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Revision as of 15:44, 23 September 2021
Project Q3097633 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Young people have needs and we need young people! |
Project Q3097633 in Romania |
4,378,726.11 Romanian Leu
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4,872,838.1 Romanian Leu
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0.9 percent
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27 July 2021
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26 June 2023
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ARGUMENT. Scopul declarat al proiectului propus este acela de creste sansele de integrare/ reintegrare profesionala pe piata fortei de munca a tinerilor NEETs din Regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia, prin imbunatatii nivelul de competente profesionale si prin furnizarea serviciilor de medierea muncii. Politicile de ocupare a fortei de munca si de tineret sunt competentele statelor membre. Cu toate acestea, UE a lansat o serie de initiative care completeaza politicile nationale ca parte a actiunilor sale pentru o Europa mai sociala. Acest sprijin se concentreaza pe finantarea programelor de ocupare a fortei de munca in randul tinerilor, pe imbunatatirea calitatii uceniciei si stagiilor, pe oferirea de oportunitati de educatie si locuri de munca la nivel international si pe proiecte de voluntariat pentru tineri. Primul loc de munca real permite tinerilor sa devina cetateni independenti si cu incredere de sine. Lipsa perspectivelor viitoare si somajul indelungat in randul tinerilor sporesc probabilitatea ca acestia sa devina someri din nou in anii urmatori si sa-si reduca perspectivele de cariera. Cautarea fara succes a oportunitatilor de munca si de formare creeaza sentimente de izolare, dependenta si inutilitate la tineri. In plus, exista efecte negative asupra economiei si asupra societatii, care este in curs de imbatranire. Tinerii au fost printre cei mai afectati de criza financiara si economica din 2008. Rata somajului in randul persoanelor cu varste cuprinse intre 15 si 24 de ani din UE a crescut de la 15 % in 2008 la 24 % la inceputul lui 2013. Proiectul nostru este in acord cu Recomandarea adoptata de Consiliul UE in aprilie 2013, privind înființarea unei garanții pentru tineret. Garanția pentru tineret urmărește să combată șomajul în rândul tinerilor, statele membre trebuie să asigure măsuri pentru ca orice tânăr cu vârsta sub 25 de ani să primească o ofertă de calitate, în termen de 4 luni de la terminarea studiilor sau de la pierderea locului de muncă. Oferta pe care proiectul nostru o pune la dispozitia tinerilor se transpune într-un contract de muncă, ucenicie sau stagiu ori într-un curs de formare continuă și este adaptata la nevoile și la situația fiecăruia. Garanția pentru Tineri a fost un factor-cheie de promovare a unor acțiuni eficiente de către Statele Membre, îmbunătățind coordonarea între diferiți actori și facilitând reformele structurale și inovarea în elaborarea politicilor. Rata somajului in randul tinerilor s-a imbunatatit continuu in UE in anii care au urmat. Criza COVID-19 risca sa inrautateasca din nou situatia, exacerband ratele deja ingrijoratoare ale somajului in randul tinerilor din unele state membre. In august 2020, rata somajului in randul tinerilor a fost de 17,6 % in UE-27. Inainte de pandemie, rata somajului in randul tinerilor din UE (15-24) era de 14,9 %, in scadere fata de nivelul maxim de 24,4 % inregistrat in 2013. In august 2020, aceasta era de 17,6 % si va continua probabil sa creasca. Previziunile ec (Romanian)
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ARGUMENT. The stated goal of the proposed project is to increase the chances of professional integration/reintegration on the labor market of NEETs in the South-West Oltenia Region, by improving the level of professional skills and by providing labor mediation services. Employment and youth policies are the competences of the Member States. However, the EU has launched a number of initiatives that complement national policies as part of its actions for a more social Europe. This support focuses on financing employment programs among young people, improving the quality of apprenticeships and internships, providing educational opportunities and jobs at international level and volunteering projects for young people. The first real job allows young people to become independent and self-confidence citizens. The lack of future prospects and long unemployment among young people increases the likelihood that they will become unemployed again in the coming years and reduce their career prospects. The unsuccessful search for work and training opportunities creates feelings of isolation, addiction and futility in young people. In addition, there are negative effects on the economy and society, which is being aging. Young people were among the most affected by the financial and economic crisis of 2008. Unemployment rates among people aged 15-24 in the EU increased from 15 % in 2008 to 24 % at the beginning of 2013. Our project is in line with the Recommendation adopted by the Council of the EU in April 2013 on establishing a Youth Guarantee. The Youth Guarantee aims to combat youth unemployment, Member States must ensure that any young person under the age of 25 receives a quality offer within 4 months of leaving education or losing employment. The offer that our project offers to young people is translated into an employment contract, an apprenticeship or a traineeship or a continuous training course and is adapted to the needs and situation of each of us. The Youth Guarantee has been a key factor in promoting effective action by Member States, improving coordination between different actors and facilitating structural reforms and innovation in policy-making. The unemployment rate among young people has continuously improved in the EU in the years that followed. The COVID-19 crisis risks worsening the situation again, exacerating already worrying unemployment rates among young people in some Member States. In August 2020, the youth unemployment rate was 17.6 % in the EU-27. Before the pandemic, the unemployment rate among young people in the EU (15-24) was 14.9 %, down from the peak of 24.4 % in 2013. In August 2020, it was 17.6 % and is likely to continue to grow. Forecasts ec (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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Judeţul Vâlcea, Romania
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Judeţul Olt, Romania
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Judeţul Mehedinţi, Romania
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Judeţul Gorj, Romania
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