Integrated actions for disadvantaged people in the territory of the LAG “Colinele Iasilor” (Q3097634): Difference between revisions

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Project Q3097634 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Integrated actions for disadvantaged people in the territory of the LAG “Colinele Iasilor”
Project Q3097634 in Romania


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    45°7'41.70"N, 24°9'5.90"E
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    Reducerea numărului de persoane aflate în risc de sărăcie și excluziune socială din comunitatea marginalizată din teritoriul acoperit de Strategia de Dezvoltare Locala GAL COLINELE IASILOR, prin implementarea de măsuri integrate. Teritorul acoperit de comunitatea marginalizata vizata de actiunea proiectului include 15 unitati administrative teritoriale din judetele Iasi – Comunele Bârnova, Ciurea, Dagâța, Drăgușeni, Grajduri, Ipatele, Mironeasa, Mogoșești, Scânteia, Șcheia, Tansa, Țibana, Țibănești, Voinești si DIN JUDETUL NEAMT- Comuna PANCESTI. La nivelul comunitatii marginalizate, peste 40% din gospodarii/familii sunt in risc de saracie si marginalizare sociala și inregistreaza o situatie dificila din punct de vedere ocupațional, al stării de sănătate, al condițiilor de locuit și au nevoie de sprijin pentru a depăși situația în care se află. Investigarea problemelor cu care se confrunta populatia din teritoriul acoperit de SDL GAL COLINELE IASILOR a fost realizata de partenerii proiectului in faza de documentare si fundamentare a interventiei propusa prin proiect. In cadrul demersurilor de investigare au fost solicitate, centralizate si analizate informatii relevante din teritoriu. In analiza au fost utilizate: - situatii statistice furnizate de UATurile din GAL referitor la nr si situatia grupurilor vulnerabile aflate in evidentele compartimentelor de asistenta sociala; - informatii si situatii statistice privitor la nevoile educationale furnizate de Scoala Gimnaziala Barnova - informatii furnizate de Asociatia Prietenii Barnovei, unitatile de cult din teritoriu privind nevoile si problemele cu care se confrunta persoanele varstnice, segment de populatie in crestere in contextul scaderii natalitatii si migratiei tinerilor catre mediul urban si/sau plecarea in strainatate; - informatii privind piata fortei de munca si gradul de ocupare la nivelul teritoriului, nevoile persoanelor adulte, someri si persoane neocupate, constrangerile si dificultatile cu care se confrunta, - surse documentare – Strategia de Dezvoltare Locala GAL COLINELE IASILOR, Strategia de dezvoltare locala 2014-2020 Comuna CIUREA, Altasul zonelor rurale marginalizate din Romania s.a. Principalele probleme cu care se confrunta populatia din comunitatea marginalizata sunt legate de: sărăcie – diverse nevoi sociale, lipsa accesului la servicii de baza, educație și abandon școlar/risc crescut de părăsire timpurie a școlii, ocupare și integrare pe piața muncii. Principalele categorii de persoane cele mai afectate de saracie sunt copii in situatii de dificultate (din familii monoparentale, cu parinti plecati in strainatate, familii dezavantajate socio-economic s.a.) persoanele apte de munca neocupate formal pe piata muncii (someri, persoane inactive), persoanele varstnice, persoane cu dizabilitati si/sau boli cronice care au nevoie de sprijin si ingrijire din partea membrilor familei/comunitatii. Problemele cu care se confrunta populatia din zona marginalizata se potențe (Romanian)
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    Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from the marginalised community in the territory covered by the Local Development Strategy LAG COLINELE Iasi, by implementing integrated measures. The territory covered by the marginalised community targeted by the project includes 15 territorial administrative units from Iasi counties – communes Bârnova, Ciurea, Dagâţa, Dragușeni, Grajduri, Ipatele, Mironeasa, Mogoşeşti, Scânteia, Șcheia, Tansa, Tibana, Tibăneşti, Voineşti and from NEAMT JUDET – Pancesti commune. At the level of the marginalised community, over 40 % of households/families are at risk of poverty and social marginalisation and register a difficult situation in terms of employment, health, housing conditions and need support to overcome their situation. The investigation of the problems faced by the population in the territory covered by SDL GAL COLINELE Iasi was carried out by the project partners in the phase of documentation and substantiation of the intervention proposed by the project. Relevant information from the territory was requested, centralised and analysed as part of the investigation. In the analysis were used: — statistical statements provided by the LAG’s ATUs regarding the number and situation of vulnerable groups in the evidence of social assistance departments; — information and statistical situations regarding the educational needs provided by the Barnova Secondary School – information provided by the Association of Friends of Barnova, religious units in the territory regarding the needs and problems faced by older people, growing population segment in the context of declining birth and migration of young people to the urban environment and/or leaving abroad; — information on the labour market and the employment rate in the territory, the needs of adults, unemployed and unoccupied people, the constraints and difficulties they face, – documentary sources – the Local Development Strategy GAL COLINELE Iasilor, the local development strategy 2014-2020 Common Ciurea, the Altasul of marginalised rural areas in Romania, etc. The main problems faced by the population in the marginalised community are related to: poverty – diverse social needs, lack of access to basic services, education and early school leaving/high risk of early school leaving, employment and labour market integration. The main categories of people most affected by poverty are children in difficulty situations (from single-parent families, with parents abroad, socio-economically disadvantaged families, etc.) persons able to work formally unoccupied on the labour market (somers, inactive persons), elderly people, people with disabilities and/or chronic diseases who need support and care from family/community members. The problems faced by the population in the marginalised area are potentiating (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Ciurea, Romania
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    Pânceşti, Romania
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    Ţibăneşti, Romania
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    Ţibana, Romania
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    Şcheia, Romania
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    Voineşti, Romania
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    Tansa, Romania
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    Scânteia, Romania
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    Mogoşeşti, Romania
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    Mironeasa, Romania
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    Ipatele, Romania
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    Grajduri, Romania
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    Draguşeni, Romania
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    Dagâţa, Romania
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    Bârnova, Romania
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