Practice in simulated enterprises – SIMPRACT 2 (Q3096631): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 13:16, 6 October 2021

Project Q3096631 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Practice in simulated enterprises – SIMPRACT 2
Project Q3096631 in Romania


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    1,841,508.898 Romanian Leu
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    368,301.7796 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,166,481.05 Romanian Leu
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    433,296.20999999996 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    25 June 2018
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    24 June 2020
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    44°25'42.17"N, 26°2'55.68"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta creșterea angajabilității studenților printr-o serie de activitati de consiliere, orientare profesionala si actiuni cu caracter inovator care vor conduce la dezvoltarea de competente antreprenoriale si de aptitudini de munca necesare insertiei acestora pe piata muncii. Abordarea proiectului se integreaza in obiectivele POCU 2014-2020, in speta Obiectivul specific 6.13 „Creșterea numărului absolvenților de învățământ terțiar universitar și nonuniversitar care își găsesc un loc de muncă urmare a accesului la activități de învățare la un potențial loc de muncă / cercetare/ inovare, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potențial competitiv identificate conform SNC şi domeniile de specializare inteligentă conform SNCDI” prin prisma faptului ca vizeaza dezvoltarea capitalului uman, intrucat programul de consiliere si orientare profesionala si practica in intreprinderile simulate vor contribui intr-o maniera directa la facilitarea insertiei studentilor pe piata muncii. Beneficiile generate de implementarea proiectului vizeaza in principal grupul tinta. Studentii cuprinsi in activitati tip intreprindere simulata vor fi mai bine pregatiti pentru a raspunde cerintelor pietei muncii si ale viitorului angajator, dar si pentru a aborda antreprenoriatul ca si alternativa de cariera. Corelarea deficitara a sistemului de educatie si formare profesionala cu dinamica pietei muncii reprezinta un obstacol in calea dobandirii si pastrarii unui loc de munca si reprezinta una dintre principalele cauze ale somajului de lunga durata in randul tinerilor. Proiectul va combate aceasta problema prin crearea si aplicarea unor instrumente si metode de consiliere si orientare profesionala care vor permite studentilor sa urmeze trasee de formare personalizate structurii propriei personalitati, precum si actualelor cerinte manifestate pe piata muncii. Proiectul se adreseaza uneia dintre cele mai importante nevoi ale grupului tinta si anume aceea de a avea un loc de munca. Prin intermediul proiectului se furnizeaza toate premizele asigurarii insertiei profesionale a grupului tinta, deoarece membrii grupului tinta isi vor dezvolta capacitatea de a face alegeri realiste si adaptate pietei muncii in ceea ce priveste construirea unei cariere profesionale. Pe termen lung, beneficiile generate de proiect vizeaza oferirea unui trai decent pentru membrii grupului tinta, posibilitati de dezvoltare in cariera sau de abordare a antreprenoriatului ca si alternativa in cariera. De asemenea, un loc de munca asigura tinerilor o sursa de venit si un trai decent, procedandu-se astfel la eliminarea riscului de excluziune sociala a generatiilor viitoare. Implementarea proiectului va conduce la cresterea sanselor de integrare pe piata muncii a viitorilor absolventi, fapt ce se va transpune in reducerea somajului de lunga durata in randul tinerilor. Beneficiarii indirecti ai proiectului sunt angajatorii, care vor beneficia de o forta de munca cal (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the employability of students through a series of activities of counseling, professional guidance and innovative actions that will lead to the development of entrepreneurial skills and work skills necessary for their insertion into the labour market. The project approach is integrated into the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, in the specific objective 6.13 “Increasing the number of university and non-university tertiary education graduates who find a job due to access to learning activities to a potential job/research/innovation, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to NCNS and smart specialisation fields according to SNCDI” in view of the fact that it aims to develop human capital, as the program of counseling and professional guidance and practice in simulated enterprises will contribute in a direct manner to facilitating the insertion of students into the labor market. The benefits generated by the implementation of the project are aimed mainly at the target group. The students involved in simulated enterprise activities will be better prepared to meet the demands of the labour market and of the future employer, but also to address entrepreneurship as a career alternative. Poor correlation of the education and training system with labour market dynamics represents an obstacle to gaining and retaining a job and is one of the main causes of long-term unemployment among young people. The project will combat this problem by creating and applying tools and methods of counselling and professional guidance that will allow students to follow training paths tailored to the structure of their own personality, as well as to the current demands manifested on the labour market. The project addresses one of the most important needs of the target group, namely to have a job. Through the project, all the prerequisites of ensuring the professional insertion of the target group are provided, because the members of the target group will develop their ability to make realistic choices adapted to the labor market in terms of building a professional career. In the long term, the benefits generated by the project aim at providing a decent living for the members of the target group, opportunities for career development or approaching entrepreneurship as an alternative in the career. A job also provides young people with a source of income and a decent living, thus eliminating the risk of social exclusion of future generations. The implementation of the project will lead to increased chances of integration of future graduates on the labour market, which will translate into the reduction of long-term unemployment among young people. Indirect beneficiaries of the project are employers, who will benefit from a horse labour force (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Sibiu, Romania
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