Support for jobseekers’ applications (Q3104712): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): AUTOMOX s.r.o. / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: iadatež má vytvorenú rozvíjajúcu sa spoločnos v oblasti poskytovania sluieb, predaj a montá náhradných dielov na LKV. Na to, aby mohol svoju spoločnos povznies, nevyhnutne potrebuje nových zamestnancov, ktorí budú pracova na rozvoji nových sluieb. Z toho dôvodu iadatež, v rámci projektu, vytvorí 14 nových pracovných pozícií. Nakožko iadatež pociuje nedostatok kvalifikovaných pracovných síl v oblasti, v ktorej chce vytvori pracovné miesta, tieto obsadí uchádzačmi o zamestnanie evidovanými na úrade práce. Na to. Aby sa o vožných pracovných miestach iadateža dozvedelo čo najväčie mnostvo potenciálnych zamestnancov/zamestnankýň, uverejní iadatež inzerát o vožných pracovných miestach na webovej stránke úrade práce. Na základe takto uverejneného inzerátu, osoba, ktorá disponuje kompetenciami v oblasti žudských zdrojov a teda výberu vhodných zamestnancov, vyberie z doručených ivotopisov tie najvhodnejie a daných záujemcov/záujemkyne pozve na pracovný pohovor. Na základe výsledkov pracovného pomeru odporučí tých uchádzačov/uchádzačky o nové pracovné pozície, ktoré najviac splnili očakávania a kritériá. Títo uchádzači/uchádzačky budú následne prijaté do pracovného pomeru a bude s nimi uzatvorená pracovná zmluva. Na výkon ich práce, počas doby 6 mesiacov, budú dohliada dvaja mentori, z ktorých jeden bude riadi, vies a kontrolova vetkých novoprijatých zamestnancov/zamestnankyne, ktorí budú pôsobi na pracovných pozíciách súvisiacich s vedením žudí, obchodníkov/obchodníčky a technika/techničku a druhý bude ma na starosti vodičov/vodičky. Mentori budú novoprijatým zamestnancom/zamestnankyniam poskytova informácie o spoločnosti, poskytovaných slubách, o ich pracovnej pozícii, bude ne nich prenáa svoje vedomosti a zručnosti a tým zabezpečí lepiu zamestnatežnos novoprijatých zamestnancov/zamestnankýň. Títo nadobudnú nové vedomosti a zručnosti, rozvinú si u existujúce a nadobudnú nové pracovné skúsenosti. iadatež zároveň napomôe k zníeniu nezamestnanosti v Nitrianskom kraji. pecifický ciež zodpovedajúci príslunej prioritnej osi OP źZ: 3.1.1 Zvýi zamestnanos, zamestnatežnos a zníi nezamestnanos s osobitným dôrazom na dlhodobo nezamestnaných, nízko kvalifikovaných, starích a zdravotne postihnuté osoby. Problém, ktorý projekt riei: uplatnenie UoZ na trhu práce UoZ potrebujú vytvorené pracovné pozície, na ktoré zamestnávatež hžadá uchádzačov z radov UoZ. Vežká čas zamestnávatežov hžadá nových zamestnancov iba z radov osôb, ktoré v súčasnosti majú adekvátnu pracovnú pozíciu (sú zamestnaní u konkurencie). Toto znevýhodňuje UoZ, nakožko aktuálne zamestnanie nemajú a na rieenie tohto problému je zameraná výzva na predkladanie oNFP. Ciež projektu: Vytvorenie pracovných miest, ktoré budú poskytnuté UoZ na trhu práce, čo podporí uplatnenie UoZ na trhu práce a vyriei problém uplatnenia a uplatnitežnosti UoZ na trhu práce. Aktivity projektu, ktoré vedú k naplneniu cieža projektu a odstráneniu problému, ktorý projekt riei: Hlavná aktivita projektu je Podpora uplatnenia UoZ a ZUoZ na trhu práce. K naplneniu tejto aktivity bude iadatež realizova podaktivity ako vyhžadávanie a výber nových zamestnancov/zamestnankýň, ich zamestnanie a poskytnutie mentorskej starostlivosti. Očakávaná zmena stavu po ukončení realizácie projektu: budú vytvorené pracovné miesta pre UoZ, tieto pracovné miesta pre UoZ budú ponúknuté UoZ a UoZ získajú prácu a uplatnia sa na trhu práce. Očakávaná zmena stavu po ukončení realizácie vedie k rieeniu problému uplatnenie UoZ na trhu práce. Novoprijatí zamestnanci/zamestnankyne získajú projektom uplatnenie sa na trhu práce zodpovedajúce ich schopnostiam, skúsenostiam, vedomostiam a zručnostiam. Ciežovou skupinou, na ktorú sa iadatež v rámci projektu zameral, sú UoZ (uchádzači o zamestnanie evidovaní na úrade práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny) táto ciežová skupina je oprávnená v zmysle výzvy a na rieenie jej problémov sa projekt zameriava. Hlavná aktivita projektu je Podpora uplatnenia UoZ a ZUoZ na trhu práce. K naplneniu tejto aktivity bude iadatež realizova podaktivity ako vyhžadávanie a výber nových zamestnancov/zamestnankýň, ich zamestnanie a poskytnutie mentorskej starostlivosti. iadatež poskytne pracovné miesta UoZ, čím podporí ich uplatnenie na trhu práce. Na základe vytvorených pracovných miest pre UoZ sa pozitívne riei problém uplatnenia a uplatnitežnosti UoZ na trhu práce. V prípade nefinancovania projektu by iadatež nemohol natožko pôsobi na zniovanie nezamestnanosti v kraji a pracovné pozície by vytváral avak v rámci vežkého časového horizontu s ohžadom na financie. Projekt pozitívne ovplyvňuje schopnos vytvára pracovné pozície na strane iadateža. Bez projektu, by iadatež nemohol vytvori pracovné pozície pre UoZ, alebo by ich vytvoril vo výrazne niom počte, financovanie projektu je preto nevyhnutné, potrebné a účelné vzhžadom na ciele výzvy na predkladanie oNFP. Definícia problémov a negatívnej situácie, ktoré tvoria východi (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The