Implementation of social legal protection measures for children and social guardianship in a natural family environment (Q3100804): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the project is to support the process of transition from institutional to community-based care, to strengthen and improve the performance of socially legal protection measures for children and social guardianship. The aim of the project is to implement selected measures of social legal protection of children and social guardians in the natural family environment of clients, which are children, adults and families for which...)
Property / summary
The main objective of the project is to support the process of transition from institutional to community-based care, to strengthen and improve the performance of socially legal protection measures for children and social guardianship. The aim of the project is to implement selected measures of social legal protection of children and social guardians in the natural family environment of clients, which are children, adults and families for which these measures are carried out. The project will focus on systematic action that will ensure adequate assistance for the child and family, promote primary, secondary and couple ties, adapt to the process of change in children and adults, promote empathy in relation to the needs and survival of children and parents who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Efforts are also made to make communication more effective, to increase understanding between members, to adopt more realistic expectations from the partner(s) and to increase the degree of adaptability necessary for the functioning of the family. The project will be implemented by the performance of specific activities of a professionally qualified team, which will intensify its existing approach to this target group, which will be extended to include a random client. The implementation of activities will territorially extend beyond several regions of Slovakia, thanks to which professional staff will reach a wide range of clients. Through the performance of the work of the implementation team there will be an extension of the implementation of elements of the “Innovative model of family remediation management”, the development and professionalisation of social work and the performance of psychological activities with the client in his natural environment. Early identification of the problem of the client and the provision of comprehensive assistance will prevent situations where the child is in real danger of being removed from the family or increase the possibility of returning the child to his or her natural family environment. This will be reflected positively and demonstrably through the above measurable project indicators. Mandatory measurable indicators projektu:P0361 Number of projects targeting public administrations or social services at national, regional and local levelDefinition: Number of ESF supported projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and efficient public administration.Method of calculation: The indicator is calculated as the sum of the number of ESF-supported projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and efficient public administration to the starting point of the activity. At the start date of the activity, the sum of: 0, because the applicant carries out the measure of social legal protection of children and social guardianship under the auspices of the Labour Offices of Social Affairs and Family, not as a civic association alone. P0334 Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environmentDefinition: Capacity of new, innovative social services or social legal protection measures and social guardianship for children/family/children with disabilities/persons with disabilities/persons in unfavourable social situation at community level, in a home, open environment or alternative environment supported by the ESF. For the purposes of the indicator, capacity is considered to be the ability to absorb a specified number of clients into measures implemented at community level, i.e. the ability to carry out professional methods of working in the client’s home environment, or in the alternative family environment of the client, or to support through professional activities the life of clients in the community for a certain volume of clients. The indicator shall be calculated as the sum of the number of capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment that received ESF support at the start date of the activity. The applicant shall indicate in that measurable indicator the sum of: 100, because, at the start date of the project’s activities, the target value is the number of clients that it intends to pursue. P0294 Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment 6 months after the end of the projectDefinition: The indicator tracks the capacity to maintain a number of capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment. (English)
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to support the process of transition from institutional to community-based care, to strengthen and improve the performance of socially legal protection measures for children and social guardianship. The aim of the project is to implement selected measures of social legal protection of children and social guardians in the natural family environment of clients, which are children, adults and families for which these measures are carried out. The project will focus on systematic action that will ensure adequate assistance for the child and family, promote primary, secondary and couple ties, adapt to the process of change in children and adults, promote empathy in relation to the needs and survival of children and parents who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Efforts are also made to make communication more effective, to increase understanding between members, to adopt more realistic expectations