Future in your own hands, From Ing. O. Ko ear 11, Spi ská Nová Ves (Q3102176): Difference between revisions

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Mesto Spišská Nová Ves
Property / beneficiary name (string): Mesto Spišská Nová Ves / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Ciežom projektu je zlepšenie kžúčových kompetencií žiakov základných škôl v Spišskej Novej Vsi prostredníctvom budovania odborných učební primárneho vzdelávania. Špecifickým ciežom projektu je zabezpeči primerané podmienky pre rozvoj základných pracovných zručností a návykov i rozvoj a skvalitňovanie IKT kompetencií žiakov.Projekt rieši obstaranie polytechnickej učebne a učebne IKT vrátane stavebno-technických úprav na Základnej škole Ing. O. Kožucha 11, Spišská Nová Ves, zabezpečenie polytechnickej učebne vybavením didaktickými pomôckami a nástrojmi so zameraním na spracovanie kovov a dreva  a učebne IKT interiérovým vybavením a IKT zariadením.  Mesto má v svojej zriaďovatežskej pôsobnosti 7 základných škôl, ktoré postupne modernizuje nie len     z vlastných, ale aj z externých zdrojov.ZŠ Ing. O. Kožucha vznikla 1. 2. 1972 a od 1.7.2002 nadobudla právnu subjektivitu. V zmysle odporúčaní MŠVVaŠ SR týkajúcich sa povinného materiálno-technického vybavenia odborných učební a posledných inovácií školských vzdelávacích programov v súvislosti so zavádzaním povinnej polytechnickej výchovy, vedenie školy hžadalo možnosti ako tieto požiadavky naplni z priestorového aj technického hžadiska. Celková doba realizácie projektu je naplánovaná 09/2017 – 03/2018. Projekt predpokladá začatie stavebných úprav po procese verejného obstarávania v novembri 2017 s ichpredpokladaným ukončením vvo februári. Vybavenie polytechnickej učebne a učebne IKT bude zrealizované v mesiacoch január - február 2018. Projekt bude realizovaný prostredníctvom nasledovných hlavných aktivít: HA1: Stavebno-technické úpravy pre potreby obstarania polytechnickej učebne a učebne IKT na ZŠ Ing. O. Kožucha 11, Spišská Nová Ves HA2: Zriadenie polytechnickej učebne HA3: Zriadenie IKT učebne Podporné aktivity:Riadenie projektuPublicita projektu Výdavky na realizáciu projektu boli stanovené na základe prieskumu trhu.Dosiahnutie ciežov sa bude mera prostredníctvom nasledovných štyroch meratežných ukazovatežov, a to Kapacita podporenej školskej infraštruktúry základných škôl, Počet podporených základných škôl, Počet podporených polytechnických učební a Počet podporených učební IKT. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Ciežom projektu je zlepšenie kžúčových kompetencií žiakov základných škôl v Spišskej Novej Vsi prostredníctvom budovania odborných učební primárneho vzdelávania. Špecifickým ciežom projektu je zabezpeči primerané podmienky pre rozvoj základných pracovných zručností a návykov i rozvoj a skvalitňovanie IKT kompetencií žiakov.Projekt rieši obstaranie polytechnickej učebne a učebne IKT vrátane stavebno-technických úprav na Základnej škole Ing. O. Kožucha 11, Spišská Nová Ves, zabezpečenie polytechnickej učebne vybavením didaktickými pomôckami a nástrojmi so zameraním na spracovanie kovov a dreva  a učebne IKT interiérovým vybavením a IKT zariadením.  Mesto má v svojej zriaďovatežskej pôsobnosti 7 základných škôl, ktoré postupne modernizuje nie len     z vlastných, ale aj z externých zdrojov.ZŠ Ing. O. Kožucha vznikla 1. 2. 1972 a od 1.7.2002 nadobudla právnu subjektivitu. V zmysle odporúčaní MŠVVaŠ SR týkajúcich sa povinného materiálno-technického vybavenia odborných učební a posledných inovácií školských vzdelávacích programov v súvislosti so zavádzaním povinnej polytechnickej výchovy, vedenie školy hžadalo možnosti ako tieto požiadavky naplni z priestorového aj technického hžadiska. Celková doba realizácie projektu je naplánovaná 09/2017 – 03/2018. Projekt predpokladá začatie stavebných úprav po procese verejného obstarávania v novembri 2017 s ichpredpokladaným ukončením vvo februári. Vybavenie polytechnickej učebne a učebne IKT bude zrealizované v mesiacoch január - február 2018. Projekt bude realizovaný prostredníctvom nasledovných hlavných aktivít: HA1: Stavebno-technické úpravy pre potreby obstarania polytechnickej učebne a učebne IKT na ZŠ Ing. O. Kožucha 11, Spišská Nová Ves HA2: Zriadenie polytechnickej učebne HA3: Zriadenie IKT učebne Podporné aktivity:Riadenie projektuPublicita projektu Výdavky na realizáciu projektu boli stanovené na základe prieskumu trhu.Dosiahnutie ciežov sa bude mera prostredníctvom nasledovných štyroch meratežných ukazovatežov, a to Kapacita podporenej školskej infraštruktúry základných škôl, Počet podporených základných škôl, Počet podporených polytechnických učební a Počet podporených učební IKT. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to improve the key competences of basic rounds in Spiska Nová Ves through the building of professional primary education classrooms. The specific objective of the project is to ensure adequate conditions for the development of basic work skills and habits as well as the development and improvement of ICT competences. The project addresses the procurement of polytechnical classrooms and ICT classrooms, including construction and technical adaptations to the Basic Colleague Ing. O. Koucha 11, Spiská Nová Ves, providing polytechnical classrooms with didactic tools and tools focusing on metal and wood processing and ICT classrooms with interior equipment and ICT equipment.  The city has 7 basic rounds in its establishment, which gradually modernises not only from its own, but also from external sources.Z Ing. O. Kouch was founded 1. 2. 