Extension of infrastructure for pre-school education in Vaslui municipality – construction and endowment of a kindergarten for children in Vaslui municipality (str. Stefan cel Mare) (Q2741588): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 13:19, 6 October 2021

Project Q2741588 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Extension of infrastructure for pre-school education in Vaslui municipality – construction and endowment of a kindergarten for children in Vaslui municipality (str. Stefan cel Mare)
Project Q2741588 in Romania


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    1,827,272.37 Romanian Leu
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    365,454.47400000005 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,149,732.2 Romanian Leu
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    429,946.44000000006 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 October 2019
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    30 September 2022
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    44°28'25.97"N, 26°4'35.04"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este reprezentat de construirea si dotarea unei gradinite cu 4 sali de grupa, cu un regim de inaltime demisol, parter si etaj si un functional coerent, adaptat standardelor actuale de sanatate publica, siguranta la incendiu, siguranta în exploatare, situata în strada Stefan cel Mare, Municipiul Vaslui, Judetul Vaslui, pe parcursul a 36 de luni de implementare. În vederea asigurarii unui act educational în conditiile recomandate de normele în vigoare, este necesara construirea unei gradinite noi cu program prelungit în zona strazii Stefan cel Mare din Municipiul Vaslui si dotarea acesteia, fiind imperioasa crearea functiunilor conform standardelor si legislatiei în vigoare aplicabile pentru obtinerea autorizatiilor de functionare si îmbunatatirea conditiilor de derulare a procesului educational. Proiectul propus are în vedere asigurarea unei infrastructuri educationale de nivel prescolar care sa corespunda în primul rând normelor igienico-sanitare, normelor de securitate la incendiu si care sa deserveasca totodata populatia prescolara conform estimarilor pentru perioada de operare a investitiei. Prin natura obiectivului general, investitia vizata prin proiect prevede masuri de realizare a unei infrastructuri adecvate si corespunzatoare esentiala pentru educatie si formare inclusiv în formare profesionala, pentru dobândirea de competenþe si învatare pe tot parcursul vietii in cadrul Axei prioritara 4: Sprijinirea dezvoltarii urbane durabile, Prioritatea de investiþii 4.4: Investitiile în educatie, si formare, inclusiv în formare profesionala, pentru dobândirea de competente si învatare pe tot parcursul vietii prin dezvoltarea infrastructurilor de educatie si formare, Obiectiv Specific 4.4: Cresterea calitatii infrastructurii în vederea asigurarii accesului sporit la educatie timpurie si sprijinirea participarii parintilor pe piata fortei de munca prin: - generarea de noi locuri de munca; - asigurarea unei infrastructuri educationale de nivel prescolar care sa corespunda în primul rând normelor igienico-sanitare, normelor de securitate la incendiu si care sa deserveasca totodata populatia prescolara conform estimarilor pentru perioada de operare a investitiei; - crearea unei societati a includerii sociale prin crearea accesului la educatie de calitate pentru toate categoriile de persoane si cresterea calitatii vietii cetatenilor ca o preconditie pentru pastrarea bunastarii individuale Proiectul propus are în vedere realizare infrastructura corespunzatoare pentru nivelul de studii prescolare – realizare constructie pentru 4 sali de grupa la program prelungit si asigurare baza logistica necesara pentru un proces educational adaptat nevoilor si metodelor de predare din secolul curent. Astfel, se considera ca gradinita cu program prelungit construita prin proiect va trebui sa asigure o capacitate de înglobare de 60 de copii la momentul darii în folosinta a investitiei si pe perioada de exploatare a acesteia (pe (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is the construction and equipping of a garden with 4 group halls, with a height regime of semi-basement, ground floor and floor and a coherent functional, adapted to the current standards of public health, fire safety, safety in operation, located in Stefan cel Mare Street, Vaslui Municipality, Vaslui County, during 36 months of implementation. In order to ensure an educational act under the conditions recommended by the rules in force, it is necessary to build a new kindergarten with extended hours in the area of Stefan cel Mare Street in Vaslui Municipality and its endowment, being imperiously creating functions according to the standards and legislation in force for obtaining the operating permits and improving the conditions of the educational process. The proposed project aims to ensure a preschool level educational infrastructure that meets first and foremost the hygienic-sanitary norms, fire safety standards and which also serves the preschool population according to estimates for the period of operation of the investment. By the nature of the general objective, the investment targeted by the project provides measures to achieve an adequate and appropriate infrastructure essential for education and training, including in vocational training, for the acquisition of lifelong skills and learning under Priority Axis 4: Supporting Sustainable Urban Development, Investment Priority 4.4: Investments in education, and training, including vocational training, for the acquisition of skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructures, Specific Objective 4.4: Increasing the quality of infrastructure in order to ensure increased access to early education and support parents’ participation in the labour market by: — generating new jobs; the provision of a preschool educational infrastructure that corresponds primarily to the hygienic-sanitary norms, fire safety standards and which also serves the preschool population according to estimates for the period of operation of the investment; — the creation of a society of social inclusion by creating access to quality education for all categories of people and increasing the quality of life of citizens as a precondition for keeping individual well-being. The proposed project envisages the realisation of the appropriate infrastructure for the level of pre-school education – building for 4 group halls at extended program and providing the necessary logistical base for an educational process adapted to the needs and teaching methods of the current century. Thus, it is considered that the long-time kindergarten built by the project will have to ensure an embedding capacity of 60 children at the time of the investment’s use and during the period of its exploitation (on (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Vaslui, Romania
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