Conversion, superstructure and extension of the building of the maternity school in the village Kolačkov (Q3104705): Difference between revisions

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Obec Kolačkov
Property / beneficiary name (string): Obec Kolačkov / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Obec Kolačkov sa nachádza v severovýchodnej časti Slovenskej republiky v okrese Stará źubovňa. Obec leží v nadmorskej výške 649 m. Prvá zmienka o obci pochádza z roku 1361 (ŠÚ SR, 2018). Rozloha obce je 1741,9 ha. V januári roku 2019 malo v obci trvalý pobyt 1261 obyvatežov, hustota obyvatežstva bola 76,8 ob./km2 (OcÚ, 2019; ŠÚ SR, 2018). Podža Atlasu rómskych komunít na Slovensku 2013 (UNDP, 2014) bol v sledovanom období zaznamenaný podiel MRK na úrovni takmer 29 %. V porovnaní so SODB 2011, je predpoklad zvyšujúceho sa počtu príslušníkov MRK. Títo obyvatelia boli v sledovanom období koncentrovaní v osade v intraviláne obci, ktorá je na hlavnú obecnú komunikáciu napojená nespevnenou cestou. Osada bola podža údajov z Atlasu rómskych komunít na Slovensku 2013 (UNDP, 2018) tvorená 56 obydliami, predpokladaná hustota obývanosti obydlí osady bola 6 obyvatežov na jedno obydlie. Obydlia pozostávajú zo svojpomocne nelegálne postavených prístreškov, ale aj murovaných domov.Podža údajov obce v januári roku 2019 žilo 396 príslušníkov MRK, čo predstavovalo 31,4 % podiel z celkového počtu obyvatežov. V uvedenom roku bol počet detí vo veku do 6 rokov 170, z čoho 80 detí bolo z MRK. V obci je zriadené predškolské zariadenie s jednou triedou s kapacitou pre 22 detí na celodennú prevádzku a 6 detí na poldennú prevádzku. V súčasnosti ho nenavštevujú žiadne detí z MRK (OcÚ, 2018). Plánuje sa rozšírenie kapacity na celkový počet detí 60 s celodennou opaterou, pričom minimálne 22 detí bude z marginalizovanej skupiny obyvatežov. Celkový nárast kapacity o 38 detí.Účelom navrhovanej rekonštrukcie, prístavby a nadstavby je vytvori nové priestory materskej školy v priestoroch existujúcej jedálne. V súčasnosti objekt nevyhovuje estetickým, dispozičným, hygienickým, predstavám žiadateža, ani z hžadiska priestorovej kapacity, a teda realizácia projektu je nevyhnutná. Ciež projektuHlavným ciežom predloženého projektu je zlepšenie prístupu ku kvalitnému predškolskému vzdelávaniu a starostlivosti v rannom detstve v obci Kolačkov. Špecifickými ciežmi predloženého projektu sú:rekonštrukcia budovy za účelom presunutia predškolského zariadenia z existujúcej budovyrozšírenie kapacity školskej infraštruktúry v obci (MŠ)podpora prístupu detí z MRK v obci k predškolskému vzdelávaniu a výchovezvýšenie počtu detí z MRK, ktoré absolvovali jeden ročník predškolského vzdelávaniapodpora technickej vybavenosti obci s prítomnosou MRKRealizáciou predloženého projektu sa vytvoria podmienky pre plnohodnotnú účas detí z MRK v predprimárnom stupni vzdelávania. Vymedzené ciele sú meratežné prostredníctvom vybraných ukazovatežov. Okrem toho sa značne predĺži životnos budovy predškolského zariadenia, pričom sa znížia celkové náklady na prevádzku a údržbu budovy.Ciele projektu sú v súlade s globálnym ciežom OP źZ „Podpori rozvoj žudských zdrojov, celoživotného učenia a ich plnohodnotného začlenenia sa na trh práce na zlepšenie ich sociálnej situácie“, s prioritnou osou 6 „Technická vybavenos v obciach s prítomnosou marginalizovaných rómskych komunít“, so špecifickým ciežom 6.1.2 „Zlepši prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu vrátane vzdelávania a starostlivosti v ranom detstve“, s tematickým ciežom „Podpora sociálneho začlenenia, boj proti chudobe a akejkožvek diskriminácii“ a investičnou prioritou 6.1 „Poskytovanie podpory fyzickej, ekonomickej a sociálnej regenerácie zanedbaných komunít v mestských a vidieckych oblastiach“. Spoločným a programovo špecifickým ukazovatežom výsledku, pre ktorý bol stanovený ciež je „Počet detí z MRK vo vekovej kategórii 3 – 6 rokov, ktoré absolvovali jeden ročník predškolského vzdelávania“. Špecifické ciele projektu sú v priamej súvislosti s definovanými problémami, ktoré bude projekt rieši. Aktivity projektuPre predložený projekt je oprávnenou hlavnou aktivitou „Rekonštrukcia budovy materskej školy/ elokovaného pracoviska“ so spôsobom realizácie: „Rekonštrukcia, prístavba, nadstavba, zmena dispozície: b, inej budovy pre potreby materskej školy/elokovaného pracoviska za účelom presunutia a