Development of a SERS-based nanoscreening platform – TFF for early detection and assessment of disease progression in breast cancer using blood samples – serenades (Q3099093): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Main objective of the project: Development of a nano-screening platform based on SERS-TFF technique with dual functionality: early detection and determination of the progression of breast cancer based on blood tests. The absolute novelty of this project is the completely different approach we propose in relation to the current breast cancer detection techniques used in clinical practice. The two primordial components of the proposed method are r...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
label / enlabel / en
Development of a SERS-based nanoscreening platform – TFF for early detection and assessment of disease progression in breast cancer using blood samples – serenades

Revision as of 11:01, 16 September 2021

Project Q3099093 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of a SERS-based nanoscreening platform – TFF for early detection and assessment of disease progression in breast cancer using blood samples – serenades
Project Q3099093 in Romania


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    7,272,710.612 Romanian Leu
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    1,454,542.1224 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    8,613,349.23 Romanian Leu
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    1,722,669.8460000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.84 percent
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    2 September 2016
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    1 September 2020
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    Principalul obiectiv al proiectului: Dezvoltarea unei platforme de nano-screening bazată pe tehnica SERS-TFF care să aibă o funcționalitate duală: detecția timpurie și determinarea evoluției cancerului de sân în baza unor analize de sânge. Noutatea absolută a acestui proiect o reprezintă abordarea complet diferită pe care o propunem în raport cu tehnicile actuale de detecție a cancerului de sân folosite în practica clinică. Cele două componente primordiale ale metodei propuse sunt reprezentate de spectroscopia Raman amplificată de suprafață (spectroscopie Raman ultrasenzitivă - SERS), capabilă să ofere informație spectroscopică specific moleculară, și filtrarea prin curgere tangențială (TFF) a probelor de sânge care vor fi analizate prin SERS. Pentru amplificarea semnalului Raman specific molecular al probelor de sânge filtrate, din care au fost eliminate entitățile "balast", vom utiliza nanoparticulele plasmonice de metal nobil capabile să amplifice semnalul Raman specific molecular al probelor de sânge prelevate de la pacienții diagnosticați cu cancer de sân în diverse stadii și de la subiecții sănătoși, care vor reprezenta lotul de referință. Spectrele SERS vor fi analizate chemometric și va fi dezvoltat un soft care să permită diferențierea între persoanele bolnave și cele sănătoase pe baza unor diferențe spectrale obținute prin analiza multivariată. Odată realizat acest obiectiv vom trece la faza a doua a proiectului în care vom încerca, folosind aceeași metodă, să detectăm rata de progresie a cancerului de sân. Pentru îndeplinirea acestor deziderate sunt propuse trei obiective majore: (Romanian)
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    Main objective of the project: Development of a nano-screening platform based on SERS-TFF technique with dual functionality: early detection and determination of the progression of breast cancer based on blood tests. The absolute novelty of this project is the completely different approach we propose in relation to the current breast cancer detection techniques used in clinical practice. The two primordial components of the proposed method are represented by surface amplified Raman spectroscopy (Extra Sensitive Raman Spectroscopy – SERS), capable of providing specific molecular spectroscopic information, and tangential flow filtration (TFF) of blood samples to be analysed by SERS. To amplify the specific molecular Raman signal of filtered blood samples, from which the “ballast” entities have been removed, we will use noble metal plasmonic nanoparticles capable of amplifying the specific molecular Raman signal of blood samples taken from patients diagnosed with breast cancer at various stages and from healthy subjects, which will represent the reference group. The SERS spectra will be analysed chemometrically and a software will be developed to allow differentiation between sick and healthy people based on spectral differences obtained through multivariate analysis. Once this goal is achieved, we will move to the second phase of the project where we will try, using the same method, to detect the rate of progression of breast cancer. Three major objectives are proposed to meet these goals: (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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