from the partner(s) and to increase the degree of adaptability necessary for the functioning of the family. The project will be implemented by the performance of specific activities of a professionally qualified team, which will intensify its existing approach to this target group, which will be extended to include a random client. The implementation of activities will territorially extend beyond several regions of Slovakia, thanks to which professional staff will reach a wide range of clients. Through the performance of the work of the implementation team there will be an extension of the implementation of elements of the “Innovative model of family remediation management”, the development and professionalisation of social work and the performance of psychological activities with the client in his natural environment. Early identification of the problem of the client and the provision of comprehensive assistance will prevent situations where the child is in real danger of being removed from the family or increase the possibility of returning the child to his or her natural family environment. This will be reflected positively and demonstrably through the above measurable project indicators. Mandatory measurable indicators projektu:P0361 Number of projects targeting public administrations or social services at national, regional and local levelDefinition: Number of ESF supported projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and efficient public administration.Method of calculation: The indicator is calculated as the sum of the number of ESF-supported projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and efficient public administration to the starting point of the activity. At the start date of the activity, the sum of: 0, because the applicant carries out the measure of social legal protection of children and social guardianship under the auspices of the Labour Offices of Social Affairs and Family, not as a civic association alone. P0334 Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environmentDefinition: Capacity of new, innovative social services or social legal protection measures and social guardianship for children/family/children with disabilities/persons with disabilities/persons in unfavourable social situation at community level, in a home, open environment or alternative environment supported by the ESF. For the purposes of the indicator, capacity is considered to be the ability to absorb a specified number of clients into measures implemented at community level, i.e. the ability to carry out professional methods of working in the client’s home environment, or in the alternative family environment of the client, or to support through professional activities the life of clients in the community for a certain volume of clients. The indicator shall be calculated as the sum of the number of capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment that received ESF support at the start date of the activity. The applicant shall indicate in that measurable indicator the sum of: 100, because, at the start date of the project’s activities, the target value is the number of clients that it intends to pursue. P0294 Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment 6 months after the end of the projectDefinition: The indicator tracks the capacity to maintain a number of capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to support the process of transition from institutional to community-based care, to strengthen and improve the performance of socially legal protection measures for children and social guardianship. The aim of the project is to implement selected measures of social legal protection of children and social guardians in the natural family environment of clients, which are children, adults and families for which these measures are carried out. The project will focus on systematic action that will ensure adequate assistance for the child and family, promote primary, secondary and couple ties, adapt to the process of change in children and adults, promote empathy in relation to the needs and survival of children and parents who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Efforts are also made to make communication more effective, to increase understanding between members, to adopt more realistic expectations from the partner(s) and to increase the degree of adaptability necessary for the functioning of the family. The project will be implemented by the performance of specific activities of a professionally qualified team, which will intensify its existing approach to this target group, which will be extended to include a random client. The implementation of activities will territorially extend beyond several regions of Slovakia, thanks to which professional staff will reach a wide range of clients. Through the performance of the work of the implementation team there will be an extension of the implementation of elements of the “Innovative model of family remediation management”, the development and professionalisation of social work and the performance of psychological activities with the client in his natural environment. Early identification of the problem of the client and the provision of comprehensive assistance will prevent situations where the child is in real danger of being removed from the family or increase the possibility of returning the child to his or her natural family environment. This will be reflected positively and demonstrably through the above measurable project indicators. Mandatory measurable indicators projektu:P0361 Number of projects targeting public administrations or social services at national, regional and local levelDefinition: Number of ESF supported projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and efficient public administration.Method of calculation: The indicator is calculated as the sum of the number of ESF-supported projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and efficient