Using innovative methods to stimulate the social economy at multi-regional level – “ASIST START-UP SOCIAL” (Q3097658): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 09:11, 17 September 2021
Project Q3097658 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Using innovative methods to stimulate the social economy at multi-regional level – “ASIST START-UP SOCIAL” |
Project Q3097658 in Romania |
11,580,227.7 Romanian Leu
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13,623,797.26 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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25 July 2019
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23 September 2022
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este de creare a unui ecosistem antreprenorial ce permite utilizarea de metode inovative si personalizate pentru stimularea economiei sociale, in vederea cresterii competentelor antreprenoriale sociale pentru persoanele care doresc sa infiinteze intreprinderi sociale si sprijinul acordat acestora pentru infiintarea, implementarea si monitorizarea unor noi intreprinderi sociale, la nivel multiregional, cu scopul cresterii gradului de ocupare a fortei de munca la nivel multiregional. Contributia la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului si modul in care proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung Proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv, atat pe termen scurt, dar mai ales pe termen lung, atat la nivelul grupului tinta, cat si la nivel local (la nivelul judetelor din regiunile de implementare) si la nivel regional (Regiunile Sud-Muntenia, Vest, Sud-Est, Centru, Sud-Vest Oltenia si Nord-Est) lung proiectul va produce efecte pozitive ca urmare a adaptarii activitatilor atat la specificul grupului tinta, cat si la specificul local si regional si a abordarii integrate a nevoilor membrilor sai. Primul efect pozitiv, scontat si generat pe termen lung, il reprezinta cresterea gradului de specializare a cel putin 112 persoane din Regiunile Sud-Muntenia, Vest, Sud-Est, Centru, Sud-Vest Oltenia si Nord-Est, prin stimularea, sprijinirea, dobandirea si certificarea competentelor, abilitatilor si a aptitudinilor antreprenoriale sociale, contribuind astfel la cresterea gradului de performanta, competenta si concurenta a persoanelor intreprinzatoare si a fortei de munca din domeniul economiei sociale, prin imbunatatirea competitivitatii si adaptabilitatii potentialilor antreprenori in economia sociala, in scopul cresterii competitivitatii economice si a unei dezvoltari durabile la nivel local si regional. Astfel, pe termen lung se va inregistra un efect pozitiv prin cresterea numarului de persoane specializate din cadrul pietei muncii, generand o forta de munca cu un grad ridicat de specializare, fiind transpus si intr-un exemplu de bune practici demn de urmat, putand fi ulterior, multiplicat cu usurinta astfel incat putem previziona o crestere a dorintei persoanelor de a se indrepta catre dezvoltarea si certificarea unor competente si aptitudini antreprenoriale sociale, favorizand dezvoltarea ocuparii pe cont propriu si a dezvoltarii mediului de afaceri, prin cultivarea si dezvoltarea unei importante culturi antreprenoriale sociale. Totodata prin structura prezentului proiect, implementat in Regiunile de dezvoltare Regiunile Sud-Muntenia, Vest, Sud-Est, Centru, Sud-Vest Oltenia si Nord-Est, se va asigura ca din totalul de 112 de persoane din GT care vor participa la cursurile de formare profesionala, peste 90% dintre cursanti vor beneficia de certificate de absolvire, recunoscute de ANC, fiind astfel generant un efect pe termen lung la nivel local, prin cresterea gradului de special (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem that allows the use of innovative and personalised methods to stimulate the social economy, in order to increase social entrepreneurial skills for people who want to set up social enterprises and their support for setting up, implementing and monitoring new social enterprises, at multi-regional level, in order to increase the employment rate at multiregional level. Contributing to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call and how the project will generate a positive long-term effect The project will generate a positive effect, both in the short term, but especially in the long term, both at target group level and at local level (at the level of the counties of the implementing regions) and at regional level (South-Muntenia, West, South-East, Center, South-West Oltenia and North-East) long-term projects will produce positive effects due to the adaptation of the activities both to the specifics of the target group and to the local and regional specificities and to the integrated approach of the needs of its members. The first positive effect, expected and generated in the long term, is to increase the degree of specialisation of at least 112 people from South-Muntenia, West, South-East, Center, South-West Oltenia and North-East regions, by stimulating, supporting, acquiring and certifying social entrepreneurial skills, skills and skills, thus contributing to increasing the level of performance, competence and competition of entrepreneurs and social economy workforce, by improving the competitiveness and adaptability of potential entrepreneurs in the social economy, in order to increase economic competitiveness and sustainable development at local and regional level. Thus, in the long term, there will be a positive effect by increasing the number of specialised people in the labour market, generating a highly specialised workforce, being translated into an example of good practices worth following, and can be easily multiplied so that we can predict an increase in people’s desire to move towards the development and certification of social entrepreneurial skills and skills, favoring the development of self-employment and business environment development, through the cultivation and development of an important social entrepreneurial culture. At the same time, through the structure of this project, implemented in the Development Regions South-Muntenia, West, South-East, Center, South-West Oltenia and North-East, it will ensure that out of the total of 112 people from GT participating in professional training courses, more than 90 % of the students will benefit from graduation certificates, recognised by the NCA, thus being a long-term effect at local level, by increasing the degree of speciality (English)
14 September 2021
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