In the basic round Martinská Success (Q3100978): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The elementary school, Martinská 20, Žilina is a fully organised primary school with nine stages with a focus on sport and foreign languages. It has 24 classes with 567 pupils. In the 2016/2017 school year, 32 pupils with special educational needs (SECs) with health disadvantages are individually included in the school.  Out of the total number of individually incorporated, there are 14 pupils in the school who have been advised by the advisory...)
Property / summary
The elementary school, Martinská 20, Žilina is a fully organised primary school with nine stages with a focus on sport and foreign languages. It has 24 classes with 567 pupils. In the 2016/2017 school year, 32 pupils with special educational needs (SECs) with health disadvantages are individually included in the school.  Out of the total number of individually incorporated, there are 14 pupils in the school who have been advised by the advisory centres as an assistant teacher.  At present, there are teachers’ assistants with a total time of 2.59 – which is an absolutely insufficient number of assistants due to the number of 14 pupils recommended as a teacher’s assistant.  In addition, 1 individually-incorporated pupil has one full-time teacher’s assistant assigned and the remaining part-time of 1.59 cannot cover the need for the teacher’s assistant to another 13rd individually integrated pupils. Also in the process of diagnosis there are other pupils to whom will be recommended in the school year 2017/2018 teacher’s assistant. In the school year 2016/2017 there is a school psychologist for a fixed term until August 2017 during the MD and RD special pedagogue. The school records an increasing number of pupils requiring intensive psychological intervention in the learning process. For the above reasons, the main objective of the project is to: “Increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and improve the outcomes and competences of children and pupils” at the Martinská 20 Elementary School, Žilina. Realistically, the selected target will be achieved through 2 activities:1. Creation and filling of 5 new posts as teacher assistant in order to improve school success of pupils, including those with SVVP2. Creation and occupation of 1 new post of school psychologist in order to compensate for the disadvantage of pupils and ensure equal opportunities in the educational process.The expected contribution of the project will be intended for the target group: pupils with SCE, pupils from SZP, for other pupils, teachers and parents.The implementation of the project is expected to achieve: an increase in the number of pupils with SCE by 18 in mainstream classes, up to 24 months after the end of the project, of which 4 from the CSR group. At the same time, we anticipate an improvement in learning outcomes 6 months after the completion of at least 15 pupils with SVET. (English)
Property / summary: The elementary school, Martinská 20, Žilina is a fully organised primary school with nine stages with a focus on sport and foreign languages. It has 24 classes with 567 pupils. In the 2016/2017 school year, 32 pupils with special educational needs (SECs) with health disadvantages are individually included in the school.  Out of the total number of individually incorporated, there are 14 pupils in the school who have been advised by the advisory centres as an assistant teacher.  At present, there are teachers’ assistants with a total time of 2.59 – which is an absolutely insufficient number of assistants due to the number of 14 pupils recommended as a teacher’s assistant.  In addition, 1 individually-incorporated pupil has one full-time teacher’s assistant assigned and the remaining part-time of 1.59 cannot cover the need for the teacher’s assistant to another 13rd individually integrated pupils. Also in the process of diagnosis there are other pupils to whom will be recommended in the school year 2017/2018 teacher’s assistant. In the school year 2016/2017 there is a school psychologist for a fixed term until August 2017 during the MD and RD special pedagogue. The school records an increasing number of pupils requiring intensive psychological intervention in the learning process. For the above reasons, the main objective of the project is to: “Increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and improve the outcomes and competences of children and pupils” at the Martinská 20 Elementary School, Žilina. Realistically, the selected target will be achieved through 2 activities:1. Creation and filling of 5 new posts as teacher assistant in order to improve school success of pupils, including those with SVVP2. Creation and occupation of 1 new post of school psychologist in order to compensate for the disadvantage of pupils and ensure equal opportunities in the educational process.The expected contribution of the project will be intended for the target group: pupils with SCE, pupils from SZP, for other pupils, teachers and parents.The implementation of the project is expected to achieve: an increase in the number of pupils with SCE by 18 in mainstream classes, up to 24 months after the end of the project, of which 4 from the CSR group. At the same time, we anticipate an improvement in learning outcomes 6 months after the completion of at least 15 pupils with SVET. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The elementary school, Martinská 20, Žilina is a fully organised primary school with nine stages with a focus on sport and foreign languages. It has 24 classes with 567 pupils. In the 2016/2017 school year, 32 pupils with special educational needs (SECs) with health disadvantages are individually included in the school.  Out of the total number of individually incorporated, there are 14 pupils in the school who have been advised by the advisory centres as an assistant teacher.  At present, there are teachers’ assistants with a total time of 2.59 – which is an absolutely insufficient number of assistants due to the number of 14 pupils recommended as a teacher’s assistant.  