System for the production and distribution of thermal energy using geothermal energy in Dudestii Vechi Commune, county. Timis (Q3099530): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 14:13, 6 October 2021

Project Q3099530 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
System for the production and distribution of thermal energy using geothermal energy in Dudestii Vechi Commune, county. Timis
Project Q3099530 in Romania


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    24,917,311.96 Romanian Leu
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    4,983,462.392 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    29,314,484.66 Romanian Leu
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    5,862,896.932 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 May 2019
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    31 December 2023
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    46°3'5.90"N, 20°29'2.47"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului "Sistem de producere si distributie a energiei termice utilizand energie geotermala in comuna dudestii vechi, jud. Timis", il reprezinta realizarea unui sistem centralizat de producere si distributie a energiei termice, utilizand surse regenerabile de energie mai putin exploatate, respectiv energie geotermala, in vederea reducerii emisiilor de CO2. Obiectivul general al proiectului este stabilit in directa corelare cu Obiectivul specific 6.1 - "Creşterea producţiei de energie din resurse regenerabile mai puţin exploatate (biomasă, biogaz, geotermal), producție" al Axei prioritare 6 privitoare la promovarea energiei curate şi eficienţei energetice în vederea susţinerii unei economii cu emisii scăzute de carbon. Contributia proiectului la realizarea obiectivului specific al Programului consta in productia majorata a energiei din surse regenerabile mai putin exploatate. Acest rezultat va contribui si la: - cresterea ponderii energiei regenerabile in totalul consumului de energie primara, ca rezultat al investitiilor de crestere a puterii instalate de producere a energiei electrice si termice din resurse regenerabile mai putin exploatate. - reducerea emisiilor de carbon in atmosfera generate de sectorul energetic prin inlocuirea unei parti din cantitatea de combustibili fosili consumati in fiecare an (carbune, gaz natural). - creșterea producției de energie primară din surse regenerabile mai puțin exploatate. De asemenea, obiectivul general este in concordanta cu actiunile finantabile conform POIM prevazute in sectiunea 1.3 din Ghidul solicitantului, deoarece prezentul proiect presupune realizarea capacităţilor de producţie a energiei termice pe bază de energie geotermală. Prezentul proiect demonstreaza contributia la indicatorul de rezultat si la tinta prevazuta de POIM, deoarece urmareste productia bruta de energie primara din surse regenerabile mai putin exploatate. In momentul de fata, in comuna Dudestii Vechi, incalzirea cladirilor publice este realizata utilizand carbune. Carbunele este un combustibil fosil, costisitor si poluant, ce nu este disponibil local si necesita transporturi de la mare distanta. Modul in care proiectul contribuie la indicatorul de rezultat este dat de investitia care consta in realizarea unui sistem de incalzire centralizat, prin utilizarea unor surse regenerabile de energie mai putin exploatate, respectiv energie geotermala. Indicatorii tinta pentru prezentul proiect sunt urmatorii: 1. Energiile din surse regenerabile: Capacitate suplimentară de producere a energiei din surse regenerabile: 1.50 MW; 2. Reducerea gazelor cu efect de seră: Scădere anuală estimată a gazelor cu efect de seră: Echivalent tone de CO2 373.00; 3. Producție brută de energie primară din surse regenerabile mai puțin exploatate: 0.090 Mii tep/an Scopul investitiei il reprezinta imbunatatirea calitatii aerului, apei si solului prin reducerea gradului de poluare cauzata de arderea combusibil (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project "System for the production and distribution of thermal energy using geothermal energy in Dudestii old commune, county. Timis", is the creation of a centralised system for the production and distribution of thermal energy, using less exploited renewable energy sources, i.e. geothermal energy, in order to reduce CO2 emissions. The general objective of the project is directly linked to Specific Objective 6.1 “Increasing the production of energy from less exploited renewable resources (biomass, biogas, geothermal), production” of Priority Axis 6 on the promotion of clean energy and energy efficiency in order to support a low-carbon economy. The contribution of the project to the achievement of the specific objective of the Programme is the increased production of energy from less exploited renewable sources. This result will also contribute to: — increasing the share of renewable energy in total primary energy consumption, as a result of investments to increase installed power generation of electricity and heat from less exploited renewable resources. — reducing the carbon emissions in the atmosphere generated by the energy sector by replacing part of the amount of fossil fuels consumed each year (carbons, natural gas). — increasing the production of primary energy from less exploited renewable sources. Also, the general objective is consistent with the financing actions according to LIOP set out in section 1.3 of the Applicant’s Guide, as this project involves the realisation of geothermal thermal energy production capacities. This project demonstrates the contribution to the result indicator and target provided by LIOP, as it follows the gross production of primary energy from less exploited renewable sources. At the moment, in Dudestii Vechi commune, the heating of public buildings is carried out using coal. Coal is a fossil fuel, expensive and polluting, which is not available locally and requires long-distance transport. The way in which the project contributes to the result indicator is given by the investment consisting of the realisation of a centralised heating system, using less exploited renewable energy sources, namely geothermal energy. The target indicators for this project are the following: 1. Renewable energies: Additional renewable energy capacity: 1.50 MW; 2. Greenhouse gas reduction: Estimated annual decrease in greenhouse gases: Tonnes of CO2 equivalent 373.00; 3. Less exploited gross production of primary energy from renewable sources: 0.090 Thousand toe/year The goal of the investment is to improve air, water and soil quality by reducing the level of pollution caused by combustion (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Dudeştii Vechi, Romania
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