rozšírenia existujúcej kapacity z existujúcej materskej školy/elokovaného pracoviska“. Hlavná aktivita v rámci špecifického cieža 6.1.2 „Zlepši prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu vrátane vzdelávania a starostlivosti v ranom detstve“ spadá pod 2. Typ aktivity „Podpora rekonštrukcie predškolských zariadení v obciach s prítomnosou MRK s dôrazom na rozšírenie kapacity“.Podaktivity:rekonštrukcia, prístavba a nadstavba budovyinteriérové a exteriérové vybavenie budovy Ciežová skupinaObyvatelia MRKkonkrétne deti z prostredia MRK vo veku 3-6 rokov, pre ktoré je v procese sociálnej inklúzie nevyhnutné zlepšenie prístupu k predškolskému vzdelávaniu, a to v maximálnej možnej miere. Miesto realizácieMiestom realizácie predloženého projektu je obec Kolačkov (NUTS V) v okrese Stará źubovňa (NUTS IV) v Prešovskom kraji (NUTS III) na Východnom Slovensku (NUTS II). Konkrétne na parcelách KN-C 368/1, 368/2, 369/1, 369/2. Meratežné ukazovatelePO067 - Kapacita (Slovak)
Property / summary: Obec Kolačkov sa nachádza v severovýchodnej časti Slovenskej republiky v okrese Stará źubovňa. Obec leží v nadmorskej výške 649 m. Prvá zmienka o obci pochádza z roku 1361 (ŠÚ SR, 2018). Rozloha obce je 1741,9 ha. V januári roku 2019 malo v obci trvalý pobyt 1261 obyvatežov, hustota obyvatežstva bola 76,8 ob./km2 (OcÚ, 2019; ŠÚ SR, 2018). Podža Atlasu rómskych komunít na Slovensku 2013 (UNDP, 2014) bol v sledovanom období zaznamenaný podiel MRK na úrovni takmer 29 %. V porovnaní so SODB 2011, je predpoklad zvyšujúceho sa počtu príslušníkov MRK. Títo obyvatelia boli v sledovanom období koncentrovaní v osade v intraviláne obci, ktorá je na hlavnú obecnú komunikáciu napojená nespevnenou cestou. Osada bola podža údajov z Atlasu rómskych komunít na Slovensku 2013 (UNDP, 2018) tvorená 56 obydliami, predpokladaná hustota obývanosti obydlí osady bola 6 obyvatežov na jedno obydlie. Obydlia pozostávajú zo svojpomocne nelegálne postavených prístreškov, ale aj murovaných domov.Podža údajov obce v januári roku 2019 žilo 396 príslušníkov MRK, čo predstavovalo 31,4 % podiel z celkového počtu obyvatežov. V uvedenom roku bol počet detí vo veku do 6 rokov 170, z čoho 80 detí bolo z MRK. V obci je zriadené predškolské zariadenie s jednou triedou s kapacitou pre 22 detí na celodennú prevádzku a 6 detí na poldennú prevádzku. V súčasnosti ho nenavštevujú žiadne detí z MRK (OcÚ, 2018). Plánuje sa rozšírenie kapacity na celkový počet detí 60 s celodennou opaterou, pričom minimálne 22 detí bude z marginalizovanej skupiny obyvatežov. Celkový nárast kapacity o 38 detí.Účelom navrhovanej rekonštrukcie, prístavby a nadstavby je vytvori nové priestory materskej školy v priestoroch existujúcej jedálne. V súčasnosti objekt nevyhovuje estetickým, dispozičným, hygienickým, predstavám žiadateža, ani z hžadiska priestorovej kapacity, a teda realizácia projektu je nevyhnutná. Ciež projektuHlavným ciežom predloženého projektu je zlepšenie prístupu ku kvalitnému predškolskému vzdelávaniu a starostlivosti v rannom detstve v obci Kolačkov. Špecifickými ciežmi predloženého projektu sú:rekonštrukcia budovy za účelom presunutia predškolského zariadenia z existujúcej budovyrozšírenie kapacity školskej infraštruktúry v obci (MŠ)podpora prístupu detí z MRK v obci k predškolskému vzdelávaniu a výchovezvýšenie počtu detí z MRK, ktoré absolvovali jeden ročník predškolského vzdelávaniapodpora technickej vybavenosti obci s prítomnosou MRKRealizáciou predloženého projektu sa vytvoria podmienky pre plnohodnotnú účas detí z MRK v predprimárnom stupni vzdelávania. Vymedzené ciele sú meratežné prostredníctvom vybraných ukazovatežov. Okrem toho sa značne predĺži životnos budovy predškolského zariadenia, pričom sa znížia celkové náklady na prevádzku a údržbu budovy.Ciele projektu sú v súlade s globálnym ciežom OP źZ „Podpori rozvoj žudských zdrojov, celoživotného učenia a ich plnohodnotného začlenenia sa na trh práce na zlepšenie ich sociálnej situácie“, s prioritnou osou 6 „Technická vybavenos v obciach s prítomnosou marginalizovaných rómskych komunít“, so špecifickým ciežom 6.1.2 „Zlepši prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu vrátane vzdelávania a starostlivosti v ranom detstve“, s tematickým ciežom „Podpora sociálneho začlenenia, boj proti chudobe a akejkožvek diskriminácii“ a investičnou prioritou 6.1 „Poskytovanie podpory fyzickej, ekonomickej a