Modernisation of DJ 709 J Dorobanti-Macea and Modernisation DJ 709 J Pecica-Turnu (Q2744601): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 15:20, 23 September 2021
Project Q2744601 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Modernisation of DJ 709 J Dorobanti-Macea and Modernisation DJ 709 J Pecica-Turnu |
Project Q2744601 in Romania |
19,399,319.24 Romanian Leu
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3,879,863.8479999998 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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22,822,728.51 Romanian Leu
0 references
4,564,545.7020000005 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
0 references
0.85 percent
0 references
1 October 2018
0 references
28 February 2021
0 references
0 references
Conectarea localităţilor Dorobanţi, Macea, Turnu şi Pecica la reţeaua TEN-T. Realizarea proiectului propus de UAT Judeţul Arad va contribui la atingerea obiectivului specific al Axei Prioritare 6, şi anume creşterea gradului de accesibilitate a zonelor rurale şi urbane situate în proximitatea reţelei TEN-T prin modernizarea drumurilor judeţene. Obiectivul general al proiectului precum şi obiectivul specific se subsumează cerinţelor priorităţii de investiţii, ducând la creşterea mobilităţii populaţiei din judeţ. Prin modernizarea tronsonului de drum propus, proiectul contribuie la realizarea indicatorilor de output prin îmbunătăţirea parametrilor relevanţi: creşterea vitezei, siguranţei rutiere, portanţei pentru 12,028 km de drum care conectează localităţilor rurale la coridorul TEN-T rutier şi a indicatorilor de rezultat prin creşterea mobilităţii unui număr de 25.489 persoane din localităţile Dorobanţi, Iratoşu, Macea, Pecica (inclusiv Turnu). (Romanian)
0 references
Connecting the localities of Dorobanti, Macea, Turnu and Pecica to the TEN-T network. The realisation of the project proposed by ATU Arad County will contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of Priority Axis 6, namely to increase the accessibility of rural and urban areas located close to the TEN-T network by modernising the county roads. The general objective of the project as well as the specific objective are subsumed to the requirements of the investment priority, leading to increased mobility of the population in the county. By upgrading the proposed road section, the project contributes to the output indicators by improving the relevant parameters: increase the speed, road safety, portance for 12.028 km of road connecting rural areas to the road TEN-T corridor and result indicators by increasing the mobility of 25,489 people in the municipalities of Dorobanti, Iratoșu, Macea, Pecica (including Turnu). (English)
14 September 2021
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Macea, Romania
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0 references