In addition, 1 individually-incorporated pupil has one full-time teacher’s assistant assigned and the remaining part-time of 1.59 cannot cover the need for the teacher’s assistant to another 13rd individually integrated pupils. Also in the process of diagnosis there are other pupils to whom will be recommended in the school year 2017/2018 teacher’s assistant. In the school year 2016/2017 there is a school psychologist for a fixed term until August 2017 during the MD and RD special pedagogue. The school records an increasing number of pupils requiring intensive psychological intervention in the learning process. For the above reasons, the main objective of the project is to: “Increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and improve the outcomes and competences of children and pupils” at the Martinská 20 Elementary School, Žilina. Realistically, the selected target will be achieved through 2 activities:1. Creation and filling of 5 new posts as teacher assistant in order to improve school success of pupils, including those with SVVP2. Creation and occupation of 1 new post of school psychologist in order to compensate for the disadvantage of pupils and ensure equal opportunities in the educational process.The expected contribution of the project will be intended for the target group: pupils with SCE, pupils from SZP, for other pupils, teachers and parents.The implementation of the project is expected to achieve: an increase in the number of pupils with SCE by 18 in mainstream classes, up to 24 months after the end of the project, of which 4 from the CSR group. At the same time, we anticipate an improvement in learning outcomes 6 months after the completion of at least 15 pupils with SVET. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 28 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:55, 28 September 2021

Project Q3100978 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
In the basic round Martinská Success
Project Q3100978 in Slovakia


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    170,136.0 Euro
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    200,160.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 January 2018
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    1 December 2020
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    Základná škola, Martinská 20, Žilina
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    49°12'23.87"N, 18°46'19.88"E
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    Základná škola, Martinská 20, Žilina je plnoorganizovaná základná škola s deviatimi postupovými ročníkmi so zameraním na šport a cudzie jazyky. Má 24 tried, v ktorých je 567 žiakov. V školskom roku 2016/2017 je na škole individuálne začlenených 32 žiakov so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami (ďalej ŠVVP) so zdravotným znevýhodnením.  Z celkového počtu individuálne začlenených je na škole 14 žiakov, ktorým bol poradenskými centrami odporučený asistent učiteľa.  V súčasnosti pôsobia na ZŠ asistenti učiteľa s celkovým uväzkom 2,59 - čo je absolútne nepostačujúci počet asistentov vzhľadom na počet 14 žiakov, ktorým bol odporučený asistent učiteľa.  Navyše 1 individuálne začlenený žiak má prideleného jedného asistenta učiteľa na celý pracovný úväzok a zostávajúcim úväzkom 1,59 nemôže škola pokryť potrebu asistenta učiteľa ďalším 13. individuálne začleneným žiakom. Taktiež v procese diagnostiky sú ďalší žiaci, ktorým bude odporúčaný v školskom roku 2017/2018 asistent učiteľa. V školskom roku 2016/2017 pôsobí na škole školská psychologička na dobu určitú do augusta 2017 počas zástupu MD a RD špeciálnej pedagogičky. Škola zaznamenáva stúpajúci počet žiakov, ktorí vyžadujú intenzívnu psychologickú intervenciu v procese učenia. Z uvedených dôvodov je hlavným cieľom projektu: „Zvýšiť inkluzívnosť a rovnaký prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu a zlepšiť výsledky a kompetencie detí a žiakov" na ZŠ Martinská 20, Žilina. Reálne bude zvolený cieľ naplnený prostredníctvom 2 aktivít:1. Vytvorenie a obsadenie 5 nových pracovných miest asistenta učiteľa za účelom zlepšenia školskej úspešnosti žiakov vrátane žiakov so ŠVVP2. Vytvorenie a obsadenie 1 nového pracovného miesta školského psychológa za účelom vyrovnávania znevýhodnenia žiakov a zabezpečenia rovnosti príležitostí vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese.Očakávaný prínos projektu bude určený pre cieľovú skupinu: žiakov so ŠVVP, žiakov zo SZP, pre ostatných žiakov, učiteľov a rodičov.Realizáciou projektu predpokladáme dosiahnuť: navýšenie počtu žiakov so ŠVVP o 18 zaradených v bežných triedach, do 24 mesiacov po skončení projektu, z toho 4 zo skupiny SZP. Zároveň predpokladáme zlepšenie študijných výsledkov 6 mesiacov po realizácií u minimálne 15 žiakov so ŠVVP. (Slovak)
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    The elementary school, Martinská 20, Žilina is a fully organised primary school with nine stages with a focus on sport and foreign languages. It has 24 classes with 567 pupils. In the 2016/2017 school year, 32 pupils with special educational needs (SECs) with health disadvantages are individually included in the school.  Out of the total number of individually incorporated, there are 14 pupils in the school who have been advised by the advisory centres as an assistant teacher.  At present, there are teachers’ assistants with a total time of 2.59 – which is an absolutely insufficient number of assistants due to the number of 14 pupils recommended as a teacher’s assistant.  In addition, 1 individually-incorporated pupil has one full-time teacher’s assistant assigned and the remaining part-time of 1.59 cannot cover the need for the teacher’s assistant to another 13rd individually integrated pupils. Also in the process of diagnosis there are other pupils to whom will be recommended in the school year 2017/2018 teacher’s assistant. In the school year 2016/2017 there is a school psychologist for a fixed term until August 2017 during the MD and RD special pedagogue. The school records an increasing number of pupils requiring intensive psychological intervention in the learning process. For the above reasons, the main objective of the project is to: “Increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and improve the outcomes and competences of children and pupils” at the Martinská 20 Elementary School, Žilina. Realistically, the selected target will be achieved through 2 activities:1. Creation and filling of 5 new posts as teacher assistant in order to improve school success of pupils, including those with SVVP2. Creation and occupation of 1 new post of school psychologist in order to compensate for the disadvantage of pupils and ensure equal opportunities in the educational process.The expected contribution of the project will be intended for the target group: pupils with SCE, pupils from SZP, for other pupils, teachers and parents.The implementation of the project is expected to achieve: an increase in the number of pupils with SCE by 18 in mainstream classes, up to 24 months after the end of the project, of which 4 from the CSR group. At the same time, we anticipate an improvement in learning outcomes 6 months after the completion of at least 15 pupils with SVET. (English)
    28 September 2021
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