C.R.E.D. – Community- Responsibility-Education-Durability (Q3098097): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 16:12, 23 September 2021

Project Q3098097 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
C.R.E.D. – Community- Responsibility-Education-Durability
Project Q3098097 in Romania


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    4,578,462.21 Romanian Leu
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    915,692.442 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,819,433.9 Romanian Leu
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    963,886.7800000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.95 percent
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    1 April 2021
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    31 March 2023
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    Proiectul are ca obiectiv reducerea numărului de persoane aflate în risc de sărăcie sau excluziune socială din comunitățile marginalizate din cadrul teritoriului GAL ”Drumul Iancului”, alaturi de promovarea incluziunii sociale, combaterea saraciei si a oricarei forme de discriminare. Contributia proiectului la îndeplinirea obiectivului specific 5.2 se va realiza prin reducerea numarului de persoanelor aflate în risc de saracie din comunitatile marginalizate din cadrul teritoriului GAL ”Drumul Iancului” cu 250 de persoane, inclusiv etnici romi, prin aplicarea unui set de masuri integrate în domeniile educatiei, ocuparii, serviciilor sociale si combaterii discriminarii, timp de 24 de luni de la data începerii implementarii proiectului. Masurile integrate ce vor fi aplicate vor fi personalizate si vor fi destinate rezolvarii atât unor situatii individuale cât si unor aspecte comunitare ce contribuie la perpetuarea unor stari vicioase, la mentinerea starii de saracie si excluziune sociala a populatiei. Proiectul propus va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung, indicatorii si rezultatele obþinute la finalul proiectului constituind premisele altor rezultate ce se vor releva în anii urmatori. Astfel, masurile din domeniul educatiei vor avea impact si în anii urmatori, dupa finalizarea proiectului, beneficiarii participanti la aceste activitati aflându-se sub aspect educational influentati pozitiv o lunga perioada de timp si vor fi stimulati sa-si continue sau sa-si finalizeze studiile si sa dobândeasca noi competente educationale ce vor contribui pozitiv la întreruperea cercului vicios în care traiesc. Persoanele beneficiare de masuri de ocupare vor obtine o calificare sau îsi vor îmbunatati nivelul de ocupare creându-se astfel sansa ca în viitor sa patrunda mai usor pe piata muncii si sa isi mentina statutul de persoana activa. Prin masurile din domeniul social beneficiarii îsi vor îmbunatati starea de sanatate si de siguranta sociala si implicit vor avea o participare activa la incluziunea comunitatii din care fac parte. Persoanele sprijinite prin masurile proiectate in curenta cerere de finantare, nu vor mai resimti atât de puternic povara mediului în care traiesc si se vor concentra pe educatia copiilor si angajarea pe piata muncii. De asemenea, masurile antidiscriminare si de mobilizare a comunitatii pentru rezolvarea problemelor intracomunitare vor genera o mai mare unitate de grup, o constiinta colectiva puternica, deschisa, toleranta si gata pregatita pentru a depasi obstacolele cu care se confrunta. Astfel obiectivul proiectului contribuie la obiectivul specific POCU si la indeplinirea rezultatului asteptat respectiv: numar redus de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitățile marginalizate din cadrul teritoriului GAL ”Drumul Iancului”. (Romanian)
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    The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion from marginalised communities within the “Iancului Road” LAG territory, along with promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any form of discrimination. The project’s contribution to the specific objective 5.2 will be achieved by reducing the number of people at risk of poverty from marginalised communities within the LAG’s “Road of Iancului” territory by 250 people, including Roma, by applying a set of integrated measures in the fields of education, employment, social services and combating discrimination, for 24 months from the start of the project implementation. The integrated measures that will be applied will be personalised and will be designed to solve both individual situations and community aspects that contribute to perpetuating vicious states, maintaining the state of poverty and social exclusion of the population. The proposed project will generate a long-term positive effect, the indicators and results obtained at the end of the project constituting the premises of other results that will be revealed in the coming years. Thus, the measures in the field of education will also have an impact in the coming years, after the completion of the project, the beneficiaries participating in these activities being in the educational aspect positively influenced for a long period of time and will be stimulated to continue or complete their studies and acquire new educational skills that will positively contribute to the interruption of the vicious circle in which they live. Persons benefiting from employment measures will obtain a qualification or improve their employment level, thus creating the chance that in the future they will enter the labour market more easily and maintain their status as an active person. Through social measures, the beneficiaries will improve their health and social safety and will therefore have an active participation in the inclusion of their community. People supported by measures designed in current financing demand will not feel so strongly the burden of the environment in which they live and will focus on children’s education and employment on the labour market. Also, anti-discrimination measures and community mobilisation to solve intra-community problems will generate a greater group unit, a strong collective awareness, open, tolerance and ready to overcome the obstacles they face. Thus, the objective of the project contributes to the POCU specific objective and to the achievement of the expected result: low number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalised communities within LAG territory “Ianc Road”. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Bistra, Romania
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    Vidra, Romania
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    Sohodol, Romania
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    Avram Iancu, Romania
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    Roşia Montană, Romania
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