company has established a growing company in the field of service provision, sale and assembly of spare parts on LKV. In order to be able to raise its society, it necessarily needs new employees who will be working on the development of new services. Therefore, as part of the project, it will create 14 new jobs. In addition, the applicant suffers from a shortage of skilled labour in the area in which it wants to create jobs, which will be filled by jobseekers registered with the employment office. For that. In order to maximise the number of potential employees/employees, the applicant will publish an advertisement on the Labour Office’s website. On the basis of the advertisement thus published, a person who has competence in the field of human resources and therefore the selection of suitable staff will select the most suitable from the submitted biographies and invite the candidates/candidates to an interview. On the basis of the results of the employment relationship, he/she will recommend those candidates/applicants for new posts that have most fulfilled the expectations and criteria. These candidates will then be recruited and contracted. The performance of their work, for a period of 6 months, will be supervised by two mentors, one of whom will manage and control all newly recruited employees who will be active in positions related to the management of people, traders/traders and technicians/techniques and the other will be in charge of drivers/drivers. Mentors will provide newly recruited employees with information about the company, the services provided, their job position, they will transfer their knowledge and skills and thus ensure better employment of newly recruited employees. They will acquire new knowledge and skills, develop existing ones and acquire new work experience. At the same time, help to reduce unemployment in the Nitra Region. Specific objective corresponding to the relevant priority axis of OP źZ: 3.1.1 Increasing employment, employment and reducing unemployment, with particular emphasis on the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, the elderly and the disabled. The problem of which project is: the application of UoZs to the labour market UoZ needs job creation, for which it employs applicants from UoZ. High-time employment calls for new employees only from those who are currently in an adequate position (they are employed in competition). This puts UoZ at a disadvantage, because they do not currently have a job, and the call for NFA aims to address this problem. Aim of the project: The creation of jobs to be provided by the UoZ on the labour market, which will promote the labour market take-up of UoZs and resolve the problem of the application and applicability of UoZ to the labour market. Project activities leading to the realisation of the project’s objective and the elimination of the problem addressed by the project: The main activity of the project is Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz in the labour market. To fulfil this activity will be required to implement sub-activities such as the search for and selection of new employees, their employment and the provision of mentoring. Expected change after completion of the project: UoZ jobs will be created, these UoZ jobs will be offered to UoZ and UoZ will get a job and will be applied to the labour market. The expected post-implementation change leads to a solution to the problem of applying UoZ to the labour market. Newly recruited employees will gain access to the labour market according to their skills, experience, knowledge and skills. UoZ (jobseekers registered at the Labour, Social Affairs and Family Office) is the target group, which has been targeted by the project as part of the project, and the project focuses on solving its problems. The main activity of the project is Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz in the labour market. To fulfil this activity will be required to implement sub-activities such as the search for and selection of new employees, their employment and the provision of mentoring. It will provide UoZ jobs, thereby promoting their entry into the labour market. Based on the jobs created for UoZ, the problem of the application and applicability of UoZ in the labour market is positively addressed. In the case of non-financing of the project, the applicant would not be able to reduce unemployment in the region and create jobs within a large time horizon with a demand for funding. The project positively affects the ability to create jobs on the side of the requestor. Without the project, the applicant would not have been able to create job positions for UoZ or would have created them in a significantly smaller number, funding of the project is therefore necessary, necessary and useful in view of the objectives of the call for NFA. Definition of the problems and negative situation that make up the exits (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The company has established a growing company in the field of service provision, sale and assembly of spare parts on LKV. In order to be able to raise its