SECOND CHANCE FOR A BETTER FUTURE (Q3098518): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 0.82 percent) |
(Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage) |
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||
81.85 percent
| |||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 81.85 percent / rank | |||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 11:13, 27 September 2021
Project Q3098518 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q3098518 in Romania |
3,639,016.22 Romanian Leu
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4,446,101.9 Romanian Leu
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81.85 percent
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7 July 2021
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31 December 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie creșterea cu 420 de tineri Neets a numărului de tineri șomeri cu vârsta între 16 - 29 ani, înregistrați la ANOFM/AJOFM care se reîntorc în educație în programe de tip a doua șansă, in special a celor din categorii defavorizate, roma/rural, sporirea nivelului de conștientizare a rolului educației prin campanii de informare, contribuirea directa la scăderea ratei abandonului școlar, inclusiv prin oferirea unor măsuri de sprijin financiar pentru cursanți. Proiectul isi propune imbunatatirea posibilitatilor de încadrare a minimum 420 tineri NEET someri înregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare (SPO), din care roma: 10% din 4S224 = 42 PERSOANE si din zona rurală: 30% din 4S224 = 126 PERSOANE. Prin prisma obiectivului general, proiectul se subscrie obiectivului POCU de asigurare a integrarii durabile pe piata fortei de munca a tinerilor NEET prin faptul ca proiectul va acorda facilitati, sub forma de sprijin financiar, pentru absolventii de program „A doua sansa” tineri NEET someri, cu respectarea prevederilor legale. Obiectivul general se poate atinge prin oferirea serviciilor integrate de masuri active si personalizate de ocupare, cuprinzand orientare, consiliere, educatie obligatorie de tip „A doua sansa”, sprijin financiar. Prezentul proiect are drept scop pe termen lung introducerea unor elemente integrate inovatoare in domeniul ocuparii, prin corelarea cererii si ofertei pietei fortei de munca, ce vor facilita integrarea grupului tinta pe o piata a muncii competitive si in continua schimbare, datorita rezultatelor studiului efectuat, precum si a unor elemente inovatoare introduse in programul „A doua sansa”. De asemenea, proiectul se înscrie în Axa Prioritara 2 Îmbunatatirea situatiei tinerilor din categoria NEETs, prioritatea de investitii: 8.ii Integrarea durabila pe piata fortei de munca a tinerilor, în special a celor care nu au un loc de munca, care nu urmeaza studii sau cursuri de formare, inclusiv a tinerilor care se confrunta cu riscul excluziunii sociale si a tinerilor din comunitatile marginalizate, inclusiv prin implementarea garantiei pentru tineri, obiectivul specific: 2.4 Creșterea numărului de tineri NEETs șomeri cu vârsta între 16 - 29 ani, înregistrați la SPO care se reîntorc în educație în programe de tip a doua șansă, inclusiv în programe de formare profesională inițială. Totodata, proiectul raspunde rezultatului propus, respectiv 420 de tineri NEETs șomeri cu vârsta între 16 - 29 ani, înregistrați la SPO care se reîntorc în educație în programe de tip a doua șansă, inclusiv în programe de formare profesională inițială. Prin faptul ca tinerii NEETs vor putea beneficia de masuri precum: orientare, consiliere, educatie obligatorie, sprijin financiar, proiectul raspunde provocarilor identificate în ceea ce priveste integrarea durabila a tinerilor pe piata muncii si contribuie la rezolvarea ratei scazute de ocupare a tinerilor, precum si a reticentei angajatorilor de a anga (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase by 420 young Neets the number of unemployed young people aged 16-29, registered at the ANOFM/AJOFM who return to education in second chance programs, especially those from disadvantaged categories, Roma/rural, raising awareness of the role of education through information campaigns, contributing directly to lowering the rate of school leaving, including by providing financial support measures for learners. The project aims to improve the possibilities of employing at least 420 unemployed NEETs registered with the Public Employment Service (SPO), from which Roma: 10 % of 4S224 = 42 PERSOANE and rural area: 30 % of 4S224 = 126 PERSON. In light of the general objective, the project subscribes to POCU’s objective of ensuring sustainable integration in the labor market of NEETs by providing facilities, in the form of financial support, for the graduates of the “Second Chance” young unemployed NEETs, in compliance with the legal provisions. The general objective can be achieved by providing integrated services of active and personalised employment measures, including guidance, counselling, compulsory education of the “Second Chance” type, financial support. This project aims in the long term to introduce innovative integrated elements in the field of employment, by matching labour market demand and supply, which will facilitate the integration of the target group into a competitive and constantly changing labour market, due to the results of the study, as well as some innovative elements introduced in the Second Chance Program. The project is also part of Priority Axis 2 Improving the situation of NEETs, investment priority: 8.ii Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people, especially those not in employment, not in education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalised communities, including through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee, the specific objective: 2.4 Increasing the number of unemployed NEETs aged 16-29 who return to education in second chance programmes, including initial vocational training programmes. At the same time, the project responds to the proposed result, namely 420 unemployed NEETs aged 16-29, registered with the SPO who return to education in second chance programmes, including initial vocational training programmes. Young NEETs will be able to benefit from measures such as: guidance, counselling, compulsory education, financial support, the project responds to the challenges identified in terms of sustainable integration of young people into the labour market and contributes to solving the low employment rate of young people, as well as the reluctance of employers to engage (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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Judeţul Satu Mare, Romania
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Judeţul Maramureş, Romania
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Judeţul Cluj, Romania
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Judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, Romania
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Judeţul Bihor, Romania
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Judeţul Vaslui, Romania
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Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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