii.Scaderea consumului anual specific de energie pentru incalzire este data de diferenta dintre valoarea inregistrata la finalul implementarii proiectului si valoarea inregistrata la inceput; • Scaderea consumului anual specific de energie. Acest obiectiv specific se refera la cant (Romanian)
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The ENERGET IV project aims to increase energy efficiency in residential buildings, especially those who record high energy consumption, as a result of implementing measures for energy rehabilitation and modernisation. The investment project ENERGETICAL EFICIENTISATION BY REABILITATION of the residential buildings in the Magurele ORAS – PACHET IV, falls within the investments expected to be implemented by the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, directly targeting the specific objective of the priority axis and the investment/operation priority: “Increasing energy efficiency in residential buildings, public buildings and public lighting systems, especially those who record high energy consumption”. Ensuring sustainable growth through a more efficient and environmentally friendly use of resources is one of the long-term goals assumed at European level, through the Europe 2020 Strategy, Romania as an EU Member State being obliged to reach its national targets, including those aiming at energy efficiency for which it was proposed to achieve a primary energy saving of 10 million toe in 2020 which represents a projected reduction in primary energy consumption (52.99 million toe) through PRIMES 2007 model for the realistic 19 % scenario. A first step towards achieving energy efficiency growth in residential buildings is energy rehabilitation and modernisation. Once rehabilitated, they will have a multiplier effect on the entire economy of the locality/region/country. Rehabilitation of residential buildings is based on the policy of sustainable development, with positive effects on the economic relocation of the area as well as improving the quality of life. The specific objectives expected to be achieved by implementing the project Energy efficiency through the rehabilitation of residential buildings in Magurele City – Package I are the following: • Annual decrease in CO2-equivalent emissions (kg CO2/m²/year) by more than 40 % compared to the initial emissions. This specific objective refers to the amount of greenhouse gas saved in one year as a result of the implementation of the project; • Reduction of specific annual energy consumption (kWh/m²/year) by more than 40 % compared to initial consumption. This specific objective refers to the amount of primary energy saved annually at the level of the building; • Decrease in specific annual energy consumption for heating. This specific objective refers to the amount of thermal energy saved at the level of the building. The decrease in the specific annual energy consumption for heating is given by the difference between the value recorded at the end of the project implementation and the value recorded at the beginning; • Decrease in specific annual energy consumption. This specific objective refers to cant (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Măgurele, Romania
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