Development of SC ALROBUR SRL through acquisition of land preparation equipment (Q2743670): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 21:34, 7 October 2021
Project Q2743670 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development of SC ALROBUR SRL through acquisition of land preparation equipment |
Project Q2743670 in Romania |
752,688.0919 Romanian Leu
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1,124,838.0 Romanian Leu
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66.92 percent
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Societatea Comercială ALROBUR SRL cu sediul in Mun. Craiova, judeţul Dolj, este persoană juridică română, organizată şi autorizată să funcţioneze în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 31/1990 privind înfiinţarea societăţilor comerciale în România. Societatea Comercială ALROBUR SRL, înregistrată la Registrul Comerţului sub nr. J16/976/19.05.2011, are forma juridică de Societate Comercială cu Răspundere Limitată şi a fost infiintata in scopul valorificarii oportunitatilor existente pe piata constructiilor, urmarind, in prezent, sa devina o societate cu renume în domeniul lucrarilor de pregatire a terenului, avand ca si administrator pe dna. Sabiescu Diana Rodica. Sesizand importanta unei sustinerii financiare care sa sprijine activitatea de ansamblu a firmei, administratorul societatii hotaraste implicarea SC ALROBUR SRL intr-un proiect investitional care sa constituie premisa dezvoltarii activitatii de pregatire a terenului desfasurate. Prin intermediul prezentului program, administratorul societatii, urmareste cresterea indicatorilor de performanta si rentabilitate ai societatii prin dezvoltarea si modernizarea activitatii desfasurate, cea de pregatire a terenului, motiv pentru care prezentul proiect prevede investitia in achizitionarea de utilaje menite sa sustina activitatea pentru care se solicita finantare( caen 4312). Obiectivul general al societatii este de a creste competitivitatea SC ALROBUR SRL, de a dezvolta activitatea acesteia si de a deveni unul din leaderii pietei in domeniul realizarii lucrarilor de pregatire a terenului din judetul Dolj. Pentru aceasta, compania vizeaza implementarea de strategii de crestere a competitivitatii, care sa contribuie la cresterea calitatii lucrarilor de pregatire a terenului, la imbunatatirea raportului cost/pret, si la reducerea termenelor de realizare/finalizare a proiectelor catre clientii sai, precum si la cresterea cotei de piata. Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta valorificarea sectorului prestarii serviciilor companiei prin dezvoltarea , modernizarea si retehnologizarea activitatii de pregatire a terenului. In acest sens firma va achizitiona utilaje noi, moderne, ceea ce va conduce implicit la inovarea procesului de prestare servicii, la dezvoltarea durabila a companiei, la respectarea normelor de mediu si la cresterea competitivitatii in piata specifica. Se urmareste astfel, achizitia unor utilaje performante si a unor stalpi de iluminat cu panouri solare fotovoltaice, tehnologii noi si inovatoare care sa conduca la cresterea competitivitatii si productivitatii muncii intr-un domeniu atat de dinamic – sfera realizarii lucrarilor de pregatire a terenurilor (CAEN 4312 ). Scopul proiectului este cresterea nivelului tehnic de dotare al firmei prin achizitionarea unor noi active corporale, destinate sa modernizeze si sa dezvolte activitatea curenta, utiland astfel firma SC ALROBUR SRL cu tehnologie avansata si eficienta in scopul optimizarii si retehnologizarii fluxului teh (Romanian)
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ALROBUR SRL Commercial Company with registered office in Mun. Craiova, Dolj County, is a Romanian legal entity, organised and authorised to operate in accordance with the provisions of Law No 31/1990 on the establishment of commercial companies in Romania. The company ALROBUR SRL, registered at the Trade Register under No J16/976/19.05.2011, has the legal form of a limited liability company and has been established in order to exploit the opportunities existing on the construction market, currently aiming to become a company with a reputation in the field of land preparation works, having as manager Mrs. SABIESCU Diana Rodica. Noting the importance of a financial support to support the overall activity of the company, the company manager decides to involve SC ALROBUR SRL in an investment project that will constitute the premise of developing the activity of preparing the developed land. Through this program, the company’s manager aims to increase the performance and profitability indicators of the company through the development and modernisation of the activity carried out, that of preparing the land, which is why the present project provides for the investment in the purchase of equipment intended to support the activity for which funding is requested (caen 4312). The general objective of the company is to increase the competitiveness of SC ALROBUR SRL, to develop its activity and to become one of the market leaders in the field of land preparation works in Dolj county. For this, the company aims to implement strategies to increase competitiveness, which will contribute to increasing the quality of the land preparation works, improving the cost/price ratio, and reducing the deadlines for the realisation/completion of projects to its clients, as well as increasing the market share. The general objective of the project is to capitalise on the company’s services sector by developing, modernising and retrofitting the land preparation activity. In this respect, the company will purchase new, modern equipment, which will implicitly lead to the innovation of the service process, the sustainable development of the company, the respect of environmental norms and the increase of competitiveness in the specific market. Thus, the acquisition of high-performance equipment and lighting poles with solar photovoltaic panels, new and innovative technologies that will lead to increased competitiveness and productivity of the work in such a dynamic field – the scope of land preparation works (CAEN 4312). The aim of the project is to increase the technical level of the company by acquiring new tangible assets, designed to modernise and develop the current activity, thus utilising SC ALROBUR SRL with advanced technology and efficiency in order to optimise and refurbish the teh flow (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Craiova, Romania
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