Access to vocational education and training programmes for young people and adults in Dolj county who left school early (I) (Q3098237): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 13:00, 27 September 2021

Project Q3098237 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Access to vocational education and training programmes for young people and adults in Dolj county who left school early (I)
Project Q3098237 in Romania


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    8,093,601.11 Romanian Leu
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    1,618,720.222 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    9,521,883.66 Romanian Leu
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    1,904,376.732 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1 December 2020
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    30 November 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului: Creșterea șanselor de ocupare și integrare durabilă pe piața muncii în rândul tinerilor și adulților din județul Dolj, care au părăsit timpuriu școala, prin participarea acestora la programul “A doua șansă” pentru învățământ secundar inferior, orientat pe nevoile elevilor, în vederea finalizării învățământului obligatoriu, acompaniat pe toata durata desfasurarii programului de servicii de consiliere si orientare a carierei pe tot parcursul vietii, și la stagii de pregătire practică cu durata de 720 de ore în vederea obținerii unei calificări profesionale de nivel 3. Proiectul se adreseaza unui grup tinta format din: • 600 de persoane care nu au absolvit invatamantul obligatoriu [apartinand categoriei “tineri/ adulti care beneficiaza de sprijin pentru participarea la programe de educatie (reintoarcerea la sistemul formal de educatie si formare)] din judetul Dolj, din care 150 de “tineri 16-24 ani care au un loc de muncă și nu au absolvit învăţământul obligatoriu” (20 apartin minoritatii roma) si 450 de “adulţi 25-64 ani care NU au absolvit învăţământul obligatoriu” (125 apartin minoritatii roma); • 520 de persoane [apartinand categoriei “personal didactic/ personal de sprijin care beneficiaza de programe de formare/ schimb de bune practici etc”] din unitatile de invatamant preuniversitar si unitatile conexe din judetul Dolj. Obiectivul general al proiectului raspunde obiectivului major al POCU de dezvoltare a resurselor umane prin cresterea accesului la un sistem de educatie si formare profesionala de calitate prin complementaritatea cu Axa prioritara 6 - “Educatie si competente”, Obiectivul tematic 10 - “Investitii in educatie, formare si formare profesionala pentru competente si invatare pe tot parcursul vietii” si prioritatea de investitii 10.i - “Reducerea si prevenirea abandonului scolar timpuriu si promovarea accesului egal la invatamantul prescolar, primar si secundar de calitate, inclusiv la parcursuri de invatare formale, non-formale si informale pentru reintegrarea in educatie si formare”. Toate activitatile din cadrul proiectului au fost gandite, planificate in timp si bugetate in asa fel incat realizarea lor sa asigure atat indeplinirea obiectivului general cat si a obiectivelor specifice ale proiectului, obiective ce contribuie in mod direct la realizarea obiectivului major al POCU si a obiectivelor specifice apelului de proiecte, astfel: • Obiectivul Specific 1 al proiectului contribuie la realizarea O.S. 6.6. - “Imbunatatirea competentelor personalului didactic din invatamantul preuniversitar in vederea promovarii unor servicii educationale de calitate orientate pe nevoile elevilor si a unei scoli incluzive” prin furnizarea a 3 programe de formare continua, avizate/ acreditate de Ministerului Educatiei Nationale, unui numar de 520 de persoane din unitatile de invatamant preuniversitar si unitatile conexe din judetul Dolj, din care minim 470 (90,38%) vor fi certificate la finaliza (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project: Increasing the chances of employment and sustainable integration in the labour market among young people and adults from Dolj County, who left school early, through their participation in the “Second Chance” programme for lower secondary education, focused on students’ needs, with a view to completing compulsory education, accompanied throughout the life-long career counseling and guidance programme, and in practical training periods of 720 hours in order to obtain a professional qualification level 3. The project is addressed to a target group consisting of: • 600 people who have not completed compulsory education (with the category "young people/adults receiving support for participation in education programmes (return to formal education and training)] in Dolj county, of which 150 "16-24 years old who have not completed compulsory education" (20 belong to the Roma minority) and 450 "adults 25-64 years who have NOT completed compulsory education" (125 belong to the Roma minority); • 520 persons (with the category of “teachers/support staff benefiting from training/exchange of best practices etc.”) from pre-university education units and related units in Dolj county. The general objective of the project responds to the main objective of POCU to develop human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system through complementarity with Priority Axis 6 – “Education and Competences”, Thematic Objective 10 – “Investing in education, training and training for competences and lifelong learning” and investment priority 10.i – “Reducing and preventing early school leaving and promoting equal access to quality preschool, primary and secondary education, including formal, non-formal and informal learning pathways for reintegration into education and training”. All the activities within the project were designed, planned in time and budgeted in such a way that their achievement ensures both the achievement of the general objective and the specific objectives of the project, which directly contribute to the achievement of the major objective of the POCU and the specific objectives of the call for projects, as follows: • Specific objective 1 of the project contributes to the achievement of O.S. 6.6. — “improving the competences of the teaching staff in pre-university education in order to promote quality educational services focused on students’ needs and an inclusive school” by providing 3 continuous training programs, approved/accredited by the Ministry of National Education, to 520 persons from pre-university education units and related units in Dolj county, of which at least 470 (90.38 %) will be certified to complete (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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