sociálnej regenerácie zanedbaných komunít v mestských a vidieckych oblastiach“. Spoločným a programovo špecifickým ukazovatežom výsledku, pre ktorý bol stanovený ciež je „Počet detí z MRK vo vekovej kategórii 3 – 6 rokov, ktoré absolvovali jeden ročník predškolského vzdelávania“. Špecifické ciele projektu sú v priamej súvislosti s definovanými problémami, ktoré bude projekt rieši. Aktivity projektuPre predložený projekt je oprávnenou hlavnou aktivitou „Rekonštrukcia budovy materskej školy/ elokovaného pracoviska“ so spôsobom realizácie: „Rekonštrukcia, prístavba, nadstavba, zmena dispozície: b, inej budovy pre potreby materskej školy/elokovaného pracoviska za účelom presunutia a rozšírenia existujúcej kapacity z existujúcej materskej školy/elokovaného pracoviska“. Hlavná aktivita v rámci špecifického cieža 6.1.2 „Zlepši prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu vrátane vzdelávania a starostlivosti v ranom detstve“ spadá pod 2. Typ aktivity „Podpora rekonštrukcie predškolských zariadení v obciach s prítomnosou MRK s dôrazom na rozšírenie kapacity“.Podaktivity:rekonštrukcia, prístavba a nadstavba budovyinteriérové a exteriérové vybavenie budovy Ciežová skupinaObyvatelia MRKkonkrétne deti z prostredia MRK vo veku 3-6 rokov, pre ktoré je v procese sociálnej inklúzie nevyhnutné zlepšenie prístupu k predškolskému vzdelávaniu, a to v maximálnej možnej miere. Miesto realizácieMiestom realizácie predloženého projektu je obec Kolačkov (NUTS V) v okrese Stará źubovňa (NUTS IV) v Prešovskom kraji (NUTS III) na Východnom Slovensku (NUTS II). Konkrétne na parcelách KN-C 368/1, 368/2, 369/1, 369/2. Meratežné ukazovatelePO067 - Kapacita (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Kolačkov village is located in the northeastern part of the Slovak Republic in the district Stará źubovňa. The village lies at an altitude of 649 m. The first mention of the village comes from 1361 (Ú SR, 2018). The area of the village is 1741.9 ha. In January 2019, 1261 inhabitants were resident in the municipality, the density of the population was 76.8 ob./km² (OcÚ, 2019; THE OFFICE OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, 2018). Under the Atlas of Roma Communities in Slovakia 2013 (UNDP, 2014) a share of CLLD was recorded at almost 29 % during the reporting period. Compared to SODB 2011, the assumption of an increasing number of accessory numbers of CLLDs. During the reporting period, these residents were concentrated in the settlement in the intravilan of the village, which is connected to the main communal communication by unpaved road. The settlement was based on data from the Atlas of Roma Communities in Slovakia 2013 (UNDP, 2018) made up of 56 dwellings, the population density of the settlement dwellings was 6 per dwelling. Dwellings consist of self-help illegally built sprays, but also brick houses.According to the data of the village in January 2019, 396 MRK members accounted for 31.4 % of the total population. In that year, the number of children under the age of 6 was 170, of which 80 were from the MRC. In the village there is a preschool facility with one class with a capacity for 22 children for all-day operation and 6 children for half-day operation. It is currently not visited by children from the MRC (OcÚ, 2018). It is planned to expand capacity to a total of 60 children with all-day care, with at least 22 children from a marginalised population. Total capacity increase of 38 children.The purpose of the proposed reconstruction, extensions and superstructures is to create new premises of the maternity school in the premises of the existing canteen. At present, the object does not meet the aesthetic, layout, hygienic, imagination of the requestor, nor from the needs of the space capacity, so the realisation of the project is necessary. The main objective of the project is to improve access to quality early childhood education and care in the village of Kolačkov. Specific objectives of the submitted project sú:rekontrukcia the building for the purpose of moving the pre-school facility from the existing building to expand the capacity of the school infrastructure in the village (M)promoting access of children from MRK in the village to pre-school education and educating the number of children from MRK who have completed one year of pre-school educationsupport of technical equipment to the