VKB3 Coke Services (Q3100665): Difference between revisions

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U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.
Property / beneficiary name (string): U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Projekt „Odprášenie koksovej služby VKB 3“, predkladá návrh modernizácie jestvujúceho systému odprášenia na technologických zariadeniach koksovej služby (ďalej ako KS) na vežkopriestorovej koksárenskej batérii č.3 (ďalej ako VKB 3), ktorá pozostáva z jednotlivých  pracovísk navzájom prepojených pásovou dopravou umiestnených v stavebne uzatvorených objektoch za účelom zníženia celkovej úrovne znečisovania ovzdušia primárnymi a sekundárnymi (fugitívnymi) emisiami tuhých znečisujúcich látok (ďalej ako TZL) z prevádzky VKB 3, U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.  (ďalej ako USSK) nad rámec požiadaviek záverov o najlepších dostupných technikách (BAT) pre výrobu železa a ocele.Ciežom projektu je modernizácia systému zachytávania emisií za účelom zníženia množstva TZL unikajúcich do ovzdušia a nahradenie pôvodných odlučovačov za dve účinnejšie koncové odprašovacie zariadenia  (látkové filtračné stanice). Projekt je realizovaný v oblasti riadenia kvality ovzdušia (územie mesta Košíc a obcí Bočiar, Haniska, Sokožany, Vežká Ida), ktorá je najviac zaažená emisiami TZL v rámci Slovenska (11,247  t TZL/km2) a zároveň na území Košického kraja a mesta Košíc zaradenom do 1. skupiny, t.j. medzi zóny a aglomerácie s prekračovanou limitnou hodnotou PM10. Realizáciou projektu sa dosiahne zníženie emisií TZL vrátane frakcie PM10 minimálne o 11 660,62 kg (zníženie o 65,65 %). Realizáciou projektu sa výrazne zníži množstvo vypúšaných emisií, čoho výsledkom je zníženie znečisovania ovzdušia. Konečným ciežom projektu je zlepšenie kvality životného prostredia, zlepšenie podmienok pre život obyvatežov v dotknutom regióne a zlepšenie zdravotného stavu ciežovej skupiny, ktorou sú obyvatelia Košíc a prižahlého regiónu s počtom obyvatežov cca. 365 tis. a rozlohou takmer 3000 km2. Projekt prispieva k napĺňaniu európskych a národných stratégií a  priorít v oblasti kvality ovzdušia. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Projekt „Odprášenie koksovej služby VKB 3“, predkladá návrh modernizácie jestvujúceho systému odprášenia na technologických zariadeniach koksovej služby (ďalej ako KS) na vežkopriestorovej koksárenskej batérii č.3 (ďalej ako VKB 3), ktorá pozostáva z jednotlivých  pracovísk navzájom prepojených pásovou dopravou umiestnených v stavebne uzatvorených objektoch za účelom zníženia celkovej úrovne znečisovania ovzdušia primárnymi a sekundárnymi (fugitívnymi) emisiami tuhých znečisujúcich látok (ďalej ako TZL) z prevádzky VKB 3, U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.  (ďalej ako USSK) nad rámec požiadaviek záverov o najlepších dostupných technikách (BAT) pre výrobu železa a ocele.Ciežom projektu je modernizácia systému zachytávania emisií za účelom zníženia množstva TZL unikajúcich do ovzdušia a nahradenie pôvodných odlučovačov za dve účinnejšie koncové odprašovacie zariadenia  (látkové filtračné stanice). Projekt je realizovaný v oblasti riadenia kvality ovzdušia (územie mesta Košíc a obcí Bočiar, Haniska, Sokožany, Vežká Ida), ktorá je najviac zaažená emisiami TZL v rámci Slovenska (11,247  t TZL/km2) a zároveň na území Košického kraja a mesta Košíc zaradenom do 1. skupiny, t.j. medzi zóny a aglomerácie s prekračovanou limitnou hodnotou PM10. Realizáciou projektu sa dosiahne zníženie emisií TZL vrátane frakcie PM10 minimálne o 11 660,62 kg (zníženie o 65,65 %). Realizáciou projektu sa výrazne zníži množstvo vypúšaných emisií, čoho výsledkom je zníženie znečisovania ovzdušia. Konečným ciežom projektu je zlepšenie kvality životného prostredia, zlepšenie podmienok pre život obyvatežov v dotknutom regióne a zlepšenie zdravotného stavu ciežovej skupiny, ktorou sú obyvatelia Košíc a prižahlého regiónu s počtom obyvatežov cca. 365 tis. a rozlohou takmer 3000 km2. Projekt prispieva k napĺňaniu európskych a národných stratégií a  priorít v oblasti kvality ovzdušia. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The VKB 3 coke service work project presents a proposal for the modernisation of the existing dusting system at the coke service technological equipment (hereinafter referred to as KS) on the coke oven battery No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as VKB 3), which consists of individual workplaces interconnected by belt traffic located in building-closed buildings in order to reduce the overall level of air pollution by primary and secondary (fugitive) emissions of particulate matter (hereinafter referred to as TZL) from the operation of VKB 3, U. S. Steel Koice, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as USSK) over and above the requirements of the conclusions on Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the production of Elesis and Steel. The project also aims to modernise the emission capture system to reduce the amount of TZL leaking into the air and replace the original separators with two efficient end-waste equipment (substance filtration stations). The project is carried out in the area of air quality management (territory of the town of Koice and municipalities Bočiar, Haniska, Sokožany, Vežká Ida), which is the most connected with emissions of TZL within Slovakia (11,247 t TZL/km²) and also in the territory of the Coicky Region and the town of Koice classified in the 1st group, i.e. between zones and agglomerations with the PM10 limit value exceeded. The implementation of the project will achieve a reduction of TZL emissions, including the PM10 fraction, by at least 11660.62 kg (reduction of 65.65 %). The implementation of the project will significantly reduce the amount of emissions emitted, resulting in a reduction in air pollution. The ultimate goal of the project is to improve the quality of the environment, improve the conditions for living living in the region concerned and improve the health status of the target group, which is the inhabitants of Koice and the beautiful region with the number of inhabitants approx. 365 thousand and an area of almost 3000 km². The project contributes to the implementation of European and national air quality strategies and priorities. (English)
