Improving the quality of education at St. Gymnasium Cyril and Methodius in Nitra (Q3104406): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Spojená katolícka kola, Farská 19, 949 01 Nitra / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Katolícke gymnázium - Gymnázium sv. Cyrila a Metoda bolo zriadené Biskupským úradom v Nitre v kolskom roku 1991/1992. Forma túdia na kole je tvorročná, päročná i osemročná. Počet iakov sa pohybuje okolo 500 tudentov v 16 - 20 triedach. Dlhodobé zameranie gymnázia duchovná a hodnotová orientácia, cudzie jazyky, maximálna diferenciácia vo vyích ročníkoch podža záujmu tudentov. Od kolského roka 2008/2009 je na kole zavedený nový kolský vzdelávací program Scientia et bonum s tromi základnými piliermi: duchovná a hodnotová orientácia, cudzie jazyky, vo vyích ročníkoch maximálne monosti profilácie podža záujmu tudentov. Od kolského roka 2015/2016 je postupné zavádzanie inovovaného kolského vzdelávacieho programu pre vetky formy túdia na gymnáziu. Na úspenos absolventov koly na v rámci prijatia na univerzitách doma i v zahraničí poukazuje vysoké % prijatia tudentov a to dlhodobom horizonte nad 95%. kola má takmer 2500 absolventov. Od 1. januára 2005 je gymnázium začlenené do Spojenej katolíckej koly v Nitre spolu so Základnou kolou sv. Svorada a Benedikta a kolskými zariadeniami.Výchovno-vzdelávací proces na kole, tak isto ako aj na ostatných kolách prechádza neustálymi zmenami s ciežom vytvori pre iakov, čo najprijatežnejie a najkvalitnejie prostredie na vzdelávanie, ktoré umoní dosahovanie čo najlepích tudijných výsledkov vetkých jej iakov.Procesy zlepovania podmienok na túdium vo vetkých smeroch, prispôsobovanie podmienok výchovno vzdelávacieho procesu pre výučbu na gymnáziu sa uskutočňuje v súlade s princípmi inkluzívneho vzdelávania.Inovatívny prístup v oblasti vzdelávania, ktorý zdôrazňuje právo kadého dieaa na kvalitné vzdelávanie je základnou mylienkou tvorby prostredia, ktorom bude moné uspokojova rôznorodé vzdelávacie potreby kadého iaka a tým dosiahnu zlepené tudijné výsledky iakov. Gymnázium má v záujme dosiahnu prostredníctvom predkladaného projektu s názvom Zvýenie kvality vzdelávania na Gymnáziu sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Nitre vetky zámery uvedené vyie. Projekt sa bude realizova prostredníctvom troch hlavných aktivít, v rámci ktorých bude na jednej strane dochádza ku zvyovaniu čitatežských, prírodovedných a matematických zručností a gramotností iakov a na druhej strane ku podpore rozvoja kžúčových kompetencií pedagogických pracovníkov.Projekt sa bude implementova od 09/2019 do 08/2022. V rámci aktivity pre iakov bude cez zvýený počet hodín vyučovania a v čase mimokolskej činnosti dochádza k upevňovaniu a rozirovaniu teoretických a praktických vedomostí iakov. Pedagógovia budú rozvíja svoje kompetencie cez organizovanie 4 pedagogických klubov. Ciežovou skupinou projektu bude 350 iakov koly z 15 tried a 17 pedagogickí a odborní pracovníci koly. Obsah jednotlivých aktivít a ich uskutočnenie smeruje ku naplneniu cieža projektu Zvýenie kvality výchovno-vzdelávacieho procesu s ciežom zlepi tudijné výsledky tudentov v oblasti matematickej, čitatežskej a prírodovednej gramotnosti na gymnáziu, ktorý priamo podporuje pecifický ciež výzvy - 1.1.1 Zvýi inkluzívnos a rovnaký prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu a zlepi výsledky a kompetencie detí a iakov. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Catholic Gymnasium – Gymnasium of St. Cyril and Methodius were established by the Bishops’ Office in Nitra in 1991/1992. The form of study on the lap is a creative, five-year-old and eight-year-old. The number of students is around 500 students in 16-20 classes. Long-term focus of gymnasium spiritual and value orientation, foreign languages, maximum differentiation in higher grades under the interest of students. A new school education programme Scientia et bonum, with three basic pillars, has been put in place since the school year 2008/2009: spiritual and value orientation, foreign languages, in higher years maximum possibilities of profiling under the interest of students. Since the school year 2015/2016, the gradual introduction of an innovative school education program for all forms of study at secondary school. The success of graduates in university admissions at home and abroad is shown by a high percentage of student admissions over 95 % in the long run. The round has almost 2,500 graduates. Since January 1, 2005, the gymnasium has been incorporated into the United Catholic School in Nitra together with the Core Round of St.. Svorada and Benedict and schools.The educational process on the round, as well as the other rounds, undergoes constant changes with the aim of creating the most acceptable and high-quality learning environment for students, which will help achieve the best possible results of all its pupils.Processes of improving the conditions for study in all directions, the adaptation of the educational conditions of the educational process for teaching at secondary school is carried out in accordance with the principles of inclusive education.Innovative approach in the field of education, which emphasises the right of each child to quality education, is the fundamental mistake of creating an environment that can satisfy the diverse educational needs of each pig and thus achieve the improved results of the students. The secondary