public administration to the starting point of the activity. At the start date of the activity, the sum of: 0, because the applicant carries out the measure of social legal protection of children and social guardianship under the auspices of the Labour Offices of Social Affairs and Family, not as a civic association alone. P0334 Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environmentDefinition: Capacity of new, innovative social services or social legal protection measures and social guardianship for children/family/children with disabilities/persons with disabilities/persons in unfavourable social situation at community level, in a home, open environment or alternative environment supported by the ESF. For the purposes of the indicator, capacity is considered to be the ability to absorb a specified number of clients into measures implemented at community level, i.e. the ability to carry out professional methods of working in the client’s home environment, or in the alternative family environment of the client, or to support through professional activities the life of clients in the community for a certain volume of clients. The indicator shall be calculated as the sum of the number of capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment that received ESF support at the start date of the activity. The applicant shall indicate in that measurable indicator the sum of: 100, because, at the start date of the project’s activities, the target value is the number of clients that it intends to pursue. P0294 Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment 6 months after the end of the projectDefinition: The indicator tracks the capacity to maintain a number of capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 28 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:54, 28 September 2021

Project Q3100804 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of social legal protection measures for children and social guardianship in a natural family environment
Project Q3100804 in Slovakia


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    413,616.89 Euro
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    486,608.11 Euro
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    1 September 2021
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    48°59'9.60"N, 21°15'8.14"E
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    Hlavným cieľom projektu je podpora procesu prechodu z inštitucionálnej na komunitnú starostlivosť, posilnenie a skvalitnenie výkonu opatrení sociálnoprávnej ochrany detí a sociálnej kurately. Zámerom projektu je realizovanie vybraných opatrení sociálnoprávnej ochrany detí a sociálnej kurately v prirodzenom rodinnom prostredí klientov, ktorými sú deti, plnoleté fyzické osoby a rodiny, pre ktoré sa tieto opatrenia vykonávajú. Projekt sa zameria na systematické pôsobenie, ktoré zabezpečí adekvátnu pomoc pre dieťa a rodinu, podporí primárne, sekundárne a párové väzby, adaptáciu na proces zmeny u detí a dospelých, podporí empatiu vo vzťahu k potrebám a prežívaniu detí a rodičov, ktoré sa ocitnú v zložitej životnej situácii. Snahou je tiež zabezpečiť zefektívnenie komunikácie, zvýšenie porozumenia medzi jednotlivými členmi, osvojenie si realistickejších očakávaní od partnera, resp. detí a zvýšenie miery adaptability nevyhnutnej pre fungovanie rodiny.      Projekt bude realizovaný výkonom špecifických aktivít odborného kvalifikovaného tímu, ktorý zintenzívni svoj doterajší prístup k uvedenej cieľovej skupine, ktorá sa rozšíri o náhodného klienta. Realizácia aktivít bude územne presahovať viaceré regióny Slovenska, vďaka čomu bude mať odborný personál dosah na široké spektrum klientov. Prostredníctvom výkonu práce realizačného tímu dôjde k rozšíreniu implementácie prvkov "Inovatívneho modelu  manažmentu sanácie rodiny" , k rozvoju a profesionalizácii sociálnej práce a výkonu psychologických činností s klientom v jeho prirodzenom prostredí. Včasnou identifikáciou problému klienta a poskytnutím komplexnej pomoci sa predíde situáciám, kedy reálne hrozí vyňatie dieťaťa z rodiny, resp. zvýši sa možnosť návratu dieťaťa do jeho prirodzeného rodinného prostredia. Táto skutočnosť sa pozitívne a preukázateľne odzrkadlí prostredníctvom uvedených merateľných ukazovateľov projektu. Povinné merateľné ukazovatele projektu:P0361 Počet projektov zameraných na verejné správy alebo sociálne služby na vnútroštátnej, regionálnej a miestnej úrovniDefinícia: Počet projektov podporovaných z ESF zameraných na posilnenie inštitucionálnych kapacít a efektívnej verejnej správy.Spôsob výpočtu: Ukazovateľ sa vypočíta ako súčet počtu projektov podporovaných z ESF zameraných na posilnenie inštitucionálnych kapacít a efektívnej verejnej správy, ku dnu začatia aktivity. Ku dňu začatia aktivity je súčet: 0, pretože žiadateľ vykonáva opatrenie sociálnoprávnej ochrany detí a sociálnej kurately pod záštitou Úradov práce sociálnych vecí a rodiny, nie ako občianske združenie samé. P0334 Počet podporovaných kapacít nových, inovatívnych služieb alebo opatrení na komunitnej úrovni, v domácom prostredí, otvorenom prostredí alebo náhradnom prostredíDefinícia: Kapacita nových, inovatívnych sociálnych služieb alebo opatrení sociálnoprávnej ochrany detí a sociálnej kurately pre deti/rodiny/deti so zdravotným postihnutím/osoby so zdravotným postihnutím/osoby v nepriaznivej sociálnej situácii na komunitnej úrovni, v domácom prostredí, otvorenom prostredí alebo náhradnom prostredí, na ktoré bola poskytnutá podpora z ESF. Za kapacitu sa na účely ukazovateľa považuje schopnosť absorbovať určený počet klientov do opatrení vykonávaných na komunitnej úrovni, t.j. schopnosť vykonávať odborné metódy práce v domácom prostredí klienta, resp. v náhradnom rodinnom prostredí klienta, resp. podporovať odbornými činnosťami život klientov v komunite pre určitý objem klientov.Spôsob výpočtu: Ukazovateľ sa vypočíta ako súčet počtu kapacít nových, inovatívnych služieb alebo opatrení na komunitnej úrovni, v