Active participation in education in schools in Vrancea and Galati (Q3097199): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 16:17, 23 September 2021
Project Q3097199 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Active participation in education in schools in Vrancea and Galati |
Project Q3097199 in Romania |
3,004,295.822 Romanian Leu
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3,534,465.64 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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8 May 2018
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7 May 2021
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Reducerea si prevenirea abandonului scolar timpuriu si promovarea accesului egal la invatamantul prescolar, primar si secundar de calitate pentru 474 de copii si elevi din 4 scoli defavorizate din judetele Vrancea si Galati: Scoala Gimnaziala Tanasoaia, comuna Tanasoaia jud. Vrancea, Scoala Gimnaziala Boghesti, comuna Boghesti, jud. Vrancea, Scoala Gimnaziala Ploscuteni, comuna Ploscuteni, jud. Vrancea si Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala ”Emil Garleanu” Galati. Proiectul va contribui la realizarea celor 2 obiective specifice ale programului si apelului (6.2., 6.3.) prin formularea unui raspuns integrat, a unui raspuns educational coordonat si cuprinzator ce vizeaza toate nivelurile de invatamant direct legate de parasirea timpurie a scolii, integrand bune practici identificare si asigurand sustenabilitate pe termen lung. Totodata, in contributia sa la cele 2 obiective, sunt implementate masuri de prevenire, de interventie si de compensare prevazute de Strategia privind reducerea parasirii timpurii a scolii. Actiunile dezvoltate pentru a contribui la aceste obiective au impact direct asupra facilitatii accesului la educatie si prevenirii/reducerii parasirii timpurii a scolii, asupra imbunatatirii si diversificarii serviciilor educationale oferite si asupra dezvoltarii capacitatii resurselor umane din scoli. Prin toate aceste masuri, proiectul va produce un efect pozitiv pe termen lung si anume acela de a reduce si preveni abandonul scolar in cele 4 comunitati si de a promova accesul egal la invatamant de calitate pentru cel putin 474 copii si elevi in cele 36 luni de acordare a sprijinului. Pe termen lung, rezultatele interventiei vor fi utilizate pentru a reduce riscul educational si in randul colegilor mai mici ai copiilor si elevilor vizati de proiect, ca urmare a efectelor de multiplicare si replicare si ca urmare a implicarii autoritatilor locale in asigurarea sustenabilitatii interventiei. (Romanian)
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Reducing and preventing early school leaving and promoting equal access to preschool, primary and secondary quality education for 474 children and students from 4 disadvantaged schools in Vrancea and Galati counties: Tanasoaia Gymnasium School, Tanasoaia commune Vrancea, Boghesti Secondary School, Boghesti commune, county. Vrancea, Ploscuteni Secondary School, Ploscuteni commune, county. Vrancea and Special Secondary School “Emil Garleanu” Galati. The project will contribute to the achievement of the 2 specific objectives of the program and call (6.2., 6.3.) by formulating an integrated response, a coordinated and comprehensive educational response targeting all levels of education directly related to early school leaving, integrating good identification practices and ensuring long-term sustainability. At the same time, in its contribution to the two objectives, preventive, intervention and compensation measures provided by the Strategy for reducing early school leaving are implemented. The actions developed to contribute to these objectives have a direct impact on the facilitation of access to education and prevention/reduction of early school leaving, on the improvement and diversification of educational services offered and on the development of the capacity of human resources in schools. Through all these measures, the project will produce a positive long-term effect, namely to reduce and prevent school drop-out in the 4 communities and to promote equal access to quality education for at least 474 children and students during the 36 months of providing support. In the long term, the results of the intervention will be used to reduce the educational risk among the younger colleagues of the children and students targeted by the project, due to the multiplication and replication effects and the involvement of local authorities in ensuring the sustainability of the intervention. (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Galaţi, Romania
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Tănăsoaia, Romania
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Ploscuţeni, Romania
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Bogheşti, Romania
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