National and international development of GTF Geotechnics & Foundation ground through new and new assets (Q2742246): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 0.6 percent) |
(Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage) |
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||
60.46 percent
| |||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 60.46 percent / rank | |||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 09:58, 27 September 2021
Project Q2742246 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | National and international development of GTF Geotechnics & Foundation ground through new and new assets |
Project Q2742246 in Romania |
3,520,196.61 Romanian Leu
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5,822,064.4 Romanian Leu
0 references
1,164,412.8800000001 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
0 references
60.46 percent
0 references
1 April 2018
0 references
31 December 2021
0 references
0 references
Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta dezvoltarea GTF prin realizarea unei investitii initiale ce consta in crearea unei unitati noi si productive activand in clasa caen 4312 –lucrari de pregatire a terenului investitie pe care o propune la cofinantare si la care va participa cu 30% din costurile eligibile. Investitia initiala consta in active corporale si necorporale necesare desfasurarii activitatii si cu care se va realiza patrunderea de catre GTF pe piete noi- piata noua de servicii, piata noua geografica, piata online, prin certificarea de la inceput a activitatii din punct de vedere managmentului , dar si prin certificarea calitatii serviciilor livrate. POR 2014–2020 își propune ca obiectiv general creșterea competitivității economice și îmbunătăţirea condițiilor de viață ale comunităților locale și regionale, prin sprijinirea dezvoltării mediului de afaceri, infrastructurii și serviciilor, pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a regiunilor, astfel încât acestea să își poată gestiona în mod eficient resursele și să își valorifice potențialul de inovare și de asimilare a progresului tehnologic. In acest context proiectul propus la finantare de catre GTF contribuie la atingerea obiectivului general POR 2014-2020 prin investitia pe care o realizeaza care este o investitie initiala constand in achizitia unor mijloace de productie ( bulldozer pe senile, excavator cu dotari, excavator pe senile , miniexcavator) performante, fiabile, cu grad ridicat de productivitate si care vor duce la cresterea competitivitatii societatii pe piata regional si nationala. Investitia propusa prevede crearea de noi locuri de munca ( 4 noi locuri de munca) ceea ce va duce la imbunatatirea conditiilor de viata prin faptul ca vor avea un loc de munca, remunerate, pe perioada nedeterminata de timp, in cadrul unei companii care se dezvolta si pune accent pe promovarea pe criteria de competente, de rezultate, fara nicio forma de discriminare, ca urmare a celor 4 noi locuri de munca vor fi avantajate si li se va imbunatati situatia materiala si altor membri ai familiei din care fac parte celi 4 noi angajati prin proiect, dar si statul prin faptul ca cel putin 4 locuri de munca de pe piata celor fara un loc de munca sau in cautarea unui loc de munca , vor fi absorbite de GTF. Mai mult de atat, crescand puterea de cumparare a acestor angajati , acestia vor avea acces la cumpararea de bunuri si servicii ceea ce va aduce un avantaj economic si sanse de dezvoltare pentru ceilalti agenti economici furnizori de bunuri si servicii. Dezvoltarea si cresterea competitivitatii GTF ca de altfel a oricarui participant la un astfel de apel contribuie la dezvoltarea si la cresterea competitivitatii altor agenti econominci fie ca sunt furnizori ai GTF, fie ca vor fi client, in acest fel ajutand la atingerea obiectivului general POR- cresterea competitivitatii economice si imbunatatirea conditiilor de viata a comunitatilor din Tulcea si din regiunea Sud Est. Investitia prevede (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is the development of GTF through the realisation of an initial investment consisting of creating a new and productive unit operating in class 4312 – land preparation works investment that it proposes at co-financing and will participate with 30 % of the eligible costs. The initial investment consists of tangible and intangible assets necessary for carrying out the activity and with which the GTF will penetrate new markets – new services market, new geographic market, online market, by certifying from the beginning the activity in terms of management, but also by certifying the quality of the delivered services. The OP 2014-2020 aims to increase economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services for the sustainable development of the regions so that they can manage their resources efficiently and realise their potential for innovation and technological progress. In this context, the project proposed for financing by GTF contributes to the achievement of the general objective of ROP 2014-2020 through the investment it realises, which is an initial investment consisting of the acquisition of production means (chainbulldozer, endowment excavator, track excavator, mini-excavator) performing, reliable, with a high degree of productivity and which will increase the company’s competitiveness on the regional and national market. The proposed investment provides for the creation of new jobs (4 new jobs) which will lead to the improvement of living conditions through the fact that they will have a paid job for the indefinite period of time within a company that develops and focuses on promoting the criteria of skills, results, without any form of discrimination, as a result of the 4 new jobs will be advantaged and will improve the material situation to other family members of which the 4 new employees belong through the project, but also the state by the fact that at least 4 jobs on the jobless market or looking for a job, will be absorbed by the GTF. Moreover, by increasing the purchasing power of these employees, they will have access to the purchase of goods and services, which will bring an economic advantage and chances of development for other economic agents providing goods and services. Developing and increasing the competitiveness of GTF as any participant in such a call contributes to developing and increasing the competitiveness of other economic agents, whether they are GTF suppliers or will be a customer, in this way helping to achieve the overall ROP objective – increasing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of the communities in Tulcea and the South East region. The investment provides (English)
14 September 2021
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Judeţul Tulcea, Romania
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