Increasing the competitiveness of VÚMZ SK, s.r.o. (Q3110539): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage) |
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): VÚMZ SK, s.r.o. / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Spoločnosť VÚMZ SK, s.r.o. Nitra sa od svojho vzniku zaoberá technickými návrhmi a výrobou jednoúčelových strojných zariadení (dopravníkov, manipulátorov, preklápačov, drvičov, atď.), špecifických technických riešení a to jednotlivo alebo dodávkou „na kľúč“ kompletne s automatizáciou riadenia procesu, pre zákazníkov z pôsobiacich v rôznych odvetviach , kde je potrebné riadenie výrobného procesu a aplikácia progresných technických riešení. V zmysle predmetu živností spoločnosti je ich prioritnou činnosťou výroba strojov a zariadení v rámci strojárskeho priemyslu,ktorá pretrváva aj v súčasnosti. Cieľ projektu:dosiahnutie inovácie výrobného procesu a pridanej hodnoty výrobkova/ vo vzťahu zmiernenia negatívneho vplyvu na životné prostredieb/ zníženie energetickej náročnosti výrobného procesuc/ zlepšenie kvality, efektívnosti a pružnosti výrobnej činnostizvýšenie zamestnanosti v regiónevýrazné zvýšenie konkurencieschopnostiaplikáciou inovovaného výrobného procesu v spoločnosti si zabezpečiť podmienky pre úspešnú spoluprácu s veľkými podnikmi / alebo nadnárodnými spoločnosťami/, resp. akademickou obcouVysoký dôraz sa bude klásť na výber dodávateľa pri dodávke technológii z dôvodu zabezpečenia inovatívnych strojných zariadení a tým zabezpečiť:× efektívny výrobný proces× zmiernenie negatívneho vplyvu na životné prostredie× zníženie energetickej náročnosti výrobného procesu Hlavná aktivita projektu:Rozvoj existujúceho MSPbude dosiahnutá realizáciou inovácie produkčného procesu a to nákupom nového dlhodobého majektu Miesto realizácie projektu:obec Černík Merateľné ukazovatele:Počet inovovaných procesov 1Počet podnikov, ktoré dostávajú granty 1Nárast zamestnanosti v podporovaných podnikoch 2 (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Since its inception, the company VÚMZ SK, s.r.o. Nitra has been engaged in technical design and production of single-purpose machinery (conveyors, manipulators, flippers, crushers, etc.), specific technical solutions individually or by turnkey delivery completely with process control automation, for customers from various sectors, where it is necessary to manage the production process and apply progressive technical solutions. According to the scope of the company’s trades, their priority activity is the production of machinery and equipment within the engineering industry, which persists today. Objective of projektu:dosiahnutie innovation of the production process and added value of productsand/in relation to reducing negative environmental impactb/reducing the energy intensity of the production processc/improving the quality, efficiency and flexibility of the production activity Increasing employment in the regionsignificantly increasing competitiveness by applying an innovative production process in the company to ensure the conditions for successful cooperation with large enterprises/or multinationals/or academiaHigh emphasis will be placed on the choice of supplier in the supply of technology for the purpose of securing innovative machinery and thereby ensuring:×effective production process×reducing negative environmental impact×reducing the energy intensity of the production process Main activity projektu:Rozvoj of existing SMEs will be achieved in the process of realising the production process and the realisation of long-term innovation. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Since its inception, the company VÚMZ SK, s.r.o. Nitra has been engaged in technical design and production of single-purpose machinery (conveyors, manipulators, flippers, crushers, etc.), specific technical solutions individually or by turnkey delivery completely with process control automation, for customers from various sectors, where it is necessary to manage the production process and apply progressive technical solutions. According to the scope of the company’s trades, their priority activity is the production of machinery and equipment within the engineering industry, which persists today. Objective of projektu:dosiahnutie innovation of the production process and added value of productsand/in relation to reducing negative environmental impactb/reducing the energy intensity of the production processc/improving the quality, efficiency and flexibility of the production activity Increasing employment in the regionsignificantly increasing competitiveness by applying an innovative production process in the company to ensure the conditions for successful cooperation with large enterprises/or multinationals/or academiaHigh emphasis will be placed on the choice of supplier in the supply of technology for the purpose of securing innovative machinery and thereby ensuring:×effective production process×reducing negative environmental impact×reducing the energy intensity of the production process Main activity projektu:Rozvoj of existing SMEs will be achieved in the process of realising the production process and the realisation of long-term innovation. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 10:33, 28 September 2021
Project Q3110539 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Increasing the competitiveness of VÚMZ SK, s.r.o. |
Project Q3110539 in Slovakia |
188,985.44 Euro
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377,970.88 Euro
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50.0 percent
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5 January 2019
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8 January 2019
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0 references