Ensuring performance and quality management in Ploiesti Municipality (Q3096052): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 12:37, 6 October 2021

Project Q3096052 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Ensuring performance and quality management in Ploiesti Municipality
Project Q3096052 in Romania


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    357,481.3295 Romanian Leu
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    71,496.2659 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    424,723.37 Romanian Leu
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    84,944.674 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    84.17 percent
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    1 March 2018
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    30 June 2019
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    MUNICIPIUL PLOIESTI/cabinet primar
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie introducerea/extinderea de sisteme, instrumente si procese de managementul calitatii si performantei, precum ISO 9001:2015 si CAF, la nivelul Municipiului Ploiesti, a serviciilor descentralizate si subordonate, prin imbunatatirea durabila a eficacitatii managementului la nivel local, prin furnizarea unor inalte standarde de cunostinte si expertiza pentru functionarii publici din cadrul Primariei. Pregatirea corespunzatoare a grupului tinta va sprjini activitatile de dezvoltare si de sustinere a unui management performant, prin dezvoltarea practicilor de management si prin consolidarea unei capacitati sustinute de formare pentru administratia publica din Municipiul Ploiesti. Proiectul isi propune sa raspunda nevoilor identificate in cadrul Primariei prin actualizarea sistemului de management al Primariei, in vederea alinierii sale la standardele si exigentele europene, precum si crearea unei administratii publice moderne. Dezvoltarea resurselor umane reprezinta unul dintre elementele fundamentale ale cresterii accesului la servicii accesibile, durabile si de inalta calitate si de asemenea reprezinta pilonul incluziunii sociale si a combaterii saraciei. In acest sens prezentul proiect raspunde necesitatilor din cadrul Municipiului Ploiesti, a serviciilor descentralizate si subordonate, prin furnizarea de actiuni complexe bazate pe experienta dobandita si pe know-how-ul acumulat de parteneriatul proiectului de-a lungul timpului. Astfel, proiectul pune accent pe pregatirea la nivel european a personalului din cadrul institutiei publice vizate, pentru a deveni mai transparenta, mai credibila, mai eficienta si orientata spre cetatean. Proiectul va fi in beneficiul socio-economic al cetatenilor Municipiului Ploiesti, prin introducerea/extinderea unui sistem de management al calitatii in concordanta cu Planul de actiuni pentru implementarea atapizata a managementului calitatii in autoritati si institutii publice 2016-2020. Proiectul propune metode moderne de formare a resurselor umane din managementul public, pentru obtinerea potentialului maxim al personalului si beneficierii de structuri institutionale eficiente. De asemenea, prin asigurarea sistemului de management al calitatii la nivel local si aplicarea unor masuri de consolidare a transparentei in cadrul administratiei publice, proiectul va avea un efect pozitiv atat asupra economiei, cat si asupra cetatenilor. Proiectul aduce plus valoare dezvoltarii administratiei publice locale prin sustinerea unui management performant, introducerea unui sistem de management al performantei si calitatii si dezvoltarea cunostintelor si abilitatilor personalului din Municipiul Ploiesti, serviciile descentralizate si subordonate. Efectele pozitive pe termen lung sunt de asemenea obtinute prin schimbul de experienta realizat la nivelul proiectului, astfel participantii obtinand informatii inovative si dobandind competentele necesare in vederea implementarii CAF co (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is the introduction/extension of systems, tools and processes of quality and performance management, such as ISO 9001:2015 and CAF, at the level of Ploiesti Municipality, of decentralised and subordinated services, through sustainable improvement of the effectiveness of management at local level, by providing high standards of knowledge and expertise for public functionaries within the City Hall. The proper training of the target group will support the development and support of an efficient management, by developing management practices and by strengthening a sustained training capacity for the public administration in Ploiesti Municipality. The project aims to meet the needs identified in the City Hall by updating the city hall’s management system, in order to align it with European standards and requirements, as well as the creation of a modern public administration. The development of human resources is one of the fundamental elements of increasing access to accessible, sustainable and high quality services and is also the pillar of social inclusion and combating poverty. In this respect, this project responds to the needs of Ploiesti Municipality, decentralised and subordinate services, by providing complex actions based on the acquired experience and the know-how accumulated by the project partnership over time. Thus, the project focuses on training at European level the staff of the public institution concerned, in order to become more transparent, credible, efficient and citizen-oriented. The project will benefit the socio-economic benefit of the citizens of Ploiesti, by introducing/extension of a quality management system in accordance with the Action Plan for the implementation of quality management in public authorities and institutions 2016-2020. The project proposes modern methods of training human resources from public management, in order to achieve the maximum potential of the staff and the benefit of efficient institutional structures. Also, by ensuring the quality management system at local level and applying measures to strengthen transparency within the public administration, the project will have a positive effect on both the economy and citizens. The project brings added value to the development of the local public administration by supporting an efficient management, introducing a system of performance and quality management and developing the knowledge and skills of the staff of Ploiesti Municipality, decentralised and subordinate services. Long-term positive effects are also achieved through the exchange of experience achieved at project level, thus the participants gain innovative information and acquire the necessary skills in order to implement CAF co (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Ploieşti, Romania
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