Rehabilitation and modernisation of road infrastructure in Odorheiu Secuiesc in order to reduce road traffic and reduce carbon emissions (Q2746855): Difference between revisions
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46°18'17.10"N, 25°17'42.11"E
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Property / coordinate location: 46°18'17.10"N, 25°17'42.11"E / rank | |||||||||||
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Revision as of 09:31, 7 October 2021
Project Q2746855 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Rehabilitation and modernisation of road infrastructure in Odorheiu Secuiesc in order to reduce road traffic and reduce carbon emissions |
Project Q2746855 in Romania |
38,876,816.54 Romanian Leu
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45,737,431.22 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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1 October 2015
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30 November 2022
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Asigurarea unui serviciu eficient de transport public de călători și îmbunătățirea condiţiilor pentru utilizarea modurilor nemotorizate de transport, în vederea reducerii numărului de deplasări cu transportul privat (cu autoturisme) şi reducerea emisiilor de echivalent CO2 din transport. Astfel, Municipiul Odorheiu Secuiesc urmareste dezvoltarea mobilitatii urbane prin shimbarea accentului de la o mobilitate bazata pe utilizarea autoturismelor la o mobilitate bazata pe mersul me jos, utilizarea bicicletei ca mijloc de deplasare, utilizarea transportului public de inalta calitate si eficienta, reducerea utilizarii autoturismelor in paralel cu utilizarea unor categorii de autoturisme nepoluante. Proiectul vine in intampinarea obiectivului specific 3.2 al prioritatii de investitii 4e, prin implementarea unor masuri strategice, bazate pe datele din Planul de Moiblitate Urbana Durabila a Municipiului Odorheiu Secuiesc, ce vor conduce la promovarea mobilitatii urbane multimodale durabile si la reducerea emisiilor de CO2, ca urmare a îmbunătăţirii eficienţei transportului public de călători, a frecvenţei şi a timpilor săi de parcurs, accesibilităţii, transferului către acesta de la transportul privat cu autoturisme, precum şi a transferului către modurile nemotorizate de transport, cresterea atractivitatii utilizarii mijloacelor de transport public si a modurilor nemotorizate in detrimentul transportului cu autoturismele personale. Rezultatele asteptate generale mentionate la capitolul „Rezultate asteptate”, corespund atat cererii de finantare prezente, dar reies si din activitatile complementare ce se realizeaza prin proiectul integrat cu acesta, depus la finantare prin POR 3.2, respectiv introducerea pe traseele de transport public de pe prezentul coridor de mobilitate si a celorlalte 4 autobuze electrice ce se vor achizitiona prin celalalt proiect, implementarea sistemului e-ticketing si la nivelul coridorului prezent si incarcarcarea autobuzelor aferente coridorului cu ajutorul statiilor de alimentare achizitonate prin intermediul celuilalt proiect complementar si integrat depus pe POR 3.2 (Romanian)
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Ensuring an efficient public passenger transport service and improving the conditions for the use of non-motorised modes of transport, with a view to reducing the number of journeys by private transport (cars) and reducing CO2-equivalent emissions from transport. Thus, the municipality of Odorheiu Secuiesc aims to develop urban mobility by shifting the focus from a mobility based on car use to a mobility based on walking, using bicycle as a means of travel, using high quality and efficient public transport, reducing the use of cars in parallel with the use of clean car categories. The project meets the specific objective 3.2 of the investment priority 4e, through the implementation of strategic measures based on the data from the Sustainable Urban Moiblity Plan of Odorheiu Secuiesc, which will lead to the promotion of sustainable multimodal urban mobility and the reduction of CO2 emissions, as a result of improving the efficiency of public passenger transport, its frequency and journey times, accessibility, the transfer to it from private transport by car, as well as the transfer to non-motorised modes of transport, increasing the attractiveness of using public transport and non-motorised modes at the expense of transport with private cars. The general expected results mentioned in the chapter “Awaited results” correspond both to the current financing request, but also stem from the complementary activities that are realised through the integrated project with it, submitted for funding through ROP 3.2, namely the introduction on the public transport routes on this mobility corridor and the other 4 electric buses that will be procured through the other project, the implementation of the e-ticketing system at the level of the current corridor and the loading of the buses related to the corridor with the help of the supply stations purchased through the other complementary and integrated project submitted on ROP 3.2 (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania
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