Regional project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in Iasi County, between 2014 and 2020 (Q3095720): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 09:57, 17 September 2021
Project Q3095720 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Regional project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in Iasi County, between 2014 and 2020 |
Project Q3095720 in Romania |
1,655,531,488.0 Romanian Leu
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1,947,684,104.0 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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1 January 2021
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31 December 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului îl reprezintă îmbunătățirea infrastructurii de apă și canalizare în localitățile din judeţul Iași incluse în proiect, în vederea îndeplinirii obligațiilor stabilite prin Tratatul de Aderare și Directivele Europene relevante. Prin intermediul proiectului, urmatorii indicatori prevazuti in POIM vor fi atinsi pana in 2023: CO18 = 191.292 locuitori; Avand in vedere ca in anul 2018 serviciul de furnizare a alimentarii cu apa a localitatilor alimentate cu apa pe traseul aductiunii Sabaoani-Braesti a fost intrerupt o perioada de 105 zile pentru o populatie de 148,968 locuitori, ceea ce contravine prevederilor din contractul de delegare, se poate considera ca intreaga populatie nu este conforma cu una din cerintele Directivei Europene 98/83/EC si anume asigurarea continuitatii alimentarii cu apa 24/7. La acestia se adauga ceilalti locuitori afectati de o calitate neconforma a apei sau cei afectati de intreruperi frecvente ale serviciului din cauza avariilor, probleme care vor fi rezolvate prin investitiile prevazute in acest proiect. CO19 = 77.188 locuitori echivalenti. Prin acesti indicatori, proiectul va contribui la atingerea obiectivelor POIM, OS 3.2, precum si la conformarea cu directivele europene, astfel: Gradul de conectare, inainte de proiect, la sistemul de alimentare cu apa, in aria de proiect, este de 78.07% - 489,784 locuitori (an 2023), din care 53.61% - 336,287 locuitori (an 2023), alimentati cu apa de calitate conforma cu Directiva 98/83/CE). 2S33 - Dupa investitiile din POIM, gradul de conectare si conformare in aria proiectului va creste la 84.10 - 527,579 locuitori în 2023. Procentul va creste in viitor la 100 % prin intermediul unor investitii din alte surse de finantare. Nivelul de conformare, inainte de proiect, a incarcarii organice biodegradabile (în l.e.) la sisteme de colectare in aglomerarile din aria de acoperire a proiectului este de 64.73% - 407,368 l.e (an 2023). Dupa implementarea Proiectului, nivelul de conformare va atinge 77.00% - 484,556 l.e. (an 2023). Procentul va creste in viitor la 98% - 100 % prin intermediul unor investitii din alte surse de finantare. 2S31 - Gradul de conectare a incarcarii organice biodegradabile la sistemele de colectare in aglomerari cu peste 10000 l.e va creste de la 76.4% (400,098 L.E.) in 2023, la 82.9%, dupa finalizarea proiectului în 2023, atingand 434,236 L.E., respectiv 34.138 L.E. 2S32 - Gradul de conectare a incarcarii organice biodegradabile la sistemele de colectare in aglomerari cu 2000 -10000 l.e va creste de la 12.7% in 2023 (13,440 L.E.), la 47.7% dupa finalizarea proiectului în 2023, atingand 50,320 L.E., respectiv 36.879 L.E. 2S29 – nu au fost prevazute investitii pentru statii de epurare, care deservesc aglomerari cu peste 10.000 L.E. 2S30 - au fost prevazute investitii pentru realizarea a 4 SEAU noi conforme si 1 SEAU reabilitata conforma (demolare si construirea unei statii noi) care deservesc 7 aglomerari (din 29 aglomer (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to improve the water and sewerage infrastructure in the localities of Iași county included in the project, in order to fulfil the obligations established by the Accession Treaty and the relevant European Directives. Through the project, the following indicators set out in the LIOP will be achieved by 2023: CO18 = 191.292 inhabitants; Given that in 2018 the water supply service of the localities supplied with water on the Sabaoani-Braesti route was interrupted for a period of 105 days for a population of 148,968 inhabitants, which is contrary to the provisions of the delegation agreement, it can be considered that the entire population does not comply with one of the requirements of European Directive 98/83/EC, namely ensuring continuity of water supply 24/7. To these are added the other inhabitants affected by a poor water quality or those affected by frequent interruptions of the service due to damage, problems that will be solved by the investments provided for in this project. CO19 = 77.188 equivalent inhabitants. Through these indicators, the project will contribute to the achievement of LIOP objectives, OS 3.2, as well as to compliance with European directives, as follows: The degree of connection, before the project, to the water supply system, in the project area, is 78.07 % – 489,784 inhabitants (year 2023), of which 53.61 % – 336,287 inhabitants (year 2023), supplied with quality water complying with Directive 98/83/EC). 2S33 – After investments in LIOP, the degree of connection and compliance in the project area will increase to 84.10-527.579 inhabitants in 2023. The percentage will increase to 100 % in the future through investments from other financing sources. The level of compliance, prior to the project, of biodegradable organic load (in l.e.) to collecting systems in agglomerations in the project coverage area is 64.73 % – 407,368 l.e. (year 2023). After the implementation of the Project, the compliance level will reach 77.00 % – 484,556 l.e. (year 2023). The percentage will increase in the future to 98 % – 100 % through investments from other financing sources. 2S31 – The degree of connection of biodegradable organic load to collection systems in agglomerations with more than 10000 l.e. will increase from 76.4 % (400,098 L.E.) in 2023 to 82.9 %, after completion of the project in 2023, reaching 434,236 L.E. and 34.138 L.E. 2S32 – The degree of connection of biodegradable organic load to collection systems in agglomerations with 2000-10000 l.e. will increase from 12.7 % in 2023 (13,440 L.E.), at 47.7 % after completion of the project in 2023, reaching 50,320 L.E. and 36.879 L.E. 2S29 – no investments were foreseen for treatment plants, serving agglomerations with more than 10,000 L.E. 2S30 – investments were foreseen to achieve 4 new compliant SEAUs and 1 Rehabilitated SEAU compliant (demolition and construction of a new station) serving 7 agglomerations (out of 29 agglomerations) (English)
16 September 2021
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