Property / summary: The VKB 3 coke service work project presents a proposal for the modernisation of the existing dusting system at the coke service technological equipment (hereinafter referred to as KS) on the coke oven battery No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as VKB 3), which consists of individual workplaces interconnected by belt traffic located in building-closed buildings in order to reduce the overall level of air pollution by primary and secondary (fugitive) emissions of particulate matter (hereinafter referred to as TZL) from the operation of VKB 3, U. S. Steel Koice, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as USSK) over and above the requirements of the conclusions on Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the production of Elesis and Steel. The project also aims to modernise the emission capture system to reduce the amount of TZL leaking into the air and replace the original separators with two efficient end-waste equipment (substance filtration stations). The project is carried out in the area of air quality management (territory of the town of Koice and municipalities Bočiar, Haniska, Sokožany, Vežká Ida), which is the most connected with emissions of TZL within Slovakia (11,247 t TZL/km²) and also in the territory of the Coicky Region and the town of Koice classified in the 1st group, i.e. between zones and agglomerations with the PM10 limit value exceeded. The implementation of the project will achieve a reduction of TZL emissions, including the PM10 fraction, by at least 11660.62 kg (reduction of 65.65 %). The implementation of the project will significantly reduce the amount of emissions emitted, resulting in a reduction in air pollution. The ultimate goal of the project is to improve the quality of the environment, improve the conditions for living living in the region concerned and improve the health status of the target group, which is the inhabitants of Koice and the beautiful region with the number of inhabitants approx. 365 thousand and an area of almost 3000 km². The project contributes to the implementation of European and national air quality strategies and priorities. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The VKB 3 coke service work project presents a proposal for the modernisation of the existing dusting system at the coke service technological equipment (hereinafter referred to as KS) on the coke oven battery No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as VKB 3), which consists of individual workplaces interconnected by belt traffic located in building-closed buildings in order to reduce the overall level of air pollution by primary and secondary (fugitive) emissions of particulate matter (hereinafter referred to as TZL) from the operation of VKB 3, U. S. Steel Koice, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as USSK) over and above the requirements of the conclusions on Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the production of Elesis and Steel. The project also aims to modernise the emission capture system to reduce the amount of TZL leaking into the air and replace the original separators with two efficient end-waste equipment (substance filtration stations). The project is carried out in the area of air quality management (territory of the town of Koice and municipalities Bočiar, Haniska, Sokožany, Vežká Ida), which is the most connected with emissions of TZL within Slovakia (11,247 t TZL/km²) and also in the territory of the Coicky Region and the town of Koice classified in the 1st group, i.e. between zones and agglomerations with the PM10 limit value exceeded. The implementation of the project will achieve a reduction of TZL emissions, including the PM10 fraction, by at least 11660.62 kg (reduction of 65.65 %). The implementation of the project will significantly reduce the amount of emissions emitted, resulting in a reduction in air pollution. The ultimate goal of the project is to improve the quality of the environment, improve the conditions for living living in the region concerned and improve the health status of the target group, which is the inhabitants of Koice and the beautiful region with the number of inhabitants approx. 365 thousand and an area of almost 3000 km². The project contributes to the implementation of European and national air quality strategies and priorities. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:48, 24 September 2021

Project Q3100665 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
VKB3 Coke Services
Project Q3100665 in Slovakia


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    2,246,200.0 Euro
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    4,084,000.0 Euro
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    0.55 percent
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    1 October 2018
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    1 May 2021
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    48°38'13.38"N, 21°10'16.97"E
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