Sustainable employment through individualised training programs from the Danube Delta ITI territory. (Q3097120): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location)
Property / coordinate location
43°56'3.05"N, 22°57'52.38"E
Property / coordinate location: 43°56'3.05"N, 22°57'52.38"E / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 10:00, 7 October 2021

Project Q3097120 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Sustainable employment through individualised training programs from the Danube Delta ITI territory.
Project Q3097120 in Romania


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    2,106,682.14 Romanian Leu
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    421,336.4280000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,537,245.89 Romanian Leu
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    507,449.1780000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    83.03 percent
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    45°10'39.07"N, 28°48'5.87"E
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    46°10'14.45"N, 22°47'54.10"E
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    45°11'4.45"N, 29°3'48.02"E
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    47°15'28.08"N, 21°56'17.20"E
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    45°9'1.55"N, 28°55'13.15"E
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    45°14'50.50"N, 28°8'2.94"E
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    45°9'19.48"N, 29°39'9.83"E
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    45°21'10.84"N, 24°15'46.08"E
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    44°46'21.58"N, 26°54'22.50"E
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    47°20'48.30"N, 27°24'57.74"E
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    45°24'51.01"N, 29°17'21.08"E
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    44°19'47.21"N, 24°33'21.38"E
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    44°53'34.48"N, 28°43'15.96"E
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    45°16'19.88"N, 28°27'25.74"E
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    44°54'56.99"N, 28°53'7.98"E
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    43°56'3.05"N, 22°57'52.38"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in accesul la locuri de munca pentru persoanele aflate in cautarea unui loc de munca si pentru persoanele inactive, inclusiv pentru somerii de lunga durata si pentru persoanele cu sanse mici de angajare, cresterea ocuparii somerilor si a persoanelor inactive, cu accent pe somerii de lunga durata, lucratorii vârstnici (55-64 ani), persoanelor cu dizabilitati, persoanelor cu nivel redus de educatie, a cetatenilor români apartinând minoritatii roma, si a persoanelor din mediul rural, in special cele din agricultura de subzistenta si semi-subzistenta si imbunatatirea nivelului de competente, inclusiv prin evaluarea si certificarea competentelor dobândite in sistem non-formal si informal al somerilor si persoanelor inactive, cu accent pe somerii de lunga durata, lucratorii vârstnici (55-64 ani), persoanelor cu dizabilitati, persoanelor cu nivel redus de educatie, al cetatenilor români apartinând minoritatii roma si al persoanelor din mediul rural, in special cele din agricultura de subzistenta si semi-subzistenta prin acordarea de pachete integrate si personalizate care sa asigure cresterea ocuparii si imbunatatirea nivelului de competente din teritoriul ITI Delta Dunarii. Proiectul contribuie la tema secundara inovarea sociala prin: Dezvoltarea de parteneriate pentru dezvoltarea de abordari inovative pentru integrarea pe piata fortei de munca a persoanelor din grupul tinta prevazuta in subactivitatea A4.1 Identificarea locurilor de munca vacante. Activitate desfasurata de expertii job club si consilier vocational plasare = 221971,88 lei reprezentand 6,84% din valoarea totala a proiectului. Proiectul contribuie la tema secundara Imbunatatirea accesibilitatii, a utilizarii si a calitatii tehnologiilor informatiei si comunicatiilor prin achizitia de licente de programe care asigura o mai buna folosire a competentelor digitale Total buget tema secunadara secundara Imbunatatirea accesibilitatii, a utilizarii si a calitatii tehnologiilor informatiei si comunicatiilor = 248.000,00 lei reprezentand 7,64% din bugetul proiectului reprezentand echipamente informatice sii software aferent. Proiectul contribuie la tema secundara a nediscriminarii realizate cu ajutorul subactivitatii A2.1 Selectarea grupului tinta Activitate desfasurata de expertii de informare si agenti de recrutare grup tinta= 332957,82lei reprezentand 10.25% din valoarea totala a proiectului (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, increasing the employment of unemployed people and inactive people, with a focus on long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years old), people with disabilities, people with low education, Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority, and rural people, especially those in subsistence and semi-subsistence farming and improving the level of competence, including by assessing and certifying the skills acquired in non-formal and informal system of unemployed persons and inactive people, with a focus on long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years old), people with disabilities, people with low education, Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority and rural people, especially those in subsistence and semi-subsistence agriculture by providing integrated and personalised packages to ensure the growth of occupation and improvement of the level of competence in the Danube Delta ITI territory. The project contributes to the secondary theme of social innovation by: Developing partnerships for the development of innovative approaches for the integration on the labour market of the persons from the target group provided in Subactivity A4.1 Identification of job vacancies. Activity performed by job club experts and vocational counsellor placement = 221971.88 lei representing 6.84 % of the total value of the project. The project contributes to the secondary theme Improving accessibility, use and quality of information and communication technologies through the acquisition of software licenses that ensure better use of digital skills Total budget secondary theme Improvement of accessibility, use and quality of information and communication technologies = 248,000,00 lei representing 7.64 % of the project budget representing IT equipment and related software. The project contributes to the secondary theme of non-discrimination achieved with the help of sub-activity A2.1 Selection of target group Activity carried out by information experts and recruiting agents target group = 332957,82 lei representing 10.25 % of the total value of the project (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Tulcea, Romania
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    Ceamurlia de Jos, Romania
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    Oraş Sulina, Romania
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    C.A. Rosetti, Romania
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    Bestepe, Romania
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    Baia, Romania
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    Oraş Măcin, Romania
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    Oraş Isaccea, Romania
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    Văcăreni, Romania
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    Valea Nucarilor, Romania
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    Somova, Romania
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    Smârdan, Romania
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    Slava Cercheză, Romania
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    Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania
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    Sarichioi, Romania
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    Pardina, Romania
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    Nufăru, Romania
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    Niculiţel, Romania
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    Murighiol, Romania
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    Mihail Kogălniceanu, Romania
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    Mihai Bravu, Romania
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    Maliuc, Romania
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    Mahmudia, Romania
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    Luncaviţa, Romania
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    Jurilovca, Romania
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    Jijila, Romania
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    I.C.Brătianu, Romania
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    Grindu, Romania
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    Greci, Romania
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    Frecăţei, Romania
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    Crişan, Romania
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    Chilia Veche, Romania
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    Ceatalchioi, Romania
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    Săcele, Romania
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    Mihai Viteazu, Romania
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    Istria, Romania
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    Corbu, Romania
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    Oraş Babadag, Romania
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