Energy rehabilitation and related works Emergency County Hospital "Sf. Pantelimon" Focsani (Q2741891): Difference between revisions

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Property / co-financing rate
0.85 percent
Amount0.85 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 0.85 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:38, 27 September 2021

Project Q2741891 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Energy rehabilitation and related works Emergency County Hospital "Sf. Pantelimon" Focsani
Project Q2741891 in Romania


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    3,539,651.68 Romanian Leu
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    707,930.3360000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,164,296.08 Romanian Leu
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    832,859.216 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1 August 2018
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    31 December 2023
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    44°24'31.54"N, 26°3'53.68"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului vizeaza cresterea eficientei energetice in cladirea publica Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Sf. Pantelimon Focşani, Secţia Pneumoftiziologie prin derularea de lucrari de interventie cu scopul termoizolarii cladirii, modernizarii instalatiei de preparare si distribuire a agentului termic si a apei menajere, instalarea sistemelor de climatizare, modernizarea instalatiei de iluminat, inclusiv utilizarea de surse regenerabile pentru asigurarea necesarului de energie, precum si alte lucrari conexe. Obiectivul general sustine Prioritatea de investitii 3.1 Sprijinirea eficientei energetice, a gestionarii inteligente a energiei si a utilizarii energiei din surse regenerabile in infrastructurile publice, inclusiv in cladirile publice, si in sectorul locuintelor, Sectiunea B- Cladiri publice. Prin intermediul acestui proiect vor fi sprijinite activitati specifice realizarii de investitii pentru cresterea eficientei energetice a cladirilor publice, respectiv: - izolarea termică a faţadei – parte vitrată, prin înlocuirea tâmplăriei exterioare existente, inclusiv a celei aferente acceselor, cu tâmplărie termoizolantă din PVC cu geam termopan Solar4S + Clar + Clar dotată cu fante higroreglabile pentru ventilarea spaţiilor ocupate şi evitarea apariţiei condensului pe elementele interioare de anvelopă. - izolarea termică a perețiilor exteriori, inclusiv a soclului (pana la cota terenului amenajat-trotuar) cu polistiren extrudat ignifugat de exterior de 10 cm grosime - bordarea golurilor tamplariei cu cu polistiren extrudat ignifugat de 3 cm grosime - Izolarea termică la intradosul planşeului peste subsol se va realiza cu plăci rigide de polistiren extrudat ignifugat (XPS) de 10 cm grosime protejate cu masă de şpaclu armată - Sporirea rezistentei termice a terasei peste valoarea de 5,00 m2k/W prevazute de norme, cu un strat din placi polistiren extrudat de 25 cm grosime minima realizat in panta, realizarea stratului suport al termoizolației cu mortar de 5 cm grosime slab armat. Hidroizolarea terasei trebuie facuta cu atentie la margini, colturi si petreceri pentru evitarea infiltratiilor. In prealabil se vor desface toate straturile pana la placa de beton. - înlocuirea instalaţiei de distribuţie între punctul de record (unde se va monta pompa de caldura) şi planşeul peste canal termic, inclusiv izolarea termică a acesteia, în scopul reducerii pierderilor de căldură şi masă,se va monta robinete de presiune diferenţială la baza coloanelor de încălzire în scopul creşterii eficienţei sistemului de încălzire prin autoreglarea termohidraulică a reţelei - înlocuirea cu corpuri de încălzire cu radiatoare din aluminiu in grupuri sanitare si spatii depozitare si ventiloconvectoare carcasate de pardoseala/perete in rest; - Instalarea unor sisteme alternative de producere a energiei electrice și/sau termice pentru consum propriu - Înlocuirea şi marirea randamentului sursei de caldura şi a traseelor de distribuţie prin racordar (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project aims to increase energy efficiency in the public building St. St. Emergency County Hospital. Pantelimon Focșani, Pneumophysiology Section by conducting intervention works with the aim of thermal insulation of the building, modernisation of the installation for the preparation and distribution of heating and domestic water, installation of air-conditioning systems, modernisation of the lighting installation, including the use of renewable sources to ensure energy needs, as well as other related works. The general objective supports the Investment Priority 3.1 Supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infrastructures, including public buildings, and housing sector, Section B – Public Buildings. Through this project will be supported activities specific to the realisation of investments to increase the energy efficiency of public buildings, namely: — thermal insulation of the facade – glazed part, by replacing the existing exterior joinery, including the one related to the accesses, with PVC thermal insulation joinery with Solar4S + Clear + Clear double glazed windows equipped with hygroreglable slots for ventilation of occupied spaces and avoiding the appearance of condensation on the interior elements of the tyre. — thermal insulation of the exterior walls, including the cap (up to the elevation of the landscaped-trotuary terrain) with fire-retardant polystyrene extruded from the outside of 10 cm thick – boarding the gaps of the carpentry with fireproof polystyrene extruded 3 cm thick – The thermal insulation at the floor inside the floor over the basement will be carried out with 10 cm thick fireproof extruded polystyrene (XPS) rigid plates protected with a mass of reinforced scaffold – Increasing the thermal resistance of the terrace over the value of 5, 00 m2k/W provided by norms, with an extruded polystyrene plate layer of 25 cm minimum thickness made in the slope, making the support layer of the insulation with mortar 5 cm thick poorly reinforced. Waterproofing of the terrace should be done carefully at the edges, corners and parties to avoid infiltration. In advance, all layers will be unfolded to the concrete board. — the replacement of the distribution system between the record point (where the heat pump will be mounted) and the floor over the thermal channel, including its thermal insulation, in order to reduce heat losses and mass, will be mounted differential pressure taps at the base of the heating columns in order to increase the efficiency of the heating system by thermohydraulic self-regulation of the network – replacement with heating bodies with aluminium radiators in sanitary groups and storage spaces and floor-carcased vents/walls for the rest; — Installation of alternative systems for the production of electricity and/or heat for own consumption – Replacement and increase of the efficiency of the heat source and the distribution routes through the connection (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Focşani, Romania
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