Improvements in textile qualification and employment with the support of relevant actors in the sector (Q3095918): Difference between revisions

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Project Q3095918 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Improvements in textile qualification and employment with the support of relevant actors in the sector
Project Q3095918 in Romania


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    780,735.0 Romanian Leu
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    156,147.0 Euro
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    948,596.97 Romanian Leu
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    189,719.394 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.82 percent
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    44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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    47°10'52.64"N, 23°3'11.59"E
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    45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E
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    45°10'39.22"N, 28°48'18.11"E
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    45°8'0.42"N, 23°50'38.51"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este dezvoltarea capacitatii Comitex si Asociatiei „Astrico Nord-Est” de a promova propuneri alternative privind politicile de calificare si ocupare, cu accent pe sectorul textil. Obiectivul general al proiectului contribuie la atingerea obiectivului specific al POCA si anume "Dezvoltarea și introducerea de sisteme și standarde comune în administrația publică ce optimizează procesele decizionale orientate către cetățeni și mediul de afaceri în concordanță cu SCAP" prin "Cresterea capacitatii ONG-urilor si partenerilor sociali de a formula politici publice alternative". Proiectul contribuie la imbunatatirea politicii publice in domeniul calificarii, ocuparii, cu accent pe sectorul textil, si la imbunatatirea legislatiei in domeniu prin faptul ca cei doi parteneri initiatori, Asociatia " Comitetul Sectorial din Ramura Textile, Confectii - COMITEX " si Asociatia "ASTRICO NORD-EST" SĂVINEŞTI, actori relevanti in sectorul textil din Romania, si-au propus implementarea unui mecanism prin care sa depisteze problemele cu care se confrunta sectorul, in speta din perspectiva standardelor ocupationale, si sa aduca o serie de propuneri si ameliorari in aceasta directie, mecanism acceptat mai departe de autoritatea publica centrala responsabila, respectiv Ministerul Muncii si Justitiei Sociale. Acest mecanism presupune implicarea reprezentantilor de ONG-uri si parteneri sociali, dar si ai autoritatilor si institutiilor publice, odata cu participarea lor la o serie de activitati, astfel: -Organizarea unui eveniment de demarare proiect -Organizarea unui schimb de experienta transnational -Realizarea unei analize diagnostic in ceea ce priveste reglementarile actuale in domeniul vizat de proiect -Dezvoltarea unui sistem informatic de tip consultativ menit sa colecteze opiniile la nivelul grupului tinta in domeniul vizat de proiect -Organizarea unui eveniment de diseminare/colectare de informatii si opinii in domeniul vizat de proiect -Elaborarea si publicarea unui ghid de masuri de ameliorare in domeniul vizat de proiect -Organizarea unui eveniment de diseminare rezultate obtinute in domeniul vizat de proiect Rezulta, asadar, din activitatile desfasurate, urmatoarea structura de politica publica: descrierea problemei, documente de politici publice şi acte normative privind problema de soluţionat şi identificarea şi evaluarea variantelor. De asemenea, vor fi precizate impactul social, economic si financiar si implicatiile bugetare ale fiecarei variante, unele posibile modificari legislative, precum si masurile de monitorizare, evaluare şi implementare a soluţiilor identificate, definirea rezultatelor politicii publice propuse si modul de cuantificare a acestora. Formularea propunerii de politica publica va respecta prevederile actelor normative in vigoare. Conform cadrului legal actual, formarea profesionala a adultilor este organizata in conformitate cu Ordonanta de Guvern 129/2000. Programele de formare profesiona (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to develop the capacity of Comitex and the Association “Astrico North-East” to promote alternative proposals on qualification and occupation policies, with a focus on the textile sector. The general objective of the project contributes to achieving the specific objective of POCA, namely “Development and introduction of common systems and standards in public administration that optimise decision-making processes oriented towards citizens and business environment in line with CAPS” by “Enhancing the capacity of NGOs and social partners to formulate alternative public policies”. The project contributes to the improvement of public policy in the field of qualification, occupation, with a focus on the textile sector, and to the improvement of legislation in the field by the fact that the two initiators, the Association “Sectoral Committee of Textiles, Confections – Comitex” and the Association “ASTRICO NORD-EST” Săvinești, relevant actors in the textile sector in Romania, have proposed to implement a mechanism to detect the problems faced by the sector, in this case from the perspective of occupational standards, and to bring a number of proposals and improvements in this direction, a mechanism accepted further by the responsible central public authority, namely the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice. This mechanism involves the involvement of representatives of NGOs and social partners, but also of public authorities and institutions, with their participation in a series of activities, as follows: —Organisation of a project start-up event – Organisation of a transnational experience exchange – Delivering a diagnostic analysis regarding the current regulations in the field of the project – Developing a consultative IT system designed to collect opinions at target group level in the field of the project – Organising an event for dissemination/collection of information and opinions in the field of the project – Developing and publishing a guide for improvement measures in the field of the project – Organisation of a dissemination event obtained in the field of the project Result, so, from the activities carried out, the following public policy structure: description of the problem, public policy documents and normative acts on the problem to solve and identify and evaluate variants. Also, the social, economic and financial impact and budgetary implications of each variant will be specified, some possible legislative changes, as well as the measures for monitoring, evaluation and implementation of the solutions identified, defining the results of the proposed public policy and how to quantify them. The formulation of the public policy proposal shall comply with the provisions of the normative acts in force. According to the current legal framework, the professional training of adults is organised in accordance with Government Ordinance 129/2000. Professional training programs (English)
    16 September 2021
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