domácom prostredí, otvorenom prostredí alebo náhradnom prostredí, ktoré prijali podporu ESF, ku dňu začatia aktivity. Žiadateľ v uvedenom merateľnom ukazovateli uvádza súčet: 100, pretože ku dňu začatia výkonu aktivít projektu je cieľovou hodnotou počet klientov, ktorým sa plánuje predmetne venovať. P0294 Počet podporených kapacít nových, inovatívnych služieb alebo opatrení na komunitnej úrovni, v domácom prostredí, otvorenom prostredí alebo náhradnom prostredí 6 mesiacov po ukončení projektuDefinícia: : Ukazovateľ sleduje spôsobilosť udržať počet kapacít nových, inovatívnych služieb alebo opatrení na komunitnej úrovni, v domácom prostredí, otvorenom prostredí alebo náhradnom prostredí. Nakoľko cieľom väčšiny opatrení sociálnej inklúzie je podpora sanácie rodín, svojbytnosti klientov a pod. a nie udržiavanie závislosti klientov od systému, cieľovou hodnotou nie je udržanie konkrétneho klienta v systéme, ale udržanie schopnosti vykonávať sociálne služby/opatrenia pre konkrétny objem/počet klientov vybudovanými kapacitami.Spôsob výpočtu: Ukazovateľ sa vypočíta ako súčet počtu podporených kapacít nových, inovatívnych služieb alebo opatrení na komunitnej úrovni, v domácom prostredí, otvorenom prostredí alebo náhradnom prostredí 6 mesiacov po ukončení projektu. Žiadateľ deklaruje, že 6 mesiacov po ukončenia aktivít projektu, bude súčet týchto klientov minimálne v počte: 100 n (Slovak)
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    The main objective of the project is to support the process of transition from institutional to community-based care, to strengthen and improve the performance of socially legal protection measures for children and social guardianship. The aim of the project is to implement selected measures of social legal protection of children and social guardians in the natural family environment of clients, which are children, adults and families for which these measures are carried out. The project will focus on systematic action that will ensure adequate assistance for the child and family, promote primary, secondary and couple ties, adapt to the process of change in children and adults, promote empathy in relation to the needs and survival of children and parents who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Efforts are also made to make communication more effective, to increase understanding between members, to adopt more realistic expectations from the partner(s) and to increase the degree of adaptability necessary for the functioning of the family. The project will be implemented by the performance of specific activities of a professionally qualified team, which will intensify its existing approach to this target group, which will be extended to include a random client. The implementation of activities will territorially extend beyond several regions of Slovakia, thanks to which professional staff will reach a wide range of clients. Through the performance of the work of the implementation team there will be an extension of the implementation of elements of the “Innovative model of family remediation management”, the development and professionalisation of social work and the performance of psychological activities with the client in his natural environment. Early identification of the problem of the client and the provision of comprehensive assistance will prevent situations where the child is in real danger of being removed from the family or increase the possibility of returning the child to his or her natural family environment. This will be reflected positively and demonstrably through the above measurable project indicators. Mandatory measurable indicators projektu:P0361 Number of projects targeting public administrations or social services at national, regional and local levelDefinition: Number of ESF supported projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and efficient public administration.Method of calculation: The indicator is calculated as the sum of the number of ESF-supported projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and efficient public administration to the starting point of the activity. At the start date of the activity, the sum of: 0, because the applicant carries out the measure of social legal protection of children and social guardianship under the auspices of the Labour Offices of Social Affairs and Family, not as a civic association alone. P0334 Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environmentDefinition: Capacity of new, innovative social services or social legal protection measures and social guardianship for children/family/children with disabilities/persons with disabilities/persons in unfavourable social situation at community level, in a home, open environment or alternative environment supported by the ESF. For the purposes of the indicator, capacity is considered to be the ability to absorb a specified number of clients into measures implemented at community level, i.e. the ability to carry out professional methods of working in the client’s home environment, or in the alternative family environment of the client, or to support through professional activities the life of clients in the community for a certain volume of clients. The indicator shall be calculated as the sum of the number of capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment that received ESF support at the start date of the activity. The applicant shall indicate in that measurable indicator the sum of: 100, because, at the start date of the project’s activities, the target value is the number of clients that it intends to pursue. P0294 Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment 6 months after the end of the projectDefinition: The indicator tracks the capacity to maintain a number of capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community level, at home, in an open environment or in a substitute environment. (English)
    28 September 2021
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