school is in the interest of achieving through the present project entitled ‘Enhancing the quality of education at the St. Gymnasium’. Cyril and Methodius in Nitra all the intentions mentioned above. The project will be implemented through three main activities, which on the one hand will increase the numeracy, science and mathematical skills and literacy of the pupils and, on the other hand, support the development of key competences of teaching staff.The project will be implemented from 09/2019 to 08/2022. There will be an increase in the number of lessons in the course of the activity, and during extracurricular activity the theoretical and practical knowledge of the students is strengthened and expanded. Educators will develop their competences through the organisation of 4 pedagogical clubs. The aim group of the project will be 350 wheels from 15 classes and 17 pedagogical and professional staff in the round. The content of the various activities and their implementation is aimed at fulfilling the objective of the project to improve the quality of the educational process, with the aim of poorly improving the results of students in the field of mathematical, numeracy and science literacy at secondary school, which directly supports the specific objective of the challenges – 1.1.1 will increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and impair the results and competences of children and students. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Catholic Gymnasium – Gymnasium of St. Cyril and Methodius were established by the Bishops’ Office in Nitra in 1991/1992. The form of study on the lap is a creative, five-year-old and eight-year-old. The number of students is around 500 students in 16-20 classes. Long-term focus of gymnasium spiritual and value orientation, foreign languages, maximum differentiation in higher grades under the interest of students. A new school education programme Scientia et bonum, with three basic pillars, has been put in place since the school year 2008/2009: spiritual and value orientation, foreign languages, in higher years maximum possibilities of profiling under the interest of students. Since the school year 2015/2016, the gradual introduction of an innovative school education program for all forms of study at secondary school. The success of graduates in university admissions at home and abroad is shown by a high percentage of student admissions over 95 % in the long run. The round has almost 2,500 graduates. Since January 1, 2005, the gymnasium has been incorporated into the United Catholic School in Nitra together with the Core Round of St.. Svorada and Benedict and schools.The educational process on the round, as well as the other rounds, undergoes constant changes with the aim of creating the most acceptable and high-quality learning environment for students, which will help achieve the best possible results of all its pupils.Processes of improving the conditions for study in all directions, the adaptation of the educational conditions of the educational process for teaching at secondary school is carried out in accordance with the principles of inclusive education.Innovative approach in the field of education, which emphasises the right of each child to quality education, is the fundamental mistake of creating an environment that can satisfy the diverse educational needs of each pig and thus achieve the improved results of the students. The secondary school is in the interest of achieving through the present project entitled ‘Enhancing the quality of education at the St. Gymnasium’. Cyril and Methodius in Nitra all the intentions mentioned above. The project will be implemented through three main activities, which on the one hand will increase the numeracy, science and mathematical skills and literacy of the pupils and, on the other hand, support the development of key competences of teaching staff.The project will be implemented from 09/2019 to 08/2022. There will be an increase in the number of lessons in the course of the activity, and during extracurricular activity the theoretical and practical knowledge of the students is strengthened and expanded. Educators will develop their competences through the organisation of 4 pedagogical clubs. The aim group of the project will be 350 wheels from 15 classes and 17 pedagogical and professional staff in the round. The content of the various activities and their implementation is aimed at fulfilling the objective of the project to improve the quality of the educational process, with the aim of poorly improving the results of students in the field of mathematical, numeracy and science literacy at secondary school, which directly supports the specific objective of the challenges – 1.1.1 will increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and impair the results and competences of children and students. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 13:21, 27 September 2021
Project Q3104406 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improving the quality of education at St. Gymnasium Cyril and Methodius in Nitra |
Project Q3104406 in Slovakia |
136,872.69 Euro
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161,026.69 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 September 2019
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1 August 2022
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0 references