village with the presence of MRKRealisation of the submitted project will create conditions for full participation of children from MRK in the pre-primary level of education. The defined objectives shall be measured by means of selected indicators. In addition, the life of the preschool building will be significantly extended, reducing the total cost of running and maintaining the building. The objectives of the project are in line with the global objective of the OP źZ to support the development of human resources, life-long learning and their full integration into the labour market to improve their social situation, with priority axis 6 Technical equipment in municipalities with the presence of marginalised Roma communities, with specific objective 6.1.2 To improve access to quality education, including early childhood education and care, with thematic objectives Promoting social inclusion and supporting rural communities, and combating economic discrimination and poverty. A common and programmatic indicator of the result, for which the target was set is the number of children from MRC in the age group 3 6 years who have completed one year of pre-school education. The specific objectives of the project are directly related to the defined problems that the project will solve. Project activitiesFor the submitted project, the eligible main activity is the reconstructing of the building of the parent wheel/occupied workplace with a method of implementation: Reconditioning, extension, superstructure, change of layout: B, another building for the needs of the Maternity Wheel/Electronic Workplace in order to move and expand existing capacity from the existing Maternity Wheel/Workplace. The main activity under the specific objective 6.1.2 Improve access to quality education, including early childhood education and care, falls under 2. Type of activity Support the reconstruction of pre-school facilities in municipalities with the presence of MRC with an emphasis on capacity expansion.Podaktivity:rekontrukcia, extension and extension of the buildinginterior and outdoor equipment of the building Goal GroupOccupants of the MRC, namely children from the environment of CLLD aged 3-6 years, for whom the improvement of access to pre-school education is essential in the process of social inclusion, as far as possible. (English)
Property / summary: Kolačkov village is located in the northeastern part of the Slovak Republic in the district Stará źubovňa. The village lies at an altitude of 649 m. The first mention of the village comes from 1361 (Ú SR, 2018). The area of the village is 1741.9 ha. In January 2019, 1261 inhabitants were resident in the municipality, the density of the population was 76.8 ob./km² (OcÚ, 2019; THE OFFICE OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, 2018). Under the Atlas of Roma Communities in Slovakia 2013 (UNDP, 2014) a share of CLLD was recorded at almost 29 % during the reporting period. Compared to SODB 2011, the assumption of an increasing number of accessory numbers of CLLDs. During the reporting period, these residents were concentrated in the settlement in the intravilan of the village, which is connected to the main communal communication by unpaved road. The settlement was based on data from the Atlas of Roma Communities in Slovakia 2013 (UNDP, 2018) made up of 56 dwellings, the population density of the settlement dwellings was 6 per dwelling. Dwellings consist of self-help illegally built sprays, but also brick houses.According to the data of the village in January 2019, 396 MRK members accounted for 31.4 % of the total population. In that year, the number of children under the age of 6 was 170, of which 80 were from the MRC. In the village there is a preschool facility with one class with a capacity for 22 children for all-day operation and 6 children for half-day operation. It is currently not visited by children from the MRC (OcÚ, 2018). It is planned to expand capacity to a total of 60 children with all-day care, with at least 22 children from a marginalised population. Total capacity increase of 38 children.The purpose of the proposed reconstruction, extensions and superstructures is to create new premises of the maternity school in the premises of the existing canteen. At present, the object does not meet the aesthetic, layout, hygienic, imagination of the