Increasing IQ Concept Srl’s Competitiveness through the Purchase of Performance Equipment (Q2745013): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 12:19, 6 October 2021
Project Q2745013 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Increasing IQ Concept Srl’s Competitiveness through the Purchase of Performance Equipment |
Project Q2745013 in Romania |
760,290.9988 Romanian Leu
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1,052,305.88 Romanian Leu
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210,461.17599999998 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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72.25 percent
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8 December 2016
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30 October 2018
0 references
0 references
Obiectivul general îl constituie dezvoltarea durabila şi creşterea competitivităţii firmei IQ CONCEPT SRL, prin diversificarea activităţii, lansarea unui nou domeniu de activitate, respectiv execuţia de lucrări de pregătire a terenului. Cresterea competitivitatii economice a IQ Concept SRL prin achizitia de echipamente performante precum si prin crearea de locuri de munca noi. Obiectivul general al proiectului este in stransa concordanta cu obiectivul specific al axe prioritare POR 2.1. A si anume consolidarea poziției pe piață a întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii în domeniile competitive identificate în Strategia Națională de Competitivitate şi Planurile Regionale de Dezvoltare. Astfel, dezvoltarea domeniului construcţii se poate realiza în contextul în care companiile din domeniu fac eforturi pentru achiziţionarea de utilaje, echipamente şi linii tehnologice, moderne, care utilizează tehnologii avansate, respectând tendinţele evoluţiei pieţei, astfel încât, lucrările executate să fie realizate la o calitate superioară, la standarde europene şi în condiţiile protejării mediului înconjurător şi îmbunătăţirii calităţii acestuia. Prin achizitia buldoexcavatorului si a autogrederului se va dezvolta o noua gama de servicii si anume cea aferenta codului CAEN 4312 Lucrari de pregatire a terenului, ducand astfel la cresterea cifrei de afaceri respectiv la consolidarea pozitiei pe piata a IQ Concept SRL. (Romanian)
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The general objective is the sustainable development and competitiveness of IQ CONCEPT SRL, by diversifying the activity, launching a new field of activity, namely the execution of works to prepare the land. Increasing the economic competitiveness of IQ Concept SRL through the acquisition of high-performance equipment as well as by creating new jobs. The general objective of the project is closely consistent with the specific objective of priority axes ROP 2.1. A namely strengthening the market position of small and medium-sized enterprises in the competitive areas identified in the National Competitiveness Strategy and Regional Development Plans. Thus, the development of the construction field can be achieved in the context in which the companies in the field make efforts to purchase modern machinery, equipment and technological lines that use advanced technologies, respecting the trends of market developments, so that the works carried out are carried out at a higher quality, at European standards and under the conditions of protecting the environment and improving its quality. A new range of services will be developed through the acquisition of the backhoe and the autogreder, namely the one related to the CAEN code 4312 Land preparation works, thus increasing the turnover and consolidation of the market position of IQ Concept SRL. (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Jimbolia, Romania
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