Ensuring equal access to the educational process with a special emphasis for VET-based students (Q3101720): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Základná kola / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Stručný popis projektu: Projekt riei vytvorenie a obsadenie pozícií asistentov učiteža a kolského psychológa ako prostriedku integrácie iakov so peciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami (ďalej len VVP) realizáciou 2 hlavných aktivít: 1. VYTVORENIE 2 PRACOVNÝCH POZÍCIÍ - ASISTENT UČITEźA a 2. VYTVORENIE PRACOVNEJ POZÍCIE - KOLSKÝ PSYCHOLÓG. Zabezpečenie týchto pozícií je nevyhnutné pre inkluzívnos a integráciu iakov so VVP do hlavného prúdu vzdelávania, vrátane iakov sociálne znevýhodneného prostredia a pre zlepenie ich výsledkov a kompetencií. Počet týchto iakov narastá, čo spôsobuje komplikácie v súvislosti s určením konkrétnych problémov, diagnóz a peciálnych potrieb iakov. Predluje sa doba vypracovania posudkov o zdravotnom stave iakov Centrom peciálno-pedagogického poradenstva (ďalej len CPP). Následkom sú stresové faktory negatívne ovplyvňujúce ich výchovno-vzdelávací proces ako stres z častého presunu do CPPPaP a stres z cudzieho prostredia. Nevyhnutnos dopravi sa do týchto zariadení má negatívny vplyv aj na rodičov, v súvislosti s finančnou situáciou rodiny, časovým zaaením a pod.. Hladí proces priebenej diagnostiky v prirodzenom prostredí koly a ucelený tím tvorený kolským psychológom, pedagogickými pracovníkmi koly, asistentmi učiteža a rodičmi výrazne napomôe k rieeniu tejto situácie. Ciež projektu: zlepi výsledky a kompetencie detí so VVP na naej kole, zvýi inkluzívnos a vytvori im rovnaký prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu. Ciežové skupiny projektu sú tvorené hlavnou ciežovou skupinou: 35 iakov so VVP, z toho, 21 iakov so závanými zdravotnými znevýhodneniami a odporúčaním od CPP so sídlom v Trebiove, pričom 3 iaci pochádzajúcich zo sociálne znevýhodneného prostredia, vedžajími ciežovými skupinami: rodičia (zákonní zástupcovia) dotknutých iakov, 1 kolský psychológ, 2 asistenti učiteža, pedagogický zbor naej koly, iria verejnos. Výsledky a výstupy projektu: novovytvorená pracovná pozícia 1 kolského psychológa a 2 asistentov učiteža, podpora inklúzie a zabezpečenie rovnakého prístupu k vzdelávaniu pre 35 iakov so VVP, z toho, 21 iakov so závanými zdravotnými znevýhodneniami a odporúčaním od CPP so sídlom v Trebiove, vytvoreniezázemia a uceleného systému súčinnosti pri procese inklúzie ( tím kolský psychológ, pedagógovia, asistenti učiteža, rodičia). Miesto realizácie projektu: Základná kola, M. R. tefánika 910/51,Trebiov. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Brief description of the project: The project solves the creation and occupation of teaching assistants and a school psychologist as a means of integrating students with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as VVP) by carrying out 2 main activities: 1. Creation of 2 WORK POSITIONS – ASISTENT THAT and 2. CREATING A JOB POSITION – A SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST. Securing these positions is essential for the inclusiveness and integration of VET-caps into mainstream education, including those of socially disadvantaged backgrounds, and for improving their outcomes and competences. The number of these diseases is increasing, causing complications in relation to the identification of specific problems, diagnoses and special needs of the chicks. The period of preparation of assessments on the health status of the chicks is submitted to the Centre for Special Educational Guidance (hereinafter referred to as CPP). This results in stress factors negatively affecting their educational process, such as stress from frequent transfer to CPPPaP and stress from a foreign environment. The necessity to transport to these facilities also has a negative impact on parents, in relation to the financial situation of the family, the time spent, etc. He smooths the process of prepared diagnostics in the natural surroundings of the wheel and a comprehensive team made up of a collegiate psychologist, school pedagogical staff, assistants teaching and parents will greatly help to resolve this situation. Aim of the project: it undermines the achievements and competences of children with VET at our round, increasing inclusiveness and creating equal access to quality education. The Objective Groups of the project are formed by the main target group: 35 SCIs, of which 21 with severe health handicaps and a recommendation from CPP based in Trebiova, of which 3 from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, by target groups: parents (legal representatives) of the affected pupils, 1 school psychologist, 2 assistants teach, the pedagogical corps of our school, iria publics. Results and outputs of the project: newly created job position of 1 school psychologist and 2 assistants teaching, promoting inclusion and ensuring equal access to education for 35 VETs, of which 21 students with severe health handicaps and a recommendation from the CPP based in Trebiova, the creation of a ground and a comprehensive system of synergy in the process of inclusion (temporary psychologists, educators, assistants, teachers, parents). Place of implementation of the project: Basic round, M. R. tefánik 910/51,Trebiov. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Brief description of the project: The project solves the creation and occupation of teaching assistants and a school psychologist as a means of integrating students with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as VVP) by carrying out 2 main activities: 1. Creation of 2 WORK POSITIONS – ASISTENT THAT and 2. CREATING A JOB POSITION – A SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST. Securing these positions is essential for the inclusiveness and integration of VET-caps into mainstream education, including those of socially disadvantaged backgrounds, and for improving their outcomes and competences. The number of these diseases is increasing, causing complications in relation to the identification of specific problems, diagnoses and special needs of the chicks. The period of preparation of assessments on the health status of the chicks is submitted to the Centre for Special Educational Guidance (hereinafter referred to as CPP). This results in stress factors negatively affecting their educational process, such as stress from frequent transfer to CPPPaP and stress from a foreign environment. The necessity to transport to these facilities also has a negative impact on parents, in relation to the financial situation of the family, the time spent, etc. He smooths the process of prepared diagnostics in the natural surroundings of the wheel and a comprehensive team made up of a collegiate psychologist, school pedagogical staff, assistants teaching and parents will greatly help to resolve this situation. Aim of the project: it undermines the achievements and competences of children with VET at our round, increasing inclusiveness and creating equal access to quality education. The Objective Groups of the project are formed by the main target group: 35 SCIs, of which 21 with severe health handicaps and a recommendation from CPP based in Trebiova, of which 3 from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, by target groups: parents (legal representatives) of the affected pupils, 1 school psychologist, 2 assistants teach, the pedagogical corps of our school, iria publics. Results and outputs of the project: newly created job position of 1 school psychologist and 2 assistants teaching, promoting inclusion and ensuring equal access to education for 35 VETs, of which 21 students with severe health handicaps and a recommendation from the CPP based in Trebiova, the creation of a ground and a comprehensive system of synergy in the process of inclusion (temporary psychologists, educators, assistants, teachers, parents). Place of implementation of the project: Basic round, M. R. tefánik 910/51,Trebiov. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 12:21, 27 September 2021
Project Q3101720 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Ensuring equal access to the educational process with a special emphasis for VET-based students |
Project Q3101720 in Slovakia |
88,712.8 Euro
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104,368.0 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 September 2018
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1 August 2021
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0 references