requestor, nor from the needs of the space capacity, so the realisation of the project is necessary. The main objective of the project is to improve access to quality early childhood education and care in the village of Kolačkov. Specific objectives of the submitted project sú:rekontrukcia the building for the purpose of moving the pre-school facility from the existing building to expand the capacity of the school infrastructure in the village (M)promoting access of children from MRK in the village to pre-school education and educating the number of children from MRK who have completed one year of pre-school educationsupport of technical equipment to the village with the presence of MRKRealisation of the submitted project will create conditions for full participation of children from MRK in the pre-primary level of education. The defined objectives shall be measured by means of selected indicators. In addition, the life of the preschool building will be significantly extended, reducing the total cost of running and maintaining the building. The objectives of the project are in line with the global objective of the OP źZ to support the development of human resources, life-long learning and their full integration into the labour market to improve their social situation, with priority axis 6 Technical equipment in municipalities with the presence of marginalised Roma communities, with specific objective 6.1.2 To improve access to quality education, including early childhood education and care, with thematic objectives Promoting social inclusion and supporting rural communities, and combating economic discrimination and poverty. A common and programmatic indicator of the result, for which the target was set is the number of children from MRC in the age group 3 6 years who have completed one year of pre-school education. The specific objectives of the project are directly related to the defined problems that the project will solve. Project activitiesFor the submitted project, the eligible main activity is the reconstructing of the building of the parent wheel/occupied workplace with a method of implementation: Reconditioning, extension, superstructure, change of layout: B, another building for the needs of the Maternity Wheel/Electronic Workplace in order to move and expand existing capacity from the existing Maternity Wheel/Workplace. The main activity under the specific objective 6.1.2 Improve access to quality education, including early childhood education and care, falls under 2. Type of activity Support the reconstruction of pre-school facilities in municipalities with the presence of MRC with an emphasis on capacity expansion.Podaktivity:rekontrukcia, extension and extension of the buildinginterior and outdoor equipment of the building Goal GroupOccupants of the MRC, namely children from the environment of CLLD aged 3-6 years, for whom the improvement of access to pre-school education is essential in the process of social inclusion, as far as possible. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Kolačkov village is located in the northeastern part of the Slovak Republic in the district Stará źubovňa. The village lies at an altitude of 649 m. The first mention of the village comes from 1361 (Ú SR, 2018). The area of the village is 1741.9 ha. In January 2019, 1261 inhabitants were resident in the municipality, the density of the population was 76.8 ob./km² (OcÚ, 2019; THE OFFICE OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, 2018). Under the Atlas of Roma Communities in Slovakia 2013 (UNDP, 2014) a share of CLLD was recorded at almost 29 % during the reporting period. Compared to SODB 2011, the assumption of an increasing number of accessory numbers of CLLDs. During the reporting period, these residents were concentrated in the settlement in the intravilan of the village, which is connected to the main communal communication by unpaved road. The settlement was based on data from the Atlas of Roma Communities in Slovakia 2013 (UNDP, 2018) made up of 56 dwellings, the population density of the settlement dwellings was 6 per dwelling. Dwellings consist of self-help illegally built sprays, but also brick houses.According to the data of the village in January 2019, 396 MRK members accounted for 31.4 % of the total population. In that year, the number of children under the age of 6 was 170, of