Improving the quality of life of Deta’s population by creating new social structures (Q2745296): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 15:04, 5 October 2021
Project Q2745296 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improving the quality of life of Deta’s population by creating new social structures |
Project Q2745296 in Romania |
9,098,898.36 Romanian Leu
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10,704,586.27 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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1 January 2018
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31 December 2022
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Q3115563 (Deleted Item)
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Obiectivul general urmarit a fi atins prin implementarea prezentului proiect consta in imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei orasului Deta prin crearea de noi structuri sociale la nivelul orasului Deta: cresa, centru de zi pentru persoane varstince si cantina sociala. Proiectul este oportun si necesar comunitatii locale deoarece solicitantul urmareste imbunatatirea indicelui de dezvoltare umana a orasului Deta prin ameliorarea situatiilor de risc de excluziune sociala datorat conditiilor de trai precare cu ramificatii in somaj de lunga durata, parasirea timpurie a scolii, violenta in familie, s.a Proiectul va contribui in mod activ la indeplinirea obiectivului strategic sprijinirea persoanelor aflate in dificultate- crearea unei constructii care sa cuprinda atat o cantina sociala cat si un centru de zi si o cresa venind astfel in intampinarea nevoilor sociale a unei parti a comunitatii locale, respectiv a obiectivului strategic de reducere a emisiilor de CO2 si a gazelor cu efect de sera in orasul Deta- imbunatatirea infrastructurii rutiere prin oferirea de posibilitati alternative de alegere a mijloacelor de circulatie- modernizare infratructura de circulatie prin menajarea de piste de biciclisit pe strazile care ofera aceasta posibilitate stabilite prin Strategia de dezvoltare durabila a orasului Deta 2015-2020. Proiectul va contribui in mod activ la indeplinirea obiectivelor Programului Operational Regional 2014-2020, Axa prioritara 13 PS 13.1 Imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei in orase mici si mijlocii din Romania .Ca urmare a celor prezentate mai sus se considera ca proiectul, prin obiectivele si activitatile previzionate este oportun si necesar. Prin obiectivele pe care le propune prezentul proiect este oportun si necesar comunitatii mai sus amintitie si aceasta deoarece in prezent, in localitate, se identifica un numar important de persoane cu varsta peste 65 ani unii dintre acestia aflati in pragul excluziunii sociale, respectiv de copii ce pot fi integrati in structuri de tip cresa. In acelasi timp solicitantul urmareste ca imbunatatirea accesului la servicii sociale sa se realizeze concomitent cu responsabilizarea comunitatii locale cu privire la situatiile ce pot fi imbunatatite in vederea cresterii calitatii vietii si ameliorarii indicelui de dezvoltare umana aferent localitatii Deta. Proiectul va contribui in mod activ la indeplinirea obiectivelor Programului Operational Regional 2014-2020, Axa prioritara 13 PS 13.1 Imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei in orase mici si mijlocii din Romania .Ca urmare a celor prezentate mai sus se considera ca proiectul, prin obiectivele si activitatile previzionate este oportun si necesar. (Romanian)
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The general objective to be achieved by implementing this project is to improve the quality of life of the Deta population by creating new social structures at Deta city level: cress, day care center for Varstinian people and social cafeteria. The project is opportune and necessary for the local community because the applicant seeks to improve the human development index of Deta city by improving the risk situations of social exclusion due to poor living conditions with long-term unemployment branches, early school leaving, violence in the family, etc. The project will actively contribute to achieving the strategic objective of supporting people in difficulty – creating a construction that includes both a social cafeteria and a day centre and an increase thus coming to meet the social needs of a part of the local community, namely the strategic objective of reducing CO2 emissions and gas through the urban development of the city with the effect of improving the transport of the city. The project will actively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 13 PS 13.1 Improving the quality of life of the population in small and medium-sized cities in Romania. As a result of the above it is considered that the project, through the objectives and activities foreseen is appropriate and necessary. Through the objectives proposed by the present project, it is appropriate and necessary for the above mentioned community because at present, in the locality, an important number of people over 65 are identified some of them on the verge of social exclusion, namely children who can be integrated into nursery structures. At the same time, the applicant seeks that the improvement of access to social services should be done simultaneously with the responsibility of the local community regarding the situations that can be improved in order to increase the quality of life and improve the human development index related to Deta. The project will actively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 13 PS 13.1 Improving the quality of life of the population in small and medium-sized cities in Romania. As a result of the above it is considered that the project, through the objectives and activities foreseen is appropriate and necessary. (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Deta, Romania
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