Procurement of equipment to strengthen the capacity of the public health system in Alba Iulia for the management of the COVID emergency – 19 (Q3099114): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 13:28, 6 October 2021

Project Q3099114 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Procurement of equipment to strengthen the capacity of the public health system in Alba Iulia for the management of the COVID emergency – 19
Project Q3099114 in Romania


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    1,105,073.87 Romanian Leu
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    221,014.77400000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,105,073.87 Romanian Leu
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    221,014.77400000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1.0 percent
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    15 April 2020
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    31 December 2020
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este: Obiectivul general al proiectului este: Imbunatatirea capacitatii de ingrijire si tratament a pacientilor infectati cu virusul SARS-CoV-2, prin dotarea sectiei ATI a Spitalului Judetean de Urgenta Alba Iulia cu 10 ventilatoare mecanice. Astfel el se incadreaza in actiunea de tip A, ce sprijina activitati precum: dotarea unitatilor sanitare publice / unitatilor publice de interventie integrata / entitatilor publice implicate in activitatea de transfuzie sanguina cu echipamente si aparatura medicala, dispozitive medicale și de protectie medicala, echipamente pentru transport specializat, echipamente pentru decontaminare și suport triaj, necesare pentru tratamentul pacientilor cu infectie COVID – 19 si pentru gestionarea situatiei de urgenta provocata de criza COVID – 19 la nivelul unitatilor sanitare publice / unitatilor publice de interventie integrata, in special, dar fara a fi limitate la: ventilatoare / monitoare medicale / injectomate / infuzomate / paturi suplimentare si alta infrastructura de terapie intensiva suplimentara fata de cea existenta in unitatile sanitare, recoltoare / teste extractie si diagnostic SARS-Cov-2 / substante necesare pentru decontaminare / biocide, etc. Acest proiect contribuie la realizarea actiunilor propuse in cadrul Axei Prioritare 9 Protejarea sanatatii populatiei in contextul pandemiei cauzate de COVID-19, prin prioritatea de investitii 9a Investitii in infrastructurile sanitare si sociale care contribuie la dezvoltarea la nivel national, regional si local, reducand inegalitatile in ceea ce priveste starea de sanatate, promovand incluziunea sociala prin imbunatatirea accesului la serviciile sociale, culturale si de recreere, precum si trecerea de la serviciile institutionale la serviciile prestate de comunitați. Notabil este faptul ca raspunsul administratiei locale a fost inca de la inceputul acestei pandemii, reactionand sinergic si coerent cu celeleate instituttii ale Comitetului Local pentru Situatii de Urgenta Alba Iulia in stavilirea efectelor acestui virus. (,,,,,,, Pe considerentul ca rezolvarera eficien (Romanian)
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    The overall objective of the project is to: The overall objective of the project is to: Improving the care and treatment capacity of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus, by equipping the ATI section of Alba Iulia County Emergency Hospital with 10 mechanical fans. Thus, he fits into type A action, which supports activities such as: equipping public health units/public intervention units/public entities involved in blood transfusion activity with medical equipment and equipment, medical and medical protection devices, specialised transport equipment, equipment for decontamination and triage support, necessary for the treatment of COVID-19 patients and for the management of the emergency situation caused by the COVID crisis – 19 at the level of public health units/public integrated intervention units, in particular, but not limited to: ventilators/medical monitors/injectomates/infusomates/additional beds and other intensive care infrastructure additional to that existing in the sanitary units, re-harvests/extraction and diagnostic tests SARS-Cov-2/substances needed for decontamination/biocides, etc. This project contributes to the realisation of the actions proposed under Priority Axis 9 Protection of population health in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, through investment priority 9a investments in health and social infrastructure that contribute to development at national, regional and local level, reducing inequalities in health status, promoting social inclusion by improving access to social, cultural and recreational services, as well as the transition from institutional services to community services. Notable is that the response of the local administration was from the beginning of this pandemic, reacting synergistically and coherently with the other institutions of the Local Committee for Emergency Situations Alba Iulia in stalling the effects of this virus. (,,, ■, Φ, Φ, Φ.). On the grounds that the solution is effective (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Alba Iulia, Romania
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