Improving the skills level and increasing the employment of NEETs in Dolj county (Q3097622): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 15:03, 27 September 2021

Project Q3097622 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Improving the skills level and increasing the employment of NEETs in Dolj county
Project Q3097622 in Romania


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    4,483,492.89 Romanian Leu
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    896,698.578 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,873,361.86 Romanian Leu
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    974,672.3720000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    15 July 2021
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    15 July 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este ”Cresterea ocuparii tinerilor NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-29 ani, inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidenta in regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia, judetul Dolj, si imbunatatirea nivelului de competente, inclusiv prin evaluarea si certificarea competentelor dobandite in sistem non-formal si informal”. Proiectul cuprinde masuri integrate si flexibile de sprijinire a tinerilor NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-29 ani (care nu au un loc de munca, nu urmeaza o forma de invatamant si nu participa la activitati de formare profesionala), inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidenta in regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia (respectiv judetul Dolj) cu scopul de a asigura cresterea ocuparii tinerilor NEETs si de a imbunatatii nivelul lor de competente, inclusiv prin evaluarea si certificarea competentelor dobandite in sistem non-formal si informal. Pentru indeplinirea scopului propus, proiectul cuprinde in grupul tinta un numar de 372 de tineri NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-29 ani, inregistrati la AJOFM Dolj, care beneficiaza de masuri active de ocupare: - organizare si derulare de programe de formare profesionala (cursuri de calificare/ recalificare profesionala, initiere/specializare); - evaluare si certificare a competentelor profesionale obtinute pe alte cai decat cele formale, respectiv non-formale si/sau informale - mediere a muncii, in vederea stimularii ocuparii pe piata muncii. Masurile de care beneficiaza grupul tinta al proiectului se aplica in mod personalizat fiecarui membru al grupului tinta, tinand cont de profilarea acestora de catre AJOFM Dolj, de oportunitatile de ocupare din regiunea de aplicare a proiectului, de nevoile, abilitatile, competentele si interesele acestora, si au ca rezultat cresterea gradului de ocupare a tinerilor NEETs cu vârsta între 16-29 ani, inregistrati la AJOFM Dolj si cresterea numarului acestora care si-au imbunatatit competentele sau care si-au validat competentele dobândite in sistem non-formal si informal. Obiectivul general al proiectului a fost definit in conformitate cu Axa Prioritara 1 a Programului POCU 2014-2020: Inițiativa “Locuri de muncă pentru tineri", cu Obiectivul tematic 8: ”Promovarea unei ocupări sustenabile și de calitate a forței de muncă și sprijinirea mobilității forței de muncă”, cu Prioritatea de investiții 8.ii: ”Integrare durabila pe piata muncii a tinerilor (ILMT), in special a celor care nu au un loc de munca, educatie sau formare, inclusiv a tinerilor cu risc de excluziune sociala si a tinerilor din comunitatile marginalizate, inclusiv prin punerea in aplicare a “garantiei pentru tineret”, cu Obiectivele Specifice OS 1.1 ”Cresterea ocuparii tinerilor NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-29 ani, inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidenta in regiunile eligibile” si OS 1.2 ”Imbunatatirea nivelului de competente, inclusiv prin evaluarea si certificarea competentelor dobandite in sistem non-formal si informal a (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is “Increasing the employment of unemployed NEETs aged 16-29, registered with the Public Employment Service, residing in the South-West Oltenia region, Dolj county, and improving the level of competence, including by assessing and certifying the skills acquired in a non-formal and informal system”. The project includes integrated and flexible measures to support young unemployed NEETs aged 16-29 years (who do not have a job, do not follow a form of education and do not participate in professional training activities), registered at the Public Employment Service, residing in the South-West Oltenia region (i.e. Dolj county) in order to ensure the growth of NEETs’ employment and to improve their skills level, including by assessing and certifying the skills acquired in a non-formal and informal system. In order to achieve the proposed goal, the project includes in the target group 372 unemployed NEETs aged 16-29, registered at AJOFM Dolj, who benefit from active employment measures: — organising and conducting professional training programs (training/reskilling courses, initiation/specialisation); — assessment and certification of professional skills obtained on other ways than formal, respectively non-formal and/or informal – labor mediation, in order to stimulate employment on the labour market. The measures benefitting the target group of the project are applied in a personalised manner to each member of the target group, taking into account their profiling by AJOFM Dolj, the employment opportunities in the project application region, their needs, skills, competences and interests, and result in increasing the employment rate of NEETs aged 16-29, registered at AJOFM Dolj and increasing their number that have improved their skills or validated their skills acquired in a non-formal and informal system. The general objective of the project was defined in accordance with Priority Axis 1 of the POCU Programme 2014-2020: Youth Employment Initiative, with thematic objective 8: “Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility”, with Investment Priority 8.ii: “Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people (ILMT), especially those who do not have a job, education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalised communities, including through the implementation of the”Youth Guarantee“, with Specific Objectives OS 1.1”Cresting employment of NEETs aged 16-29, registered with the Public Employment Service, with residency in eligible regions“and OS 1.2”Improving the level of competence, including by assessing and certifying the skills acquired in a non-formal and informal system (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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