which 80 were from the MRC. In the village there is a preschool facility with one class with a capacity for 22 children for all-day operation and 6 children for half-day operation. It is currently not visited by children from the MRC (OcÚ, 2018). It is planned to expand capacity to a total of 60 children with all-day care, with at least 22 children from a marginalised population. Total capacity increase of 38 children.The purpose of the proposed reconstruction, extensions and superstructures is to create new premises of the maternity school in the premises of the existing canteen. At present, the object does not meet the aesthetic, layout, hygienic, imagination of the requestor, nor from the needs of the space capacity, so the realisation of the project is necessary. The main objective of the project is to improve access to quality early childhood education and care in the village of Kolačkov. Specific objectives of the submitted project sú:rekontrukcia the building for the purpose of moving the pre-school facility from the existing building to expand the capacity of the school infrastructure in the village (M)promoting access of children from MRK in the village to pre-school education and educating the number of children from MRK who have completed one year of pre-school educationsupport of technical equipment to the village with the presence of MRKRealisation of the submitted project will create conditions for full participation of children from MRK in the pre-primary level of education. The defined objectives shall be measured by means of selected indicators. In addition, the life of the preschool building will be significantly extended, reducing the total cost of running and maintaining the building. The objectives of the project are in line with the global objective of the OP źZ to support the development of human resources, life-long learning and their full integration into the labour market to improve their social situation, with priority axis 6 Technical equipment in municipalities with the presence of marginalised Roma communities, with specific objective 6.1.2 To improve access to quality education, including early childhood education and care, with thematic objectives Promoting social inclusion and supporting rural communities, and combating economic discrimination and poverty. A common and programmatic indicator of the result, for which the target was set is the number of children from MRC in the age group 3 6 years who have completed one year of pre-school education. The specific objectives of the project are directly related to the defined problems that the project will solve. Project activitiesFor the submitted project, the eligible main activity is the reconstructing of the building of the parent wheel/occupied workplace with a method of implementation: Reconditioning, extension, superstructure, change of layout: B, another building for the needs of the Maternity Wheel/Electronic Workplace in order to move and expand existing capacity from the existing Maternity Wheel/Workplace. The main activity under the specific objective 6.1.2 Improve access to quality education, including early childhood education and care, falls under 2. Type of activity Support the reconstruction of pre-school facilities in municipalities with the presence of MRC with an emphasis on capacity expansion.Podaktivity:rekontrukcia, extension and extension of the buildinginterior and outdoor equipment of the building Goal GroupOccupants of the MRC, namely children from the environment of CLLD aged 3-6 years, for whom the improvement of access to pre-school education is essential in the process of social inclusion, as far as possible. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:27, 27 September 2021

Project Q3104705 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Conversion, superstructure and extension of the building of the maternity school in the village Kolačkov
Project Q3104705 in Slovakia


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    387,936.6 Euro
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    456,396.0 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 June 2019
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    1 February 2022
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    49°15'43.67"N, 20°37'43.18"E
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