society, it necessarily needs new employees who will be working on the development of new services. Therefore, as part of the project, it will create 14 new jobs. In addition, the applicant suffers from a shortage of skilled labour in the area in which it wants to create jobs, which will be filled by jobseekers registered with the employment office. For that. In order to maximise the number of potential employees/employees, the applicant will publish an advertisement on the Labour Office’s website. On the basis of the advertisement thus published, a person who has competence in the field of human resources and therefore the selection of suitable staff will select the most suitable from the submitted biographies and invite the candidates/candidates to an interview. On the basis of the results of the employment relationship, he/she will recommend those candidates/applicants for new posts that have most fulfilled the expectations and criteria. These candidates will then be recruited and contracted. The performance of their work, for a period of 6 months, will be supervised by two mentors, one of whom will manage and control all newly recruited employees who will be active in positions related to the management of people, traders/traders and technicians/techniques and the other will be in charge of drivers/drivers. Mentors will provide newly recruited employees with information about the company, the services provided, their job position, they will transfer their knowledge and skills and thus ensure better employment of newly recruited employees. They will acquire new knowledge and skills, develop existing ones and acquire new work experience. At the same time, help to reduce unemployment in the Nitra Region. Specific objective corresponding to the relevant priority axis of OP źZ: 3.1.1 Increasing employment, employment and reducing unemployment, with particular emphasis on the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, the elderly and the disabled. The problem of which project is: the application of UoZs to the labour market UoZ needs job creation, for which it employs applicants from UoZ. High-time employment calls for new employees only from those who are currently in an adequate position (they are employed in competition). This puts UoZ at a disadvantage, because they do not currently have a job, and the call for NFA aims to address this problem. Aim of the project: The creation of jobs to be provided by the UoZ on the labour market, which will promote the labour market take-up of UoZs and resolve the problem of the application and applicability of UoZ to the labour market. Project activities leading to the realisation of the project’s objective and the elimination of the problem addressed by the project: The main activity of the project is Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz in the labour market. To fulfil this activity will be required to implement sub-activities such as the search for and selection of new employees, their employment and the provision of mentoring. Expected change after completion of the project: UoZ jobs will be created, these UoZ jobs will be offered to UoZ and UoZ will get a job and will be applied to the labour market. The expected post-implementation change leads to a solution to the problem of applying UoZ to the labour market. Newly recruited employees will gain access to the labour market according to their skills, experience, knowledge and skills. UoZ (jobseekers registered at the Labour, Social Affairs and Family Office) is the target group, which has been targeted by the project as part of the project, and the project focuses on solving its problems. The main activity of the project is Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz in the labour market. To fulfil this activity will be required to implement sub-activities such as the search for and selection of new employees, their employment and the provision of mentoring. It will provide UoZ jobs, thereby promoting their entry into the labour market. Based on the jobs created for UoZ, the problem of the application and applicability of UoZ in the labour market is positively addressed. In the case of non-financing of the project, the applicant would not be able to reduce unemployment in the region and create jobs within a large time horizon with a demand for funding. The project positively affects the ability to create jobs on the side of the requestor. Without the project, the applicant would not have been able to create job positions for UoZ or would have created them in a significantly smaller number, funding of the project is therefore necessary, necessary and useful in view of the objectives of the call for NFA. Definition of the problems and negative situation that make up the exits (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 13:28, 27 September 2021
Project Q3104712 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Support for jobseekers’ applications |
Project Q3104712 in Slovakia |
169,982.92 Euro
0 references
199,979.9 Euro
0 references
0.85 percent
0 references
1 October 2019
0 references
1 April 2021
0 references
0 references