1972 and from 1 July 2002 it acquired legal personality. In line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic concerning the mandatory material and technical equipment of professional classrooms and the latest innovations of school education programmes in connection with the introduction of compulsory polytechnical education, the management of the school sought the possibilities to fill these requirements from both the spatial and technical requirements. The total duration of the project is planned on 09/2017 03/2018. The project foresees the start of building modifications after the public procurement process in November 2017, with their expected completion in February. The equipment of the ICT polytechnic classroom and classroom will be implemented in January-February 2018. The project will be implemented through the following main activities: HA1: Construction and technical adjustments for the procurement of polytechnical classroom and classroom ICT at Z Ing. O. Koucha 11, Spiská Nová Ves HA2: Establishment of polytechnical classroom HA3: Establishment of ICT classroom Support aktivity:Riadenie projectPublicity of the project Project Implementation expenses were established on the basis of market research. Achievement of the objectives will be measured through the following four measurement indicators, namely Capacity of supported school infrastructure basic rounds, Number of supported basic rounds, Number of supported polytechnical classrooms and Number of supported ICT classrooms. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to improve the key competences of basic rounds in Spiska Nová Ves through the building of professional primary education classrooms. The specific objective of the project is to ensure adequate conditions for the development of basic work skills and habits as well as the development and improvement of ICT competences. The project addresses the procurement of polytechnical classrooms and ICT classrooms, including construction and technical adaptations to the Basic Colleague Ing. O. Koucha 11, Spiská Nová Ves, providing polytechnical classrooms with didactic tools and tools focusing on metal and wood processing and ICT classrooms with interior equipment and ICT equipment.  The city has 7 basic rounds in its establishment, which gradually modernises not only from its own, but also from external sources.Z Ing. O. Kouch was founded 1. 2. 1972 and from 1 July 2002 it acquired legal personality. In line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic concerning the mandatory material and technical equipment of professional classrooms and the latest innovations of school education programmes in connection with the introduction of compulsory polytechnical education, the management of the school sought the possibilities to fill these requirements from both the spatial and technical requirements. The total duration of the project is planned on 09/2017 03/2018. The project foresees the start of building modifications after the public procurement process in November 2017, with their expected completion in February. The equipment of the ICT polytechnic classroom and classroom will be implemented in January-February 2018. The project will be implemented through the following main activities: HA1: Construction and technical adjustments for the procurement of polytechnical classroom and classroom ICT at Z Ing. O. Koucha 11, Spiská Nová Ves HA2: Establishment of polytechnical classroom HA3: Establishment of ICT classroom Support aktivity:Riadenie projectPublicity of the project Project Implementation expenses were established on the basis of market research. Achievement of the objectives will be measured through the following four measurement indicators, namely Capacity of supported school infrastructure basic rounds, Number of supported basic rounds, Number of supported polytechnical classrooms and Number of supported ICT classrooms. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to improve the key competences of basic rounds in Spiska Nová Ves through the building of professional primary education classrooms. The specific objective of the project is to ensure adequate conditions for the development of basic work skills and habits as well as the development and improvement of ICT competences. The project addresses the procurement of polytechnical classrooms and ICT classrooms, including construction and technical adaptations to the Basic Colleague Ing. O. Koucha 11, Spiská Nová Ves, providing polytechnical classrooms with didactic tools and tools focusing on metal and wood processing and ICT classrooms with interior equipment and ICT equipment.  The city has 7 basic rounds in its establishment, which gradually modernises not only from its own, but also from external sources.Z Ing. O. Kouch was founded 1. 2. 1972 and from 1 July 2002 it acquired legal personality. In line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic concerning the mandatory material and technical equipment of professional classrooms and the latest innovations of school education programmes in connection with the introduction of compulsory polytechnical education, the management of the school sought the possibilities to fill these requirements from both the spatial and technical requirements. The total duration of the project is planned on 09/2017 03/2018. The project foresees the start of building modifications after the public procurement process in November 2017, with their expected completion in February. The equipment of the ICT polytechnic classroom and classroom will be implemented in January-February 2018. The project will be implemented through the following main activities: HA1: Construction and technical adjustments for the procurement of polytechnical classroom and classroom ICT at Z Ing. O. Koucha 11, Spiská Nová Ves HA2: Establishment of polytechnical classroom HA3: Establishment of ICT classroom Support aktivity:Riadenie projectPublicity of the project Project Implementation expenses were established on the basis of market research. Achievement of the objectives will be measured through the following four measurement indicators, namely Capacity of supported school infrastructure basic rounds, Number of supported basic rounds, Number of supported polytechnical classrooms and Number of supported ICT classrooms. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:31, 27 September 2021

Project Q3102176 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Future in your own hands, From Ing. O. Ko ear 11, Spi ská Nová Ves
Project Q3102176 in Slovakia


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    50,935.88 Euro
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    59,924.56 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 August 2018
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    1 August 2021
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    48°56'36.71"N, 20°34'4.73"E
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