Vaccination card for visually impaired (Q3103154): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Intersyst, s.r.o. / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Za uplynulých 210 rokov od pôvodného objavu Edwarda Jennera dosiahlo očkovanie obrovský pokrok a aktívna ochrana proti prenosným chorobám sa stala benou súčasou kadodenného ivota.Vďaka tomuto vývoju sa roziruje okruh očkovaných osôb a zvyuje sa význam ochrany dospelých, zvlá osôb s chronickými ochoreniami a starích jednotlivcov.Paralelne so snahou o eradikáciu ochorení preventabilných očkovaním sa vak pozoruje aj zosilňovanie nálady zameranej proti vakcináciám. Moderné a účinné očkovacie látky viedli k výraznej redukcii chorobnosti a úmrtnosti na početné infekčné ochorenia. V súčasnosti prebieha intenzívny predklinický vývoj a klinický výskum nových očkovacích látok aj proti mnohým ďalím infekčným nákazám.Napriek vetkým vedeckým dôkazom o výhodách očkovania sa nezlepuje prehžadnos tejto problematiky a monos prístupu ku relevantným informáciám. Pre tento projekt sme vybrali ohrozenú skupinu slabozrakých, ktorí vďaka obmedzenému aktívnemu pohybu a spôsobu ivota tvoria rizikovejiu skupinu z pohžadu predchádzania pred ochoreniami. Dnes na Slovensku neexistuje nástroj, ktorí by im prijatežnou formou dokázal kontrolova a upozorňova ich na vlastný očkovací plán, či informoval o očkovacích plánoch iných krajín pri vycestovaní.Medzinárodný očkovací preukaz vydávaný na Slovensku v papierovej podobe je pre slabozrakého takmer nepouitežný. Jednak vežkos písma a rozmiestnenie textu je pre slabozrakého takmer nečitatežná. Do preukazu nie je moné robi riadny záznam bez návtevy lekára. Neobsahuje informácie o doporučených očkovaniach iných krajín pri vycestovaní, ani povinné očkovacie plány iných krajín pre prípad dlhodobejieho pobytu mimo SR. Ciežom vytvorenia očkovacieho preukazu ako blind-friendly mobilnej aplikácie je vežkým krokom pre epidemiologickú bezpečnos tejto skupiny. Back-endový systém, ktorý budú aplikácie (platformy iOS a Android) vyuíva bude bezpečným spôsobom poskytova najaktuálnejie informácie o epidemiologických rizikách, bude schopný kalkulova plynulý prechod z jedného očkovacieho plánu do druhého a to bez toho, aby ukladal citlivé osobné dáta uloené na mobilných zariadeniach. Meratežné ukazovateže projektu: P0136 - Počet aktivít zameraných na zvýenie povedomia o právach osôb so zdravotným postihnutím - výsledná hodnota po realizácii projektu 4 P0899 - Počet subjektov, ktoré vytvorením produktu prispejú po ukončení projektu k realizácii opatrenia v oblasti prevencie a eliminácie diskriminácie - výsledná hodnota po realizácii projektu 1 Aktivity projektu:Aktivita 1 - Výskum, vývoj a zvýenie dostupnosti nových/inovovaných technológií pre osoby so zdravotným postihnutím ?(01/2019 - 08/2020)Podaktivita 1.1 - Výskum a vývoj nových/inovovaných zariadení, softvéru, aplikácií určených na sociálnu integráciu osôb so zdravotným postihnutím v spoločnosti (01/2019 - 03/2019)?Podaktivita 1.2 - ?Výroba vzorky a pilotné odskúanie ciežovou skupinou ?(04/2019 - 06/2020)Podaktivita 1.3 - Prezentácia na domácom trhu ?(07/2020 - 08/2020) (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Over the past 210 years since Edward Jenner’s original discovery, vaccination has made huge progress and active protection against communicable diseases has become a common part of everyday life. This development has spread the range of vaccinated people and makes it more important to protect adults, especially those with chronic diseases and elderly individuals. Modern and effective vaccines have led to a significant reduction in morbidity and mortality to numerous infectious diseases. Intensive preclinical development and clinical research of new vaccines is currently underway against many other infectious diseases. Despite all scientific evidence of the benefits of vaccination, the prevalence of this issue and the monosity of access to relevant information are not improved. For this project, we selected a vulnerable group of visually impaired, who, due to limited active movement and way of life, form a risk group from the need to prevent diseases. Today, there is no tool in Slovakia to check and alert them to their own vaccination plan in an acceptable form or inform them about the vaccination plans of other countries when travelling.The international vaccination card issued in Slovakia in paper form is almost unusable for the poor vision. On the one hand, the font tower and the layout of the text are almost illegitimate for the poor-sighted one. There is no proper record on the card without a doctor’s visit. It does not contain information on recommended vaccinations of other countries when travelling, nor does it contain mandatory vaccination plans of other countries in case of a long stay outside the Slovak Republic. Creating a vaccine card as a blind-friendly mobile application is a big step for the epidemiological safety of this group. The back-end system that will be used by applications (iOS and Android platforms) will be safe to provide up-to-date information on epidemiological risks, will be able to calculate a smooth transition from one vaccination plan to another without storing sensitive personal data stored on mobile devices. Measurement indicators of the project: P0136 – Number of activities aimed at raising awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities – Outcome value after project 4 P0899 – Number of entities that will contribute to the implementation of a measure to prevent and eliminate discrimination after the end of the project – Outcome value after the implementation of project 1 Activities projektu:Aktivita 1 – Research, development and increase of accessibility of new/innovated technologies for persons with disabilities?(01/2019-08/2020)Sub-activity 1.1 – Research and development of new/innovated devices, software, applications dedicated to the social integration of persons with disabilities in society (01/2019-03/2019)?Subactivity 1.2 -?Production of samples and piloting by the group – 06/2020/2020 (Representation and development of new/innovated devices, software, applications dedicated to the social integration of persons with disabilities in society) (01/2019-03/2019)?Subactivity 1.2 -?Production of samples and piloting by group 06-07/2020(Representation)/2020 (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Over the past 210 years since Edward Jenner’s original discovery, vaccination has made huge progress and active protection against communicable diseases has become a common part of everyday life. This development has spread the range of vaccinated people and makes it more important to protect adults, especially those with chronic diseases and elderly individuals. Modern and effective vaccines have led to a significant reduction in morbidity and mortality to numerous infectious diseases. Intensive preclinical development and clinical research of new vaccines is currently underway against many other infectious diseases. Despite all scientific evidence of the benefits of vaccination, the prevalence of this issue and the monosity of access to relevant information are not improved. For this project, we selected a vulnerable group of visually impaired, who, due to limited active movement and way of life, form a risk group from the need to prevent diseases. Today, there is no tool in Slovakia to check and alert them to their own vaccination plan in an acceptable form or inform them about the vaccination plans of other countries when travelling.The international vaccination card issued in Slovakia in paper form is almost unusable for the poor vision. On the one hand, the font tower and the layout of the text are almost illegitimate for the poor-sighted one. There is no proper record on the card without a doctor’s visit. It does not contain information on recommended vaccinations of other countries when travelling, nor does it contain mandatory vaccination plans of other countries in case of a long stay outside the Slovak Republic. Creating a vaccine card as a blind-friendly mobile application is a big step for the epidemiological safety of this group. The back-end system that will be used by applications (iOS and Android platforms) will be safe to provide up-to-date information on epidemiological risks, will be able to calculate a smooth transition from one vaccination plan to another without storing sensitive personal data stored on mobile devices. Measurement indicators of the project: P0136 – Number of activities aimed at raising awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities – Outcome value after project 4 P0899 – Number of entities that will contribute to the implementation of a measure to prevent and eliminate discrimination after the end of the project – Outcome value after the implementation of project 1 Activities projektu:Aktivita 1 – Research, development and increase of accessibility of new/innovated technologies for persons with disabilities?(01/2019-08/2020)Sub-activity 1.1 – Research and development of new/innovated devices, software, applications dedicated to the social integration of persons with disabilities in society (01/2019-03/2019)?Subactivity 1.2 -?Production of samples and piloting by the group – 06/2020/2020 (Representation and development of new/innovated devices, software, applications dedicated to the social integration of persons with disabilities in society) (01/2019-03/2019)?Subactivity 1.2 -?Production of samples and piloting by group 06-07/2020(Representation)/2020 (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 12:51, 27 September 2021
Project Q3103154 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Vaccination card for visually impaired |
Project Q3103154 in Slovakia |
66,132.71 Euro
0 references
87,576.72 Euro
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75.51 percent
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1 April 2019
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1 May 2021
0 references
0 references