Innoventure – Performance management of human resources and change in enterprises for smart specialisation (Q3096140): Difference between revisions
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45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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Property / coordinate location: 45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E / rank | |||||||||||
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Revision as of 12:23, 7 October 2021
Project Q3096140 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Innoventure – Performance management of human resources and change in enterprises for smart specialisation |
Project Q3096140 in Romania |
2,482,369.274 Romanian Leu
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3,074,142.28 Romanian Leu
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80.75 percent
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8 June 2018
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7 June 2019
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Obiectivul general al proiectului Inoventure. Management performant al resurselor umane si al schimbarii in intreprinderi in vederea specializarii inteligente este realizarea unui program integrat de informare, formare si consiliere in gestionarea resurelor umane, competente antreprenoriale, management strategic, managementul inovarii, internationalizarea afacerilor, management sustenabil si inovare sociala pentru un numar de 520 de antreprenori si manageri, angajati in minim 100 intreprinderi, sau angajati pe cont propriu, in regiunile de dezvoltare Sud Muntenia, Sud Est, Sud Vest Oltenia, Centru si Nord Est. Prin obiectivul sau general, proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific major al programului ″dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin cresterea accesului la un sistem de educatie si formare profesionala de calitate, stimularea ocuparii, cu precadere pentru tineri, reducerea saraciei si a excluziunii sociale prin facilitarea accesului de servicii sociale si de sanatate″ si obiectivului tematic nr.8 - ″Promovarea unor locuri de munca durabile si de calitate si sprijinirea mobilitatii lucratorilor″, din cadrul axei prioritare nr. 3, POCU 2014 -2020, prin implementarea de prin implementarea unui program integrat de formare profesionala a 520 de antreprenori, manageri si specialisti in HR din 100 de companii. Totodata, proiectul de fata se incadreaza in cadrul apelului de proiecte "Romania Profesionala – Resurse umane competitive", finantat prin Axa prioritara 3/Prioritatea de investitii 8v „Adaptarea lucrătorilor, întreprinderilor și antreprenorilor la schimbare”/Obiectivul specific 3.8. ″ Creșterea numărului de angajați care beneficiază de instrumente, metode, practici etc standard de management al resurselor umane și de condiții de lucru îmbunătățite în vederea adaptării activității la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potențial competitiv identificate conform SNC/domeniilor de specializare inteligentă conform SNCDI″, prin masurile integrate propuse de informare si formare pentru 520 de angajati si antreprenori, ce vor asigura transferul de competente, insturmente, metode si practici de manamgement, managementul inovarii si managementul resurselor umane in vederea adaptarii acestora la dinamica domeniilor tehnologia comunicatiilor si informatiilor si bio economie - procesarea alimentelor si bauturilor. Obiectivul general defineste cadrul de masuri reunite intr-un program de formare si transfer de competente, practici, instrumente, metode pentru 520 angajati si antreprenori proveniti din 100 de intreprinderi si consiliere a acestora pentru dezvoltarea de planificari strategice pe termen lung pentru 25 de intreprinderi. Programul nostru are la baza expertiza in domeniul consultantei pentru afaceri si management si formare in domeniul antreprenoriatului si managementului acumulate de-a lungul activitatii Solicitantului, experienta dobandita prin implementarea de proiecte finantate prin multiple proiecte finantate din fonduri euroep (Romanian)
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General objective of the Inoventure project. Efficient management of human resources and change in enterprises for smart specialisation is the realisation of an integrated program of information, training and counselling in the management of human resources, entrepreneurial skills, strategic management, innovation management, business internationalisation, sustainable management and social innovation for a number of 520 entrepreneurs and managers, employed in at least 100 enterprises, or employed on their own, in the development regions South Muntenia, South East, South West Oltenia, Centre and North East. Through its general objective, the project contributes to the achievement of the main specific objective of the program ″development of human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion by facilitating access to social and health services and thematic objective no.8 – ″Promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting workers’ mobility within priority axis no. 3, POCU 2014-2020, by implementing through the implementation of an integrated training program of 520 entrepreneurs, managers and HR specialists from 100 companies. At the same time, this project falls within the call for projects “Romania Professional – Competitive Human Resources”, financed by Priority Axis 3/Investment Priority 8v “Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change”/Specific Objective 3.8. ″ Increasing the number of employees benefiting from standard tools, methods, practices etc. of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC/smart specialisation domains according to SNCDI″, through the proposed integrated information and training measures for 520 employees and entrepreneurs, which will ensure the transfer of skills, insturments, methods and practices of management, innovation management and human resources management in order to adapt them to the dynamics of communication and information technology and bio economy – food and drink processing. The general objective defines the framework of measures brought together in a training and transfer program of competences, practices, tools, methods for 520 employees and entrepreneurs from 100 enterprises and their counseling for the development of long-term strategic planning for 25 enterprises. Our program is based on the expertise in business consultancy and management and training in entrepreneurship and management gained throughout the applicant’s activity, the experience gained through the implementation of projects financed through multiple projects financed from euroep funds (English)
14 September 2021
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