Rehabilitation, modernisation and extension of Buhusi City Hospital Outpatient (Q2740976): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 20:02, 6 October 2021
Project Q2740976 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Rehabilitation, modernisation and extension of Buhusi City Hospital Outpatient |
Project Q2740976 in Romania |
7,489,088.08 Romanian Leu
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1,497,817.6160000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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10,698,697.25 Romanian Leu
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70.0 percent
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1 February 2020
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31 October 2022
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0 references
Obiectivul general al proiectului este: Cresterea accesibilitatii serviciilor de sanatate si comunitare prin dezvoltarea infrastructurii sanitare si sociale a Ambulatoriului Spitalului Orasenesc Buhusi. Orasul Buhusi se incadreaza in randul oraselor mici si mijlocii avand o populatie de 21.956 locuitori in anul 2018, conform INSSE. Conform Atlasului Zonelor Urbane marginalizate in orasul Buhusi 56.50 % din populatie este dezavantajata pe cel putin un criteriu dintre cele 4 monitorizate si numai 43.50 % din populatie traieste in zone nedezavantajate. In cadrul proiectului vor fi realizate obiective care vor conduce la diferentelor in ceea ce priveste starea de sanatate a populatiei, in special a celei din zone defavorizate economic, prin diagnosticarea bolilor in stadiul incipient si tratarea cu succes a unor afectiuni mai usoare, prevenind astfel agravarea lor si scaderea ponderii persoanelor cu nevoi medicale neacoperite. Contributia proiectului la indeplinirea obiectivelor Prioritatii de Investitii "Investiţii în infrastructurile sanitare şi sociale care contribuie la dezvoltarea la nivel naţional, regional şi local, reducând inegalităţile în ceea ce priveşte starea de sănătate şi promovând incluziunea socială prin îmbunătăţirea accesului la serviciile sociale, culturale și de recreere, precum și trecerea de la serviciile instituționale la serviciile prestate de comunități", Obiectivul Specific 8.1 – Creșterea accesiblității serviciilor de sănătate, comunitare și a celor de nivel secundar, în special pentru zonele sărace și izolate, Operatiunea A - Ambulatorii. Proiectul va contribui direct la: - accesul sporit la servicii de ingrijire medicala primara a persoanelor sarace din mediul rural, persoane cu acces deficitar la servicii de sănătate; - accesul sporit la servicii preventive si de ingrijire medicala primara a persoanelor sarace; - preluarea cazurilor cu afectiuni medicale de gravitate mica; - dezvoltarea de centre medicale moderne, capabile sa furnizeze ingrijire primara continua; - reducerea internarilor evitabil; - accesibilizarea ofertei de servicii de asistenta in cadrul ambulatoriului; - reducerea inegalitatilor in ceea ce priveste starea de sanatate a populatiei prin diagnosticarea bolilor in stadiul incipient; - tratarea afectiunilor mai usoare, prevenind agravarea lor; - reducerea ponderii persoanelor cu nevoi medicale neacoperite. Conform analizelor ACB, niciunul dintre obiectivele care vor fi realizate prin proiect nu intra sub incidenta ajutorului de stat. (Romanian)
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The overall objective of the project is to: Increasing the accessibility of health and community services through the development of the sanitary and social infrastructure of the Buhusi City Hospital Ambulatory. The city of Buhusi falls among small and medium-sized towns with a population of 21,956 inhabitants in 2018, according to INSSE. According to the Atlas of marginalised urban areas in Buhusi city 56.50 % of the population is disadvantaged on at least one of the 4 monitored criteria and only 43.50 % of the population lives in unadvantaged areas. Within the project will be achieved objectives that will lead to differences in the health status of the population, especially in economically disadvantaged areas, by diagnosing diseases in the early stage and successfully treating milder conditions, thus preventing their worsening and decreasing the share of people with uncovered medical needs. The contribution of the project to meeting the objectives of the Investment Priority “Investing in health and social infrastructure contributing to development at national, regional and local level, reducing inequalities in health status and promoting social inclusion by improving access to social, cultural and recreational services, as well as the transition from institutional services to community-based services”, Specific Objective 8.1 – Increasing access to health, community and secondary-level services, especially for poor and isolated areas, Operation A – outpatients. The project will contribute directly to: increased access to primary health care services for the poor in rural areas, people with poor access to health services; — increased access to preventive services and primary medical care for poor people; — taking over cases with low-gravity medical conditions; — the development of modern medical centers, capable of providing continuous primary care; — reduce avoidable admissions; — accessibility of the offer of assistance services within the ambulatory; — reducing inequalities in the health status of the population by diagnosing diseases in the early stages; — treatment of milder conditions, preventing their aggravation; — reducing the share of people with unmet medical needs. According to the analyses of the CBA, none of the objectives to be achieved through the project fell within the scope of State aid. (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Buhuşi, Romania
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